Are there any Ghost Hunters here?

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Are there any Ghost Hunters here?

Post by m00nshadow » Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:38 pm

I was just wondering if there was anybody in here that is either a Ghost Hunter, or interested in Ghost Hunting? I have been interested in it for a very long time.

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:48 pm

i am!!! been interested in it for awhile, i've done a few ghost huntings things on my own. i hope to one day start my own group or join one

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Post by m00nshadow » Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:00 pm

WhoseLineBabygirl wrote:i am!!! been interested in it for awhile, i've done a few ghost huntings things on my own. i hope to one day start my own group or join one
We are in the same boat. I have always been interested in it. But I have never done it. I live in a very rural area, and every time I find a group or think that I have found a group, I find that It has broke up. Now I would like to have my own group, but since I have never actually gone on a ghost hunt. I don't think now is the time to start one.  Maybe we could offer each other some tips.....

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Tue Jul 01, 2008 11:13 pm

everytime i try to find one they are not accepting any members, and apparently we have lots of them in Connecticut, or they will either contact me and pretend they are interesting in me and then never contact me back whenever i try to contact them. i made my own once and nobody wanted to join it and i think maybe i'll try again once i move. tips...hmm....even though the place maybe filled with nice spirits its always wise to go in with a protection shield around you just in case, when you leave the place make sure nothing follows you home and all you have you to really say is "whoever that i have contacted in this place please stay where you are, do not follow me home, you belong here!" say that a few times just so you make yourself clear. If you go in a cemetary and you see leaves, tree limbs, ect on grave markers clean it up a little, spirits like that and you will actually sense them thanking you. thats all the tips i got for ya

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Post by soul_flower » Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:58 am

I'm interested in ghost hunting,i have never done it though.....There is a paranormal group which is local and they do have meetings and go places....Was thinking i might join but right now with study and a child i have no time too.....I think that it would be cool and i am going to join a group as soon as i have spare time....Can't wait.

Tamara :o)

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Opera Lover
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Post by Opera Lover » Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:43 pm

Hello, I am  ghost hunter

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Post by soul_flower » Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:12 pm

Opera Lover - How are you finding it...Has there been any "bad/negative" experiences?

Tamara :o)

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Post by Sunnydaze » Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:22 am

I wouldn't say I am a ghost hunter, one who goes out and finds it but the interest does appeal to me. I am a believer that there is an after life and have had only a few experiences.

In the future I would love to be able to get out there and investigate on my own. I am currently trying to find sites that claim to be haunted so in the future I can travel to those locations.

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Post by severdsoul » Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:59 pm

Hi all , new here.
I have been involved in the study of ghost for a while now.
Have had the opportunity to go to several diffrent local locations and expreience some
odd and great moments first hand.
Currently i'm outa commission, I have a new born at home, and that and working,
just not enough time or money to do things.  
But i'm not out of the loop, I still have clients i work with online through my website.
(undergoing re-construction now, so not all things are working)
Right now i have a client that has had both photograph and evp results.
we are working on discovering who the spirit is and why they are there.
It is not a residual haunting, but a very inteligent spirit, which makes it very intersting.

I.E.   I advised her to try to get a better EVP by using white noise, gave her a few options,
her choice was a radio tuned off station so you just have static..
The evp we got was amazing..  after cleaning it up, you clearly hear the male voice ask
"how dose this darn music thing work"   So it was totaly aware that the radio was in the room.
There have been other  instances that just amaze me.

The website is not open to the public, to protect the privacy of the clients.
So there is nothing to look at or listen to for visitors.

But if you are interested in paranormal research, i would advise to do a lot of
reading and studying, get some basic equipment, and give it a try.
Start at a friends house, or at a public building or location, (with permission)
and get some experience and go from there.
The one thing i will tell you, is the more you learn, the more questions you have.
Its a field that keeps your brain thinking.

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Ghost Hunters

Post by MystikalGizmo » Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:19 am

Hello I'm a Ghost Hunter Myself for the last 3 years

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:36 pm

I've been doing it for over 20 years. My sister is one as well. We are both trained in this field.

Gentle Hugs,


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Post by Omnicron Solaris » Tue Oct 28, 2008 8:16 am

Im a paranormal researcher operating account of Asia.
It's really really difficult to investigate a residence because most people think that having a spirit in their house is a very very bad thing.. a little like talking about how crazy your mother and father and grandparents are.. but you feel just fine.
Big time stigma.
SO we usually talk to people about beinging new luck into there home and removeing the old.
That works better.
So my EMP dector is "luck field detector".. cute eh?

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Questions about ghost hunters

Post by forcemaster245 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:29 am

I've got some questions to ask. What do ghost hunters usually do? Track down ghosts, or banish them, or both? What type of skills does a ghost hunter need? Thanks so much!!!

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I've got my answer already

Post by forcemaster245 » Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:28 am

Ok, I did some research on the net already. Ghost hunters merely research ghosts, not banish them.

P.S. However, I wonder if there are any groups or individuals that really banish ghosts?

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Post by mom2ericha » Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:01 am

I'd love to be a ghost hunter! LOL I see orbs all the time, and have actually seen the shapes of spirits. I haven't ever had any "encounters" that are spectacularly interesting...saw the shape of a man walking in my friends house shortly after his dad died. I was in the dining room on the computer and thought he'd gotten up to check on me. I went looking and he was sleeping sound. I had definitely seen a man walk through the living toward the front door. His dad had recently passed away so it could have been him. I have seen things in that house even before then though so it could just be a spirit is attached to the house. LOL I watched Sylvia Browne one day and she said to try talking to the spirit, right? So I started trying to talk to this spirit in my boyfriends house. (This was long before his dad died). I was riding an exercise bike at the time, and was alone in the house. I was trying to send thoughts to the ghost and tell him or her it was ok to go toward the light, and that he was dead and had to go into the light and go to the other side. All of a sudden it felt like someone hit me in the chest and I almost fell off the bike. I felt like I was being smothered almost. I freaked out and that was the last time I tried talking to it! I figured it was trying to send me a message to mind my own business! I haven't felt threatened in any way since, although I have felt like there was something there with me. I figure it just wants to be left alone, and that is fine with me as long as it leaves ME alone! :D

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