Are there any Ghost Hunters here?

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Posts: 37
Joined: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:37 pm

Post by mom2ericha » Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:02 am

ghost hunters aren't ghost busters. LOL Nor are they exorcists!!!!

Posts: 37
Joined: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:37 pm

Post by mom2ericha » Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:07 pm

WhoseLineBabygirl wrote:everytime i try to find one they are not accepting any members, and apparently we have lots of them in Connecticut, or they will either contact me and pretend they are interesting in me and then never contact me back whenever i try to contact them. i made my own once and nobody wanted to join it and i think maybe i'll try again once i move. tips...hmm....even though the place maybe filled with nice spirits its always wise to go in with a protection shield around you just in case, when you leave the place make sure nothing follows you home and all you have you to really say is "whoever that i have contacted in this place please stay where you are, do not follow me home, you belong here!" say that a few times just so you make yourself clear. If you go in a cemetary and you see leaves, tree limbs, ect on grave markers clean it up a little, spirits like that and you will actually sense them thanking you. thats all the tips i got for ya
That is my fear, is that the spirits will attach themselves to me and follow me home!!!! I have enough spirits around me right now, I don't need more! Sometimes I feel like the ghost whisperer, LOL I wonder if because I can sense them or see the white orbs/etc. if I act as a magnet for them? I'm still learning about this stuff...

I am weird I guess, but I LOVE cemetaries, they are very calming for me. When I was in grade school, I went to a catholic school, and everyone thought I was super weird, because I use to take my lunch outside on nice days and sit under a tree and eat! I have always felt comfortable around the dead. They don't usually spook me, PUN INTENDED! LOL (I have a dry sense of humor haha)

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