My Ghost, My Lover

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My Ghost, My Lover

Post by annierose » Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:13 am

Many years ago, strange happenings entered my life.  The first I can remember is the feel of a hand on my shoulder.  When I turned around, no one was there.  I wasn't afraid, only curious.  The next time, I was reclining on my couch watching television and felt hands caressing my feet.  When I looked down, again, no one was there.  Still, I wasn't afraid, only curious.  Nothing happened after that for many months.  One night, as I turned over on my side to go to sleep, I felt my mattress move as if someone was sitting on it.  Nobody there.  This happened several times.  Two strange events happened next:  the first was one morning when I arose and went to the refrigerator to get a glass of milk.  It was warm inside (?) and I eventually found that the switch inside had been turned to the off position.  I was alone at the time and I certainly had not turned the refrigerator off.  When I turned the switch on, sparks flew out from underneath.  I called the repairman and before he left, he told me that it was a good thing I had turned it off because it would have caught fire during the night otherwise.  The second occurred while I was driving.  The car was new to me and I was not used to the power steering.  The car left the road on the right hand side.  As I overcorrected, I saw oncoming traffic headed straight for me.  Something pulled my hands off the steering wheel and corrected the direction so I was back in my own lane.
Again, nothing happened for several months. night I was awakened by a voice that said, "Give me your hand so you can feel me.  That way you will know that this is not a dream."  He took my hand and slowly moved it over his chest and down to his hips.  He then positioned himself over me and the rest is history.  I have been to psychics who told me to tell him to go away and that he should cross on over, but I refuse to do that.  I have been to many psychic sites looking for somebody who has also encountered this type of experience, but have found none.  Am I the only one who has a loving spirit? Or are the others just too afraid or ashamed to talk about it?

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Post by dhav » Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:54 pm

Do what you feel your heart wants to do.Only you will know if you have to let him go or not.For now you are not willing to let him go as anyone would someone who cares that much for her.but you cannot know what waits for you in future.

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Thanks for sharing....

Post by Shortyfrm » Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:28 pm

What a peaceful, wonderful story.....very descriptive and I enjoyed reading it very much though I have not experienced it...I sort of feel like I have thru your posting.

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Post by BloodyRose20 » Sat Jan 19, 2008 2:10 am

Well, I am not sure what you meant by that last part of 'the rest was history' so you mean you had sex with the spirit? I am not doubting you just curious lol. I did have a similar thing happen to me a few years back. I always wanted someone there for me to love me and whatnot, and I kind of got what I wanted. Though this one knew I liked my neck bit, and he did it often and alot. I was never spoken to, but I knew when I was being watched. The closest I ever got to mine was I was sleeping and as I was barely waking up I felt someone under my arm that I had lying over. It felt like someone really was there, but when I opened my eyes, no one was, but the bed where it felt like someone was, it was warm. Then my current man came into the picture, and I haven't seen or rather felt him since. So do not feel alone.

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follow your heart/head

Post by budman200236 » Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:33 am

As long as you don't feel as if you're in danger in any way do what your heart/head feels right to you.  But anything goes wrong or feels strange get out of it.

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Post by Sirius4979 » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:35 pm

I too also have a spirit that loved me, she seems confuse, but I felt she knew me as someone she use to love.

One night I woke up and saw her laying beside me on my bed, she was holding my right hand.
And during the night, I would wake up in the middle of 2am, and I would hear a woman voice saying, "hey"

Another night, she held my left hand, and wanted to lift me up.

So one day I meditated and ask who she is, and I got the word "soulmate".
I was surprise to hear this.

But still I get a wrong feeling that she should be here.  
Each night, I would end up waking up in the middle of the night. 2am, 4am, 5am, it got to the point where I needed to be rested.

You need to let that lover spirit go, as long as they are earthbound to you, good or bad, just being around you , they will drain your energy.  You'll end up waking up and having less sleep.  You'll wake up restless and with little energy.  You have to tell them to go into the light.

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re my ghost my lover

Post by tarottart » Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:42 am

Just be very careful, as the time may come when you reject this, and it can turn to astral rape and be very heavy.


Post by Tyrinaniel » Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:04 am

I got the same feeling that I see the others received also.  It seems very sweet and caring at first, though it will end up draining you.  They can't seem to let go of this world just yet, and you seem bright to him.  I just have a bad gut feeling about him.  Spirits like him tend to want to stir you up.  I've had it myself, though not as direct as you.  It can be draining even with as in direct as I've felt.  He needs to move on, but he doesn't want to.  Keep yourself protected while talking with him.

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Post by Diya » Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:50 pm

suppose one day u fall in love with someone,i mean a real person, the spirit will not let u live in peace. it will create problems between u and ur won't be easy for you to get rid of may get to astral rape. i agree completely that he drains your energy. if not now ,with time you'll realise it. i'm not really sure maybe u r alone (not into any relationship) that's why he is here to neutralize the excess energy in u. u only will know what's best for u!!

by the way does anyone know how to tell him,the spirit, to go for ever??

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Post by Rising_Sun » Sat May 10, 2008 2:47 pm

Diya wrote: by the way does anyone know how to tell him,the spirit, to go for ever??
an exorcism?

I haven't experienced anything like that but it did happen to a friend of mine. This is the girl who used to be my best friend a couple of years ago and whose brother told us the bloody mary story. It happens that we used to use the ouija board at times, partly because her house was truly haunted and partly because we were curious adolescents. So one time during a ouija session a spirit came and told us he was in love with my friend (it wasn't a surprise to the rest of all for my friend was/is a really attractive girl with a super cool personality, she had 3 guys fighting for her love at the time). The spirit claimed that he was always protecting and looking after my friend, he would also say that he died just a few years ago and that he was a neighbor of my friend before he died. he even said that he liked my friend when he was alive! i dunno how my friend felt about this, i know that it freaked her out a bit but she was used to it. i guess it was somehow comforting to have a good spirit protecting her among all the spirits living in her house. She got into a serious relationship and recently had a daughter. She is very happy now for what i can tell.

To the original poster; I don't know if it's a good idea to have a spirit that's in love with you. You sure have to be careful for there are demons and evil spirits that suck all your energy by having sexual intercourse with you. It doesn't seem your case -since you mentioned the spirit protects you and saved you from fatal incidents- but just be alert. I wouldn't normally recommend the use of the ouija board to anyone, but it may be helpful in order to get more information of this entity, if you decide to do it try not to be alone. 3 persons is a good number to use the ouija board.

I've made a search about incubus and succubus and I'm posting what I found.


INCUBUS - A spirit or demon thought in medieval times to lie on sleeping persons, especially women, with whom it sought sexual intercourse.

SUCCUBUS - In folklore, a female demon thought to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men.


An incubus (plural incubi) is a demon in male form supposed to lie upon sleepers, especially women, in order to have sexual intercourse with them. It was believed to do this in order to spawn other incubi. The incubus drains energy from the woman on whom it performs sexual intercourse in order to sustain itself,[citation needed] and some sources indicate that it may be identified by its unnaturally cold penis.[1] Religious tradition holds that repeated intercourse with such a spirit by either males or females (the female version of the incubus is called a succubus) may result in the deterioration of health, or even death.

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Post by Jojo09 » Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:17 pm


I am going back to when I was a teenager me and some friends at the time found an old ouji board in one of the sheds at the back of my Masionette, 1 of the girls took it back to her house and said to meet up later to try it out, we was all gullible at the time, as teenagers usually are, I was very unsure about doing it, but did join in for the fear of riducule.

One of us asked it questions and the answers started to creep us all out, I had a very bad feeling about the whole situation and took my hand off the glass we was using, then all of sudden the glass flow of the board and landed on the floor, but surprisingly it didn't break.

One of my friends threw the glass out of the window onto the field at the back of her house and then we dumbed the ouji board in a tip. about a week later I was in my bedroom and I heard a girl screaming from a long distance away, the next couple of days I heard that a girl was attacked by a guy on the path near the field, he was discribed to be tall with dark hair and a long black coat, the girl was scratched on her chest as if he had long nails and he ran off up the road, she was lucky he got away.

Never heard anything for years after about this guy, then when I was about 20yrs old, I moved into a Flat/Apartment with my B/f at the time nowhere near where I used to live but not far from a field, are relationship was very volitile always arguing and fighting etc, He went to work and left me in bed this one morning, I heard footsteps and noises but didn't think much of it, so I was lay in bed I started to come round when I heard the sound of deep breathing in my bedroom, it was getting louder and louder I tried to close my eyes again thinking I was dreaming, but I couldn't possibly out of fear, then I felt something ontop of me, I could hear the breathing infront of me but not able to feel it, I felt paralized all over my body I could not move at all, but I kept my eyes open all the time, so I knew I was awake and not dreaming it.

I was like this for a while it was like a slab of concrete was on my body, but felt it more on my chest which made it difficult for me to get my breath I will never forget that experience ever, I think about it from time to time, but I have never had it happen to me again.

Later found out that one of my b/f's friends saw a figure behind him in the bathroom, when he was using the toilet, he come out as white as a sheet, I thought my flat was haunted, I wasn't there very long just over a year, then me and my b/f split up and I moved out.

I have always felt that something as followed me over the years, like a Dark presence I even see dark shadows in my bedroom when it starts to get dark.

I have wondered over the years if that might have been the reason why so many of my relationships with guys never worked out. I am now happily married, but I still see the Dark Shadow in my room from time to time.

Seen what I have read and what I have read over the years, I have always thought it to be a Incubus attack or that it might have been a spirit trying to have sex with me.

I have other strange phenomena happen to me too, mostly with houses/flats... but thats another story.

Brightest Blessings to all

Jojo x

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Post by amar55in » Fri May 08, 2009 3:17 pm

You are playing with fire, go see an excorcist.

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