Spirit Boards

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Spirit Boards

Post by Nocturnica » Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:36 am

I am new here and was wondering if there is such a thing as a spirit board for one person?  All of them that I have heard of recommend not using alone.  But I am single, live alone, and don't know anyone that lives around here.  I would love to have a spirit board, and was wondering if any are made especially for one person?

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spirit boards

Post by mom2ericha60 » Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:32 am

I am going to say this, because I'm emphatic about it. Don't mess with something if you don't know anything about it. it isn't a toy. I was playing with a ouiji board when I was about 14, my mom was there, and she was playing around with me telling me it was my grandfather. Well I had a feeling she was pushing the thing about and mom said I had to get ready for school the next day. I took my hands off it, and mom only had one long, long nail on it that she was trying to grow out, to see how long it would get before it broke off. I thought fleetingly of saying "goodbye gramps" because I was sure mom was doing it and wanted to be sarcastic. Before I could say anything it spelled out "goodNIGHT not GOODBYE!" I freaked out! I threw it out that very night and have never touched another again! This is the truth, so help me GOD, and I don't make such vows lightly!

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Caution in delving with the unknown!

Post by Celestial » Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:59 pm

Nocturnica, I am in complete agreement with mom2ericha60 on this! My best advise is to not mess with things like these! There are far too many opportunistic elements and spirits at play that may not be there for your highest and best good or for all those concerned. Therefore, when messing around with items like these, one must know that there have been histories of people who severely wished they had not tangled with the elements in such boards. Again, imho, it is best to not get involved with them.

There are far more interesting things for a single person to do like reading, writing, purchasing a DVD on your favorite subject to watch, friendly fellowship with benevolent people of like mind who are fully supportive, kind, and loving to one another, etc. rather than to engage in something like boards with such dark streaks and connotation that you may never quite know what you are getting yourself into.

May you be guided by God in all that you do!

Before I conclude, I will send out ♥ and great wishes for a beautiful day to you!

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