Maybe someone could shed some light on this for me???

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Maybe someone could shed some light on this for me???

Post by 4everakid » Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:15 pm

First off, I am really stoked to have found this place, as hopefully it could shed some light on a couple of things for me.

These events relate to my now distant and not so distant  past.  The first, around 14 years ago, and the other over 20 years ago.

The first occured when I was around 17 years old.  I use to sleep in the basement bedroom of my home.  Next bedrooms were 3 levels up.  Now this is a tad embarracing, but for the sake of answers I will share.  

I woke up in the middle of the night one night to hear balls rocking back and forth.  If you could imagine a tennis ball container, imagine a quarter of it filled with marbles and someone was rocking the container.  The sound kept approaching and leaving me.  It would grow louder and softer.   Being prone to nightmares I thought I was sleeping, so I just did as anyone would do and covered my blankets over my head forcing myself to return to sleep.  (thinking I was in a wake up style dream)  Due to my anxiety, my heart rate was through the roof, it became so loud that I could not, no matter what return to sleep and the sound just kept approaching and leaving.  I started to yell (well sort of, not out of control) 'hello' thinking by some miracle, there would be a person there playing a joke on me at 3am.  Of course, no answer, only the balls.  Then I heard my dog walking around my bed.  The floor is carpet, so it was always easy to hear the sound of my dogs steps, also I heard her doing that thing dogs do when they sort of lick (it is that thing when they wake up and constantly smack).  I started calling out to her...usually, with that she would feel free to jump on the bed.  She did not.  I kept calling louder and she still did not jump.  Although petrified of what I might see (or not), I made the decision to 'suck it up' turn on my light.  Upon doing so, I immediately shot out of bed, did a quick balls, no tube, no dog.

Running out of my room, I saw my dog, out cold (sleeping) at the foot of the stairs.  That was enough.  I shot up three flights of stairs like a frightened child and wildly pounded on my parents door.  Waking them and then running to the bathroom (whenever I get anxious I have to pee  :smt009 ).  

My mom found me on the 'can' crying and shaking uncontrollably.....immediately the response what to what form of pharmaceuticals I had to have been on....(side note, at no time before or during that time of my life had I ever 'tried' pharmaceuticals)

Then end result was a 17 year old girl sleeping with her mom, and dad sleeping on the couch downstairs (which he later admited the whole thing really freaked him out).  

Never found out what happened...but the next day, of course I searched the house for the sound.  For some, completely unknown reason, in the level above my room, tucked away in the corner was one of those walking ball machines that we had as kids in the 70's.   On the bottom is a dome with balls inside, that a kid pushes and something in the middle makes the balls go pop while walking.  Don't know why it was there, I had never seen that since childhood (it was one of our old toys).  

#2:  More of a question

I use to see as a kid, a kind of shadow behind my bedroom dresser.  A dark figure with a top hat and maybe (can't remember exactly) a cape.  On one sleepover, my best friend had also seen the same figure, we were both too scared and only talked about it the next day.  I have searched the internet and found some, but not really any descriptive stuff about this.  Does anyone have any thoughts?

Would love to hear some insight into either of these instances.  As a psych. /bio major in Uni.  I tend to look at this from a rational perspective.  But I know in my heart, many of the things that I have experienced are beyond pure science and psychology.  I know I have the desire to learn inside of me, always ask if this is in some way bringing about manifestations, but never really delve quite deep enough (I easily get distracted).  So any insight would be greatly appreciate!! :)

Sunshine and Smiles


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Post by Cerridwen » Tue Jan 16, 2007 4:05 pm

I am definitely not saying nothing happened, but I do notice you pointed out that the dog was asleep when you finally got up.  In my personal experience animals are usually aware of paranormal happenings even before we (humans) are.  Perhaps your dog was comfortable with whoever was there?  

Second topic:  My husband and I had a similar experience in our home not too long ago (last year).  I'm not sure we saw a tophat, but definitely the shadowy figure with a cape.  It even seemed to do a swirl thing before it vanished (not a better word since it was just gone).  We sort of thought it was a residual since it seemed to have clothing from the past.  Not sure.

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Intereresting point

Post by 4everakid » Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:01 pm

Hey Cerridwen :)

Thanks for your reply.  I like the point about the dog, it is quite interesting.  You know, I never thought of that before, as you usually hear of animals being the first ones to notice something different.  Plus, thinking that it was someone they were familiar with makes it a little more comforting.   That whole episode has always givin me the creeps.

Furthermore, the tophat shadow as well.  That one is just strange.  
Anyway, would like to hear more of your shadow story.  

Sunshine & Smiles,

4everakid :)

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Post by jallious » Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:06 pm

Cool experiences. I would have been freaked out too with the first one. Did you check for...wet spots on the carpet, where the whatever it might have been...might have been licking?

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Post by 4everakid » Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:19 pm

Hey Jallious....I can't even tell you how fast I was up the 3 flights of stairs...maybe 5 stairs to one leap...:)  I don't know, but it did not take me for checking things out, there was NOTHING getting me back down to that room.   I even slept upstairs in my old bedroom after that.  I was WAY to freaked.  

I do sleep down there now whenever I return home and no problems.  Only the one time.  ...well thats not true, but never to the same extreme as that night.  

Although your point is interesting....but at that time, and until you having mentioned it, I had never even thought of that.  

Maybe next time (knock on wood for no next time...:) ) maybe I would be more inquisitive...:)

Cheers, Sunshine and Smiles

4everakid :)

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Post by jallious » Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:21 pm

Aliens.... o.O

Sure you weren't probed without you knowing? haha

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Post by narf » Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:44 am

i guess this is kind of obvious, and maybe a little difficult since these things happened so long ago, but is there any way you could look up or find out about the history of these dwellings. you may find out something interesting if nothing else.
i would have been totally freaked out. ive experienced a few little random things in my time and theyve always gotten my heart rate going.
there is no way i would have slept in that room agian either.
hope you find some answers

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