Haunted Houses

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Haunted Houses

Post by swetha » Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:29 pm

Have you ever been to a haunted house? or do you believe your house has ever been haunted ?? is it in positive or the negative sense? I have come across 2-3 such places, where people refuse to go near these places!! Maybe we were kids then, and it didnt make much sense to us.. but maybe i think there may be more to it than just stories?

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Post by sno » Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:35 pm

I used to live in a townhouse and there was an unfinished room on the top floor and nobody knew why it was unfinished. I don't know either, but I do know that when I would walk in there, I felt like I was being watched and that there was something in the room with me. I hated that room. I hated it when my mum would ask me to go get her something out of there.

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Post by swetha » Sun Mar 05, 2006 8:47 pm

hmmm..u think there was some presence there?

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Post by candlea » Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:13 am

there are a couple of those houses here where i live, one you just drive onto the drive way and you can feel the negative energy, There is a trailer on a piece of property that ppl move there having a good relationship and all of a sudden they are fighting and bickering and having bad luck, you go there and your hair stands on end. Wonder what could happen there to have so much negative energy.

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Post by Samson » Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:23 pm

I moved into a house some years back with my wife at the time which I believe was haunted, how I come to see it as that was on the very first night we moved in, my wife went to bed and I stayed up to watch some T/V, as I sat there it felt like there was something behind me I just shrugged it off I thought nothing more of it, but what did get my attention was when whatever it was stood on the ball of packing tape and made it flat, now that really spooked me, I calmly got up and went into the bedroom and woke my wife up and told her that we can't stay here we have to get out, but all she could say was that I was just tired and come to bed which I did, my wife got up early to do the dishes from the night before as I was still in bed my wife came into the bedroom as white as a sheet, I asked her what's the matter did you see a spider, she looked at me and said were moving, I ask her why what happened and she told me, I'll explain what the kitchen looked like, it was no more than a 3 x 3 metre room with a widow at one end and a door on the other, my wife said while she was doing the dishes there was a strong gust of wind that blew through the kitchen that made her really cold but what really scared the hell out of her was the fact that the door and windows were closed. We moved out that day.

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Post by Kelcie » Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:22 pm

Yes some of the little critters can be cheeky like that.  The ones I have encountered have never had evil intentions though but they love to have fun and see if they can scare you or your visitors... or make you think you are absent minded by moving stuff.

I remember one day we were at my older sisters.  They had already warned us they had overstayers and usually they would come and make heaps of ruckus.  Well they were turning lights on and off slamming cupboard doors and it only made us laugh.  The more we laughed the angrier they got.  In the end they gave up.  

There are those though that do not give up and can disturb a peaceful sleep.  Then you just send them on their merry way.

Sometimes a house that appears haunted is not haunted but it has residual energy from previous occupants.  Depending on how strong the energy of the previous occupant/s was/were it can linger for a while but really have no substance if you know what I mean.  Just like when you walk in to a room when someone has been arguing.  The energy is thick like you can cut it with a knife and make a sandwich out of it.  Same sort of thing with residual energy.

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Re: Haunted Houses

Post by narf » Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:59 am

[quote="swetha"]Have you ever been to a haunted house? or do you believe your house  has ever been haunted ?? is it in positive or the negative sense? I have come across 2-3 such places, where people refuse to go near these places!! Maybe we were kids then, and it didnt make much sense to us.. but maybe i think there may be more to it than just stories?[/quote]
hey swetha,
the last house i lived in was totally haunted.
i managed in the end to find out an old lady lived and died there on the day we moved out.
i guess your standed random things happened. noises on other rooms, depressions on my sons cot, feeling something grab my ankle in bed(that one kinda freaked me out a bit)
one time my two girlfriends came over to cut my hair and were having an argument about what they were going to do when suddenly a stack of magazine type books lands on the floor just next to my feet. my freind mel who had a sense for these kind of things was like 'ok ...we'll shut up'
ive also been in a few haunted places so if you want to hear any more strories ive got a few to share.
take care

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Post by ghostlyknight » Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:25 pm

The house I just moved into seems to have paranormal activity. It is an attatched house and the neighbors told us that both sides were haunted. I have been living here for a year and a half and have not seen anything,But strange things do occur. Footsteps in the upstairs bedrooms, doors locking by themselves, people talking, etc. The old haunted house stuff. My daughter told us that she seen a lady walking in the hallway and did not know her awhile back. I am still investigating the occurances and trying to get some answers, if there are any.
Last edited by ghostlyknight on Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by narf » Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:57 am

[quote="ghostlyknight"]The house I just moved into seems to have paranormal activity. It is an attatched house and the neighbors told us that both sides were haunted. I have been living here for a year and a half and have not seen anything,But strange things do occur. Footsteps in the upstairs bedrooms, doors locking by themselves, people talking, etc. The old haunted house stuff. My daughter told us that she seen a lady walking in the hallway and did not know her awhile back. I am still investigating the occurances and trying to get some answeres, if ther are any.[/quote]
hi ghostlyknight,
do you ever feel anything inside your house. like someones standing next to or behind you? back in my old placeas soon as we walked into the house we new, but you can usually tell if theres negative issues or not. my partners brother once saw a white figure in the hallway coming out of our bedroom once but never saw anything. i always felt stuff though.

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Post by ghostlyknight » Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:24 am

Hi Narf,

   Yes, a few times I have felt uneasy,like someone was in the house with me. But it was not a bad feeling. Funny, I just remembered that about a week ago I went to close my bedroom door, it felt like something held the door open so I could not close it. I told my wife and she said it was my imagination, but it wasn't. There was nothing blocking the door from closing. The hunt is on. LOL

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Post by narf » Sat Jan 27, 2007 8:19 am

[quote="ghostlyknight"]Hi Narf,

   Yes, a few times I have felt uneasy,like someone was in the house with me. But it was not a bad feeling. Funny, I just remembered that about a week ago I went to close my bedroom door, it felt like something held the door open so I could not close it. I told my wife and she said it was my imagination, but it wasn't. There was nothing blocking the door from closing. The hunt is on. LOL[/quote
hey ghostlyknight,
its funny how you can feel stuff and detect the inherent negativity or not. the last time i went house hunting we looked in about thirty or so houses before we found a place.anyway towards the end we would step inside and instantly know. a couple of places, one step in one step out, there was one place we just looked at from the front(in our car with keys in hand) and didnt even bother getting out. sometimes you can also tell or feel just lonliness, or sadness but no real negativity towards you.i must admit by the time we finally found a place i was exhausted from going into all of these 'cursed'(as we would joke) houses.
it can actually be quite draining if your too sensitive to it.
anyway good luck with the hunt!(he..he)

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My grand mothers house...

Post by Sandy » Sat Jan 27, 2007 5:01 pm

Hey youall,
My grandmother (i call her mamie) had this 3 storey house in Montréal. My great grand parents, my grand parents and mother lived there... They all died there (exept for my mother). My great grandparents were even exposed in that house... Anyways, my mamie died on my 16 th birthday (god bless her) in the house... So since she died there, there was police procedures that needed to be taken. She died half in her living room and half in the hall way ( her body was found that way).
Only 3 people knew exactly were and how the body was placed ( the 2 police man and my father). Everyone that went in that house unconsciously stepped over the body even if it wasn't there anymore...

Secondly, my mother and I went throught the closets to empty them and everytime we took a break and went out side, when we came back, its as if we never started. meening we were sure we put certain things into boxes but they were back in the closet as if we never touched them!!

Third, A plomber and electrician came one by one to check out the things in the basements so my father showed they the way. Both of them came back up stairs frighten as if they saw a ghost... They both asked my father to accompany them down stairs because they said they felt as they were being watched...

Fourth,My grandfather smoked cigares, he died 7 years back, everyone saw the smoke and smelled the cigare in the house... We were spooked!

Fifth, When the carpenters came to readoo the house, (it was the old type of material wall paper) they started to rip it out and they got locked in the rooms!!! You absolutely needed the keys to lock the doors!!! They didn't have the keys! This old smell invaded the house... Until they took everything down those weird things happened...

Today it is a calm and very nice house... I guess in was the familly that didn't want to leave yet, but they found a new house, MY PARENTS!!!!

I don't know if it's the unfinished buisness or if someone in the familly didn't forgive them for any reason what so ever, but one thing is sure, since then my father became a firm believer at my 16th birthday...

Haunted or visitors...



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Post by ghostlyknight » Sun Jan 28, 2007 12:39 am

Hi Sandy,

That is some experience you had. When they die, they really never go away. You stated that your mother has paranormal activity now? Do you think it is your family or strangers haunting her house? Maybe you should try a little para investigating on your own. All you need is a good camera, cassett tape recorder and alot of nerve and your set to go. Ask all the right questions and don't say anthing to piss them off and you should be OK. Don't do it by yourself. Have someone with you in case or just as a witness to the activity, if any. If you want to, there are many para groups that do investigations for free. Just check out your area. Let me know whats going on, if you don't mind, OK.

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