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Post by swetha » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:03 am

are UFO sightings really true?
has anyone seen one actually? :smt017

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Post by virinchi » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:05 am

this is normal ::)) many have seen and filmed it

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Post by swetha » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:07 am

what r they?

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Who spacecraft UFO's are. . .

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:33 pm

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Post by Catwoman148 » Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:38 am

I saw my first UFO when I was about eight years old. They spoke about bad things in store for me. I went through an abduction by someone telling me that they were from space, and that I had vibrated too high, and I had to be taught. He was the Nordic type. A needle came out of his right foot, and went into me. Can you explain what type of Star Person this was? I have other questions too. I have thought about this for twenty-four years. Any light on the situation would help. He taught me about the bad UFO's and the good UFO's, and how to recognize them, and what our future would bring because of them. Thanks.

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Post by Acid09 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:21 pm

I kinda like Florida's reply there. I don't know about galactic federations or alien empires but the idea that the human race is not only being visited but manipulated by aliens, I think, is valid. For all of human history there have been myths and interpritations of beings from the sky entering dreams or taking people away to places in the sky on flaming chariots, or beams of light. Even cave paintings of early man depict images eerily similar to the typical "gray" alien of pop culture. UFO sightings didn't start in WW2. We just associated these UFOs with some sort of air craft instead of a mythic being. Since we really don't know the depth of our reality we can't know that some interstellar race, or even interdimentional race, can't reach us and contact us or even alter our race. Personally I wouldn't through the idea of aliens out the window. Its a big universe out there. Maybe we should turn our attention to the sky?

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Post by dawn » Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:09 am

It could well be that the large Eagle that can only walk which lives in the big white house does not want to admit that there are aliens because then he would have to share all those tricks, gadgets, geegaws, and gimcracks with the rest of the world then nobody would buy gasoline anymore then the big bad people who really rule this planet would get very mad because they could not pillage and steal from us like they have been doing for the last 50 years.

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Post by Dj I.C.U. » Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:16 pm

I saw online once a UFO it was when I was 8 years old that's way I don't believe now that was really an UFO,even if then I was certain of that.

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Re: UFOs???

Post by dawn » Wed Mar 15, 2006 7:00 am

swetha wrote:are UFO sightings really true?
has anyone seen one actually? :smt017

most of the time people take ufo meaning totally worng. UFO is a term used in air force. it means any object flying in any countries air space without identifing it self so that plane is called UFO.

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Post by johncbdg » Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:21 am

Seen alot ufos got some footage of them
this aug 28  2006 footage is over 2mins watch the plane come in to view as this ufo flys over village.

Another one from 2002

And one 29/10/2006 this object is hovering above village.


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Re: UFOs???

Post by narf » Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:35 am

[quote="swetha"]are UFO sightings really true?
has anyone seen one actually? :smt017
hey swetha,
ive seen something kinda strange that ive never really been able to explain.
i was in outback Victoria, Australia, working on a fairly remote market garden farm. the closest telephone was about five kms away. the closest general store 30km away.
one night i needed to call my mum so i took the dog and my then boyfriends car and set off.
the sun was just setting and by the time i got to the phone box there was a group of guys using the phone. being young, female, on my own and in the middle of nowhere i decided to forgo the phone call and head back.
the road back was straight. on one side was nothing (unused farmland:dirt)on the right was a vineyard. behind the vineyard you could see a line of trees as theres a pretty big river (The Murry) which line it.
so im driving along nicely when a big flash of light bursts on my right.  in the first two quick looks i got (as i was driving at 100km p/h and got a little bit of a fright)i first thought it was a fire or a big red light in the vineyard, i managed to control my stearing so i could get a better look. what i saw was this fairly large red light travelling just above the trees at the same speed as me.
at this point i really started freaking out, the more i looked at it the more frightened i got to the point my breathing became an issue.
i decided to look at the road,calm myself down with some positive empowering self talk, and once calm looked out the window to get a better look.
almost immediately the red light(which was still travelling at the same speed as me)lowered down behind the trees (of which i could still see the redness through)and then went out .
all of this happened pretty quickly.
i got back to the farm raced inside and as soon as my boyfriend saw me hes like 'whats wrong your as white as a ghost'
at this point i burst into tears grabbed a cigarette and told him the whole story which is pretty much the same as what i have just told you.
i have told a few people of this, close friends ,my mum, and i always feel strange telling it. like when i say the words it dosent sound real. ive always wished there was someone else with me in the car other than garth(loyal canine friend)just so i could have someone verify it with me but oh well.
so yeah...there you go....random shit hey
i guess ive thought of it as a ufo but to me its just a big red light that i saw in the middle of nowhere.
hope you found this interesting it has certainly kept me guessing.

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Post by maplewoman » Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:17 am

I have seen an object falling from the sky, like a comet, from the road next to the Toowong cemetry in Brisbane. It fell right behind the city lights, my friend saw it too. If that was space junk it did not burn up before hitting the earth and no warnings were issued to those who lived there. I did not here anything on the radio/ tv papers about it after either. A few weeks later I attended an E. T. meeting at a psychics house where we had dinner and talks. I thought it was all crap and did not take much notice until right at the end when this young girl walked past me on the couch and looked at me/ thru me. She had very long black hair, large black eyes, very tall and thin, tiny lips, white with no skin pigmentation and this erie feel. I shit myself after I realized I was not breathing. A minute later my parents arrived to pick me up. I was glad to go home. The man i went there with told me the next day that the men in black turned up after I left and stood in the doorway to let there presence be known and then disappeared. That scared him. His parents claimed to be abductees and their stories were amazing.

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Post by narf » Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:37 am

thats really full on.

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Post by starmaster » Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:18 am

I know that UFOS are real I have had several Ufo Sightings.

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UFO Real?

Post by vjm530 » Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:24 pm

How can we be so arrogant to say (especially the US) we are 'it'? "There couldn't possibly be other beings out there." The possibilities are endless and the scientific community is believing it more and more. The signs are obvious globally. Most civilized nations on this planet (except the US) believe beyond a doubt and are spending tons of money expanding on the possibility of contact rather than war. It could possibly save the planet from the disastrous direction we are heading. I think that many of the crop circle sightings have been trying to tell us of what is coming. The problem has been deciphering or translating what they mean. We are such an arrogant society that does not want to believe in UFO's because of the fear that 'they' make take over the planet and rule. The US government couldn't have that happen because it would diminish the authority and dominance we have been pursuing over many government administrations. The idea of Global peace and existence does not enter the mentality equation because there's no money in it. Let's face it, that's the bottom line. Do UFO's exist? You betcha and I think we going to make some sort of contact very soon whether we like it or not and I also believe the best advice would be . . . we better listen to what they/it have to say. :smt004

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