People with paranormal abilities feel other people with paranormal abilities, or its just me?

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Post by creeping_insanity » Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:26 am

Yes, I think that people with the same abilities give off an arua (can't spell) that lets you know. Its like you are instantly interested in eachother.

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Post by Amon » Fri Dec 29, 2006 5:11 pm

yes, thats true....   i can feel a paranormal person from a big distance, ex: i was talking over the internet with a person from italy.... after some hours i asked him if he has paranormal abilities, he said yes :) incredibel

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Post by creeping_insanity » Fri Dec 29, 2006 6:24 pm

Things like that have happened to me. I have mad some of the best friends by that attraction. i med one of my best friends in the girls bathroom at school because we instantly knew that we were witches. It was cool

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Post by rabbyt » Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:19 am

hmm...not quite sure.  I suppose for someone who possessed extra-sensory abilities, it would make sense (for instance, telepathy...maybe even empathy).

To comment on Creeping-insanity's post...that does bring something into mind that I had previously forgotten.  My college roommate can change his body temperature and project his pheromones at will.  When he was younger, one of his classmates told him she was a witch, and chose him as a partner in class because she sensed something special about him.  Hmm...kinda makes you wonder...

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Post by rabbyt » Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:22 am

To comment on another of your comments..hehe...I was wondering if there was a way to better pick up that aura.  Speaking from a scientific level, I wonder if its a chemical that the body gives off, or possibly a "magnetic field" that the brain emitts, much like certain studies have shown evidence for.  If that is the case, I wonder if there is a way to train my mind to pick these up, or if it would be more of an automatic response (btw, I'm an empath.)

If you have any thoughts or insight, please let me know.

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Post by silentdragon10 » Sat Nov 10, 2007 4:32 am

Sometimes things move by itself when I'm around. I can't control it. Sometimes I just suddenly look in a direction and stuff fell off or doors slam. Does it mean I have paranormal abilities? Please let me know if you know something.
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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sat Nov 10, 2007 4:43 am

I don't move things anymore.. I think that I was too young when it started to happen and scared me too much... but Yes I used to do that too... I also rarely lose something... I just have to think about it really hard and then look someplace odd... like in a shoe or the freezer or something and it will be there... *smile* I don't put things in the freezer... okay there was once... but it was a plate that I meant to put in the fridge... *giggles* I was distracted when I was putting it up... But as to the original topic, I can usually tell after meeting someone, or talking to them for a few minutes...*shrug*

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Post by rabbyt » Sun Nov 11, 2007 8:46 pm

When did you notice this happening?  Is it just a random thing that falls or doors slam?  Are there any windows open when these things occur?  How often does this occur?  Do you feel anything when these things are happening?

Sometimes our minds play tricks on us.  If we see something happen and we don't know what causes it, we may try to rationalize it by thinking that we could control such things.  Humankind in general is afraid of losing control...this is an unconscious method to try and control such a fear.

This doesn't mean that you don't have a slight ability for telekinesis, however.  Try and "open" your mind.  These extroardinary things that some of us can do bypass the normal facilities of the try and break down the "barrier".  When it happens, it should feel very natural...almost like another sense.  Could u try concentrating on an object to try and move it away from a ledge...or if an object is close to the center of a table, try moving it towards an edge?

An possible explanation on telekinesis is the manipulation of the magnetic field that all things emmit.  We are all pulled towards larger masses...however small this pull may be.  Try noticing when you're walking next to someone.  Have u ever accidentally bumped into the side of them?  That's part of this pull.  It would be quite amazing if you could manipulate this, as well as explain why the doors close and objects fall.  

I am trying to get together a network of people with extraordinary powers to see if we can't find any science behind these things, or, if nothing else, to open up a social network so we all have people we can relate to...maybe even expand our potential, if that makes sense.  

I'm in no way telling you why things are happening the way they are.  I am only offering some suggestions.  Whatever the case may be, always try and look for an alternative way of explaining the situation.  Think outside the box, even if it is discouraging to think that you may or may not have powers.  If you can't reach an alternative, then it could be very possible that you are "gifted."

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:05 pm

Well for me it was when I was alone in the house.. and everything was shut and locked... my mom was very adamant about that... and it has happened more than once in a while... it was enough that it made me start paying attention  to it and what was going on when it happened... I always try to explain it away first... but there were times when I couldn't, cause it just didn't make any sense.... *shrugs*

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Post by rabbyt » Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:06 pm


When did you lose this ability?

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:16 pm

About 8 or 9 years ago... I haven't really thought about it much since then though...

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Post by lizarred » Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:42 am

I have felt things since i was little and seen and heard as well, my parents are from cuba and alot of my family members are mediums, spiritualists, and into different types of witchcraft (not bad), but i never liked it and was always scared.
About a year ago it all changed for me and i couldnt tell you how but all of sudden i knew that my purpose here is to be a spiritual healer although i am always looking for answers to m questions on where to start i havent found my way yet.  Wha i do know and sorry if this offends anyone i dont want to go about it the cuban way therefore i have not turned to my family for answers, it just seems so much different the way they do things, and that was one of the main reasons that i have neglected the abilities i believe i have, but now would like to find my way if anyone could help!
:smt002   thank you!!!

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Post by rabbyt » Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:29 am

Lizarred, can you explain about this in a little more detail?  Thanks!

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Nov 13, 2007 3:30 am

Can i ask why you feel you are a spiritual healer? Is there something that you can do that makes you think this is the path for you or is it just like a gut feeling? (just curious) I think I have a friend who maybe able to help you I will send him the link to this so he can decide for himself if he can lend you a hand. Good luck!!

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Post by WernerOne » Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:36 pm

it is in the emotions. i can feel when someone is thinking the same thing about me. They look at you wondering your abilities, and then you feel they are doing the same.

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