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Post by Austin » Fri May 25, 2007 6:04 am

Danny wrote:Everyone is missing the boat on this and yet it is so simple to grasp.

Christ was human and aware - True
We are human and aware - True
Christ was our brother - True
Christ died for us _ True

Alah is a named God -
a named God is a lesser God realtive to the most high since it is given a name

The MOST HIGH is unamable as no name can encompass THE MOST HIGH in its entirety we are unable to phatom THE MOST HIGH

I pray every night or there abouts to THE MOST HIGH

If you wish to pray to a lesser God that is your business, be it Allah, Jehova it does not matter you are still not praying to the TOP.

From 10 plus years of reading, praying, meditating I sense that these lesser Gods are fighting for worship through fear, it appears to be a popularity contest for them and they don't give a rats ass about the colaterall damage be it genocide or the likes thereof.  As far as I am concerned they are insane.  Under the guise of martydom, brave misguided souls strap on a vest of c4 in a crowded area only to propogate fear.  That is not what we where meant to do.  They will pay for what they have done to us in spades perhaps, I don't know I am not their judge.  We are misled by madmen hiding behind cleric clothing of all religions.  They are blind and those who follow them enjoy the darkness perhaps they don't know any better.

I'm am not waiting for a miracle I have already received them.  TWO quantum leaps in one night is enough to convince me that my maker wants me to speak.

And speak I shall of the Bullshitt of lesser gods as I see fit.


I like to get very critical in discussions as to make all of my points and keep no edge rounded, so please accept my criticism, no matter how sharp it may be, as my way of addressing each and every point i see fault with.

Christ is NOT human persay. Christ is the Holy Spirit. It dwells within every one of us and all of us ARE capable of being one with God though not all, or should i just say very few are destined to become enlightened, with the Holy Spirit, in any age and time.
"Many are called but few are chosen."
It's not blasphemy or false to consider yourself Christ!
Now i'm not one who knows how the process of infinite knowledge is "obtained" but it's just as easy and logical to assume that it already exists within us. When we are right with ourselves and with God, be that any or all aspects of the word "right" in relationship to God, is when we remember. So, it's not a matter of something coming into us rather than our own spiritual selves, our own potential as the gods we are, manifesting.
Now to relate this with the word and meaning of "Christ".
Christ, as we know means "Annointed One". As the quote is stated above, "Many are called but few are Chosen" by the Lord himself, we know that it is not a matter of finding a host body, since obviously many or any can become Omniscient, Omnipotent, but rather it's a matter of training one to realize themself with God - just as Jesus was trained for many years. So, although you are Christ, you don't know it yet, it dwells within you. The expansion of your mind and knowledge may very well feel like something entering into you, or you entering into it, but isn't that what happens when you learn something, it has enetered your mind?

"(Jesus) Christ was our brother" - FALSE! He IS our brother.

Your idea that God cannot have a name is, with no disrespect, a bit out there. God commanded, atleast gave authority (through free-will), to Adam to NAME everything. What then, after he has named a rabbit a rabbit, a butterfly a butterfly, a stick a stick, is he going to call his OWN Maker?! You see, by giving God a face (Sai Baba, Jesus, Amma, Buddha, and many others) and such name do we know that God is real. Tell us Danny, how are you to know your mind to be true to you, that you are not crazy, that God is real without ever having a vision, seeing with your own eyes a miracle, knowing that God's Love is working amongst all the pain and suffering and evil in the world? How are you ever to worship that which you, we, DON'T know WITHOUT having a form to worship to?

You seem to be a believer in Jesus and i must question your knowledge of what you know.. You say there is no name of God yet didn't Jesus state there is no difference between Himself and God? "I am in the Father and the Father in me", "If you have seen me you have seen the Father". Are you now to claim that Jesus was a liar?

You call God "God", and you call God "The Most High". How is this not giving Him a name? You could call him something different every night for the rest of your life and you'd still be applying him with a name, each and every night.

Danny, how do you know that YOU, of all people, pray to "the TOP"? You must ask yourself, how can i know that i pray to God himself even though i have no conception, because i am not able to even concieve of such a power except through my own imagination and my belief in what took place before my time here in Earth now? Do you understand? The only way you have an idea of God is through past history, of which speak of God in HUMAN form, and of course any meditating and praying you've done in this life which has still not gotten yourself to the point of omniscience, which of course means you do NOT know for sure and have no right to praise yourself over any other.
Are all the millions of people who pray to Baba, Amma, Jesus and the Virgin Mary evil or wrong? Is there something wrong with everyone except yourself? I would not claim to BE praying to God himself, since you have no way of knowing, but rather  stating that you pray to God is suffice enough. Everyone says they pray to God.. Can you tell me if they have met God? Perhaps they have but are unaware, being that they are of God, and every atom is of God. Ever Love someone unconditionally, without a desire to be Loved or pampered in return? That is the purest of the Love of God. In such a case you could state God was actively working from within you, but it is more your own doing. Even as an omniscient being you still have the choice to work in God's will or throw it all away by selfishness. That said, it is not God Himself working through you, rather your own 'rightness' with your body, mind, Spirit and thus God that allows you to be so, to Love unconditionally, to feel as IF God is working through you.

This is what you wrote but condensed to make a point;
"I sense that these lesser Gods are fighting for worship through fear. As far as I am concerned they are insane.  Under the guise of martydom, brave misguided souls strap on a vest of c4 in a crowded area only to propogate fear."

You state there of "lesser gods" and refer to humans as being "lesser gods". You also state that they are "misguided". How then can you have so much anger toward them?! If they have been misguided, what fault is it of theirs? From what does their ignorance come from? Religion? So where is your concern for these people, that they don't know the "Truth" that you know, that they are being indoctrinated in such ways as to confuse them, as to guide them away from Truth, from obvious Truth and to serve an agenda that stretches far beyond them (political agenda)? Where is your concern? Rather than concern we see you damning them for their actions, rather than Loving them because of the pain and confusion you see in their eyes, in their Hearts. But you don't see their pain, you don't see their suffering, their confusion, you see their skin and hair and they look like a human and you will only judge them once they do something out of your own moral boundary.
Here is a suggestion, read the Qu'ran. It's not very different from the Bible and the major religions of the world all use the same Adam and Eve history for the creation of or beginning of the world. Discover where and what suicide bombers are reading, what passages, how they read and re-read it. Find out where and exactly how, by what passages they are being "tricked" into thinking death is a good thing (though i am not saying it is a bad thing), or rather killing their enemy is a good thing. You will notcie it's only a small part of their whole Holy text that they are indoctrinated into becoming suicide bombers. Then, as your mission, read through it all carefully and you'll discover many many many places where 'killing your enemy' contradicts to the Truth spoken of in other places. Write up a report, or book and do what you can to inform the public, to inform these "misguided" souls how exactly they are being tricked.

You say "they will pay" for what they have done to "us".. What have they done to YOU? You then go on to say "(but) I don't know (that they will pay,) I am not their judge". How then can you say that they WILL pay if you don't know?

I agree that there are many many problems with religion, but what makes them madmen and you not? As shown you seem to contradict yourself a lot, what makes you any better than anyone else? We all posess the same potential, a matter of reaching or unleashing it is a different story.

You continue to feel that you are better than you fellow spiritual brothers, and you keep judging them and condemning them but know that of all those people who you may be more wise than, there are those who are more wise than you. You may ever notcie them by their roundedness, by their acceptance of all things through an understanding that there is a Truth and way behind all things, even if he or she is unaware of it. Accepting that they don't know is just as well, if not better than thinking they know what they don't.

Keep your desire to condemn within you and ask yourself what force within makes you or wants you to judge or condemn others in public as seen here, or at any time.

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Post by Austin » Fri May 25, 2007 11:03 pm

I know it sounds critical, and i don't mean to put you or anyone on the spot, it's just how i respond. I am not trying to offend you, rather just show you a different way of thinking about things. I get very critical when i respond to faults and contradictions i see but only to make points. I have nothing against you personally, and for all i know you could be right. We just don't have to damn others in public.. Do it in private all anyone wants, who is to know?! hehe

I don't want to get into an argument, sometimes i just can't help myself but to respond. If you take the time to be as critical as i am, or just respond in any manner i will accept it without any offense, even if you "let it all out" on me. I will accept it. I will accept your reply is you so wish to do so and whever you stand i will not condemn you for it. I really trully hope that my criticism CAN be seen as constructive, even though it may seem and feel like daggers. If it helped you none than that's why it's best we don't go any further after your reply. If it has helped any that's good. If you don't want to respond i wouldn't blame you but, sheesh, i'm just going to get it out, i'm sorry if i DID offend you.

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Post by Danny » Sat May 26, 2007 5:04 am

Last edited by Danny on Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:58 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Austin » Sat May 26, 2007 12:08 pm

I was/am not trying to make you feel guilty, nor did i point out any prejudice that i think you may have toward Muslims. I simply pointed out contradictions.

If you know everything and have infinite power, you know the Will of God and therefore there is no distinction between you and God - that is, so long as you fulfill God's will, or act in accordance to it. God IS the force that makes you travel, that puts you where he knows you should be, it's our descisions that either make the best or worst of that experience.

The rest is trivial, knowing you care not about your own contradictions, which is confusion, which is not truth, which are lies. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but notcie what you say and re-form your ideas so that they can co-exist without contradiction!

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Post by Danny » Mon May 28, 2007 6:41 am

Last edited by Danny on Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:58 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by Austin » Tue May 29, 2007 2:58 am

Danny wrote: In the mean time you can enlighten us all with you're wealth of wisdom now that you have critique mine.


Thank you, Danny. What would you like to know?

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Post by Danny » Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:25 am

Last edited by Danny on Wed Dec 26, 2007 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Danny » Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:50 pm

Last edited by Danny on Wed Dec 26, 2007 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Vance_Pants » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:37 am

Were you thinking of the location you ended up in?

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Post by Danny » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:25 pm

Last edited by Danny on Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Danny » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:31 pm

Last edited by Danny on Wed Dec 26, 2007 6:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Vance_Pants » Mon Dec 03, 2007 2:11 am

Um...everyone sounds like they're getting off topic... :smt017

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