What is current general consensus on ghosts, spirits, and imprints (residual hauting)?

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What is current general consensus on ghosts, spirits, and imprints (residual hauting)?

Post by Chopper » Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:42 am

I read postings on other paranormal site that they say ghosts don't interact with us, mortals.

My understanding is that ghosts are spirits that haven't crossed over because either they don't realize that they are dead or they have some reasons for not wanting to cross over. They interacts with us.

When the ghostly images don't interacts with human beings, they are not ghosts but residual hauntings (=imprints) and they repeat themselves like endless video tape. They are not spirits.

Spirits in broad sense, ghosts, ones who crossed over, and what in our body are all spirits. Spirits in narrow sense, they are ones who crossed over  and occasionally visit our side.

Am I wrong?

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:11 am

You are as right or as wrong as other...in my opinion.

This i build on the case that no one can prove that their thesis are more right then other.

If we believe in ghost or what I call energy, then we will have many opinions on the subject seen out from our "ground" belief and only one thing is for sure...none can say they are 100 % right :)

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Post by Kelcie » Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:46 am

I agree Rhutobello!

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Post by MsBlanch » Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:05 pm

For me ghosts and Spirits are two different things - for me a ghost is one that has not moved on to God's Light, for whatever reason they are remaining, bound to what they feel is a comfortable earthly connection.  I disagree, interactions do take place, granted very rare.

A Spirit for me is someone who had passed on to God's Light, by choice they return to offer comfort or just merely to check in on those of us left behind.

The residuals can be very strong, repeating the activity and motions much like a video replaying over and over.  They will go about the routine as if we are not there.

Side Note:  The living leave residual imprints as well, we experienced this when our youngest son left for college.  FOr three months we continued to hear the back door open, close and foot steps in the hallway, he is very much alive - yet the phenomena continued for more than three months.

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i have had a ghost

Post by witchychick70 » Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:02 pm

before my family and i moved into this condo where we live now we lived in an older house. We had not been there that long when i saw an old man standing at my front door, all he said was that he wanted his dog back. But i knew this man wasnt right i could see straight through him. I would call that a ghost.
Well we had a little bit of another problem. I had allready seen his dog,also in the form of a ghost. My husband had found the dogs skull in the shed in our back yard.
The haunts went on for awhile but they were harmless. The dogs spirit left after several weeks when i deceided to toss the skull over the fense, i suppose he left to haunt the neighbors. The old man stayed around untill my cousins wife got creeped out and asked it to leave,explaining to him that he was dead and needed to cross over.

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Post by ghostlyknight » Fri Jan 26, 2007 8:13 pm

I have been a paranormal investigator for the past 10 years and learned that we need to define the paranormal somehow. I was taught that you have ghosts that are residual and spirits are intelligent. Ghost do not communicate with the living, but spirits do. Ghosts are Ghosts and Spirts are spirits and you do not put them under the same definition. Are they right ? I don't know. As per Richard Southall's book, How to be a Ghost Hunter, which 99% of all Para Investigators follow, he states that "Ghosts and Spirits can not be interchangeable" . A ghost is simply a psychic recording where as a spirit is the actual sentient presence or soul of an individual. The other ghost hunter which is on the same level as Southall is Troy Taylor who states the same. I guess it is up to the individual to what they want to believe., But like everything else, we need a corner stone to build on, and these guy's seem to be the bricklayers.

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