My Other Paranormal Experiences

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My Other Paranormal Experiences

Post by Mysticaltravlr » Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:15 am

One night I was home alone, 17 year old daughter was at her boyfriends house and hubby was working.  I was in the back bedroom where my computer was and I heard the front door open and close. I knew it was the front door cause it had a very distinctive sound, when opened the rubber on the bottom of the door always rubbed against the threshold and made a sound. I heard the front door open and the screen door close then the front door closed. I thought it was my daughter coming home so I waited for her to come in and say hello.  After a few minutes I wondered why she didn't come into the room so I got up to see what she was doing and I walked through the house and into my bedroom looking for her as I was walking out of my bedroom and got to the front door she opened it and her and her boyfriend came in.  I looked at them and asked them if they had been in the house previously and they said no.

About a year later I was in the back bedroom again this time my middle daughter was on her computer behind me (she and her family were living with us while building their house) and my granddaughter was in the next bedroom playing.  I heard the front door open, screen door slam and front door close.  I turned around and looked at my daughter and she looked at me and I asked her if she heard that and she said yes.  I got up and looked toward the front door and no one was there.

A few months later again in the back bedroom, hubby comes to me and said he was going to the store.  Maybe a half hour later my 18 year old is in the bathroom next to the computer room and asked me if I heard that.  What "that" was  was the door from the laundry room in to the garage open and close.  I said I heard it and it was most likely dad coming in and she said no she looked and he was still gone.

The most amazing one was one night I was on the computer in the back bedroom and hubby was on his computer right behind mine.  There was a twin bed inthe room and our dog ( a doxie) was sitting on the end of the bed staring  into the hall VERY intently, we noticed this and watched her cause we could figure out what she was looking at.  All of a sudden she bolted off the bed and started running through the house like she was chasing something, that was very erie.  We also noticed once in awhile when we were sitting watching tv in the family room she would be sitting there like she was watching someone or something.

I bought a small digital voice recorder one day because I was taking classes and wanted to record them, I brought the recorder home and without looking at the directions tried to learn how to operate it.  Long story short I pressed the record button without knowing it.  Upon play back you can hear me say,"Now how do you work this" and a few seconds later in a whisper what sounds like to me "what ya doing", it is not very clear and other people have different opinions as to what is said.

My 18 year old was the only one living with us at the time and she had many more experiences with this spirit.  She felt something touch her hair, foot steps go past the computer room door and stop at the bathroom.

I have told many of my friends of my experience in that house and they all said they wouldn't have stayed there and my answer to them was always, I didn't feel threatened and I wasn't afraid.

I hope I didn't bore you too much.


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Post by investigator1 » Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:15 am

Your story is very intriguing. The first thing that came to mind when reading about the door opening and closing is a residual haunting. This is simply a past happening playing itself over and over a recording. This phenomenon is non-intellegent, i.e. it will not interact with you as it is just a place in time that repeats itself.
Now, the other instances that you say have happened may be an intellegent haunting (I don't like using the word haunting as it denotes something sinister, but is the common wording for this phenomenon).
I, too, have similar happening in my home that have been going on for several years, since we moved in. Our home is over 100 years old and has seen many things throughout it's excistance.
I would say that you are right not being afraid. If there has been no instances of malice or harm to anyone in your home then the entity is benevolent in nature and is probably just stuck where it is (or likes to visit where it had been in life).
I tell my children when the activity in our home picks up to try not to be afraid and to remember that this is their home and nothing can scare them away from it. This works wonderfully because it gives them some power over what scares them. Often times I have simply asked this spirit to stop scaring the children and this helps for a time.
I am part of a paranormal investigative group and have met many folks with similar stories to yours. I would suggest that, if you want some answers, you contact such a group in your area for an investigation. Also, it helps if you know the history of your house and any occurances that may have resulted in this spirit becoming trapped (such as a death or violent life within the home).
The voice you recorded is called an EVP(electronic voice phenomenon). This is very convincing evidence of an entity and very interesting because it seems to have been talking to you in respect to what you were doing.
If this recording didn't upset you or frighten you, then why not try getting some more of them? Simply leave your recorder running for a bit and listen to what might be there after. It helps to use head phones and an amplifier because and EVP can be hard to catch. Also, there are many people that cannot hear them even when it is pointed out to them. Don't let this discourage you.
Also, animals are very sensitive to the 'other side'. But just because your dog goes chasing something unseen down the hall does not mean that it is an intelligent haunting. It simply means that the animal can see the recording being played out or can sense it. No harm, no foul.
I hope this helps. I am not a one can claim to be in the field of paranormal because it is so hard to prove. But, I have learned some things along my journey and am here if you have any questions (if I know the answers they are yours).
peace to you and yours

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Post by barnjie » Wed May 30, 2007 2:07 am

i too have similar goings on in our house, we also are not in fear. we regularly burn sage and lavender if the activity becomes too much. It seems to settle them

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