Strange Happenings

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Strange Happenings

Post by mouseykit » Fri Oct 12, 2007 3:15 pm

So i had a very interesting thing happen in my house a little over a month back and was wondering if anyone has had something simular happen so here is the story:

It was the midle of the night maby 2 or 3 in the morning and a really bad storm was coming in so i went to smoke outside and sit in my jammys and enjoy the wind i have always been a big fan of storms then after about 15 minutes i started to feel my chest tighten up and the begings of an anxiety attack just as the storm started to peek so i ran inside like a frightened little child at this point i was filled with fear like something was going to jump out of the darkness and gobble me up! So i ran for my bedroom and jumped under my covers i Well durring the night i remember having a very real dream where something was trying to attack me i remember looking down at my body lieing in my bed so i raised a sheild in my sleep and blasted it away and my dream changed to something more pleasant. I woke up in the morning and everyone in my house had seemed to have nightmares and my roommate saw two floating orbs in his room Then something even odder happened! Two of my roommates were sitting on the couch in the living room and one picked up the remote set it down looked down at his hand and it was covered in what looked like blood! My other roomate then proceded to look around for the sorce on the cieling in the couch on clothes floor walls but it was never found. I have no idea what this thing was but it seemed almost as if it had come in with the storm! my house is haunted i accept that i see a mans shadow on the wall sometimes crossing the sliding glass door and the bathroom has a woman but nothing like this has EVER happend before here well or anywhere to me.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:44 am

WOW Mousey This is very strange indeed... I have felt the anxiety come in with the storms like there was something out there just waiting to get me.... and I like you have always loved the fury of nature... *has sat outside during hurricanes, as long as I am able to and be safe* But certain thunderstorms send me scurrying away as if evil itself had stood in front of me trying to cook me over an open fire... I have never had any of the other occurrences... it could be that I always protect my house, and reinforce those protects at least once a month or more if I feel oddly. I always fortify the front lines... so to speak. I would try getting with your roommates and doing the same... Just for the added protection. ANyways Just wanted to share what I had that was similar.


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Post by mouseykit » Thu Oct 18, 2007 4:35 pm

I figured that the reason for it being able to come into the house was because the protection i had put on the house has grown weak Infact i still need to deal with that but nothing strange has happened since. What was suprising is that even in my bedroom it had managed to show itself! I have LOTS of protection in my bedroom because i have always been suseptible to spirits ect. While sleeping.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:24 am

wow... That is odd... well take good care of yourself

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