Could this be the Ghosts?

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Could this be the Ghosts?

Post by Casey » Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:21 pm

It's always harder to recall the true reality of an event once you wake up the next day. It reminds me of the nights I've had difficulty going to sleep... laying there for hours, and when I wake up the next day it doesn't seem like I was awake for as long as I really was.

Sometimes the reality of it is harder to process the next day.

We just moved into a new house. I love this house. But, even the first time we came here I made mention that it's "haunted." Kind of joking. Kind of serious. Anyway, I've seen things fall off the wall by themselves. My TVs power was cut off by itself. Little strange things like this that could possibly have a rational explanation, but could also be attributed to the presense of the Unseen.

Last night while I was starting to wrap the blankets around me, I got that weird sense. You know that one? That unique feeling like you're no longer just hangin' out by yourself? There isn't much more to do with this weird "Sense" than to let it go and not think about it.

Sleeping. Oh yeah.

I nuzzled the blankets in a little tighter, and as I found my comfy spot, I heard what sounded like scratching on the side of the room where the door leads to the hallway. And again -- more scratching. Silently I sat there... freaked out. This has a rational explanation too, right?

I turned to face the wall where I heard the scratching (And let me be clear: it wasn't nessesaerily insistent scratching that wouldn't stop. It was a two-three second scratch against my wall every 30 or 40 seconds.) I layed there, hoping to not see shadows. It was dark, and I didn't want my imagination to be inspired by that. I closed my eyes.

The very strangest thing happened at this point. Think about the way energy feels when your doing an Energy Ball with your hands. Or, think about the way energy feels when you're with a close personal friend and you can feel the warmth of their spirit. This is what I started to feel on my face. It was my face, and then my head. I could feel this even going into my brain -- a very clearly defined magnetic pull. It felt so intrusive...

It dissipated. I then felt the same kind of energy shift, a very profound shift, on my shin. Once again, it's as if someone was attempting to blast energy from their hands right onto my skin. My shin hairs, in this ONE spot where it felt weird, began to unravel and stand up. It was both tingly and frightening. The warm energy moved up a little bit and came to my knee. Within seconds the skin on my knee felt like it was burning... it got too hot. I checked. Nothing different.

Hmm... so.. little rational explanations. Imagination? It was real while it was happening. So, My question is this: Does anyone have any clue what I could be dealing with here? Do you think I should attempt communication?


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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:35 am

Well I would try talking aloud while this is happening like you would to a annoying pet or child, by saying, it's late and I need to sleep, I will talk to you tomorrow if you want, but please let me go to bed now, and see if it helps. However if you get this while awake in the middle of the next day, try asking what it wants and if you can help to do something, or if it just wants company. I have often found that most just want attention, and someone to recognize that they are there.... However if this is tooo much for you try asking them if they are ready to move on to the next place.... I think the best thing is to not ignore it, seeing as ignoring it got you more involved that night than you want to be. Or if you are ready for it then try seeing if the scratching is a way to get you to follow it somewhere else in the house... Be careful and try to stay as safe as you can... Good luck and let me know how it goes.


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