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Post by btonyb » Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:14 pm

I was in Spain once when I was a Little boy. My family and I were staying in  Majorca in a holiday village. Where there was a mountain on top of which was an object that reminded me of a tower. I was told not to go up there during the day, because of the fear of heatstroke. I made a friend and you guessed it being adventurous, I did what I wanted to do instead of what I was told. We set about it and went up. We got halfway up and this nun appeared as if from nowhere. I did not really know what nuns were about but knew they had something to do with the church. I felt a bit intimidated and she grabbed my wrist. She did not say a word I felt so scared I felt to myself that if she does not let go I will scream for help. I turned around to look for my friend and he was gone. This frightened me even more. Then I shot back to look at the nun. Then she had gone. I was so scared I nearly ran back to the holiday apartments. When I got back it was Lunch time. The hottest part of the day. I never said a word to my mum. I never really knew what happened to my friend although I saw him later. I just did not ask for some reason. Later on in life I asked my mother was there a nunnery in the area and she said no. I asked other people that were there and they said the same. I have never really understood to this day what happened?

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Post by zeamone » Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:35 am

so you mean your new friend was a ghost and also the nun?
Did I miss something?

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Post by Chiara » Fri Nov 16, 2007 3:40 am

Hey, I believe in ghosts.

When I was around 4 years old, I saw two female ghosts in nurse uniforms.  They were searching for something in my parents' bedroom.  I watched them opening a locked safe, looking at my giant dolls and just looking for something.  I was too scared to move and pretended to sleep under the blanket.  I never asked my parents if they encountered such entities.  

In my adult life, I have strange things happening to me.  Sometime my bed bounces as if my cat jumps on the bed, but no one is on the bed with me.  I told my sister about this and she shared with me that it happened to her too while she was watching tv in my bedroom.

Another episode was when the doorbell rang.  I opened it and there was nobody there.  

Recently, something turned both my tv and light off while I was in the shower.  I had just stepped out from the shower when everything went quiet, so I yelled to my sister in the kitchen.  She got freaked out too because she said she heard it went dead too.  She asked why I keep my tv and light on at night.  I just do it because it makes me feel warm.

I think my room is colder than anywhere elses in the house.  Am I haunted?  Why is this happening to me?  I keep telling my sister that it is an electrical wire, but thinking about it, it is strange.  For whatever it was, I didn't sense a bad energy.

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Mary Ann Winkowski & James Van Praagh on Larry King tonight!

Post by JClark » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:44 pm

Hey -- I thought folks here would appreicate knowing that real-life ghost whisperers Mary Ann Winkowski & James Van Praagh will be on Larry King Live tonight (6 p.m. Pacific Time, and then I think it repeats at 9 & midnight although I'm not an expert on Larry's show!).  I'll be tuning in! :)

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Post by peddling_pony » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:45 pm

I ain't afraid of no ghosts!

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:10 pm

Well I believe in ghosts too.. and I have a lot of stories about seeing them wondering around my house... they like to come and sit and chat with me while I am doing stuff...

They have also come and played with my best friend's little boy, it started when he was a baby and he still plays with them when he comes over... he calls for them but we can't figure out if he is saying something or just making a certain noise... but they always come when he is here and calling out to them...

The good thing is his mom doesn't freak about it....

Wondering in the darkness, but never alone...

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open minded

Post by btonyb » Tue May 27, 2008 11:45 am

I do not know whether ghosts are real or not I choose to remain open minded though. There is more evidence that there are ghosts, than there are not. There are so many people who would give witness statements which would stand up in court. There are also many who think that they can rationalise it away. But there are many more credible witnesses than the rationalists methinks.

I am also open minded about ufos there are billions of planets out there and according to the experts millions that could possibly support life. Even so according to human logic someone had to be first, maybe its us, or maybe two three whatever started at the same time. I do not know but I am open to all possibilities. :smt006

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