New here and thought I would share my experience

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New here and thought I would share my experience

Post by Asila00 » Sun Jan 27, 2008 2:24 pm

Last year I had an experience that drove me from my  home.  I had lived there peacefully for two years when things got crazy.  I lived there alone with my 18 year old daughter.

It started one day I was doing dishes and kept hearing something hitting the wall behind me. I finally go investing and it was pennies. There were three 3 that had flown down my hall, hit the wall and dropped to the floor.  It was weird because it would only happen when I would turn my back and continue my dishes.  I was home alone at the time. It was bizzare, but I dismissed it.

The next day I come home to find my furniture all placed in a circle in my living room. I immediaelty  confronted my daughter who walked in shorlty after me. Come to find out...neither of us had been home all day.

At this point I began to get curious and started doing research on line..It was suggested I get a recorder and do some EVP's. So I went the next day and bought one. Not telling anyone what I was doing.

That day I was feeling scared and thought I would leave my home and leave the recorder running.  When I came home and listened, all I heard was banging and shuffling around as if someone was in the kitchen working,  but no one was home.

The next night I decided to do it while I was home. So I sit the recorder in the kitchen and say something like" If someone is here and has something to say, now is the time to do it"  and I went to the living room to read a book.  I left it on for about 30 min.

After turning it off I began the replay, home alone again mind you. 3 minutes in to the tape I freak out! There is a LOUD scream, scarey mecanical sounding. But it is soooo loud as if a person had there mouth right next to the mic.  Well, that scared the ever loving crap outta me and I turned it off immdiately too afraid to hear the rest. I called my friend and told him to get to my house ASAp because I was terrified. While he is on his way, I run to my room to jum in my bed and get under my covers, keeping him on the phone the whole time.

As I lay in bed waiting for him to show I am telling him what had just taken place. I have the phone in one hand and recorder in the other. I am telling him about the horrible scream on the tape and when as I am saying this...the recorder is yanked from my hand, goes above my bed then flies across my room. I am reallllly freaked. He stays on the phone and is there shorlty.

He gets there and now I am brave enough to listen to the rest of the tape. So I let him hear the scream, and 30 seconds later its followed with a male voice saying "I love you". Now hes thinking Im nuts but yet cant explain the voices on the tape.  Nothing else that I could tell was on the rest of it.

We decide at this point because he is still skeptical, that we would doit again with him present.  We start messing around with it, asking questions and no Im thinking I'm nuts.

So I tell him, ok, I will just sit it down and leave on and see what happens. I turn it on and start telling him "Wow, look at this, the batteries are drained, Im gonna have to get more" (remeber, this was brand new). When we play the tap back after about 15 min, again there is a voice. when I said I will have to get batteries, my sentence is drowned out by a male voice yelling "YEAHHHHHH", again sounding like it was right on the mic.

So now he waittnessed it too, thank God!

I did not do anymore EVPs because I was too scared after that, but things went on daily for a two week period to the point I had to leave. The final straw came when I was in bed one night with my daughter. (We were getting no sleep because things kept happening so now we were sleeping together).

She is in bed next to me and wake up because someone is jumping on me and the bed. The whole bed was bouncing and I had pressure on my hip as if someone was bouncing on me. She begins to wake up screaming "Stop it, just stop it" and it did stop when she screamed.

That was last summer and I never slept another night there. Since I left, nothing has happened at my new place.

Can anyone tell me what this was, why it came on so suddenly? It was only a two week period that this began and I ended up leaving.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:41 am

Wow this sounds very weird. First I want to ask if anything different had happened before the events started to take place. (you don't have to answer, just want you thinking about the possibility of something that could have triggered the events) Next, are you sure that your daughter wasn't messing with something that she didn't understand? I am going to think about this more and If I think of something else then I will post it or ask you more questions.


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Post by DragonKnight » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:36 am

Look foreward to you input Nyte

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:25 pm

Thanks Dragon, I am currently sick... I have a terrible head cold, and I tend to not be able to make any sense when i am sick, so It will have to wait til I am on the mend... sorry about the delay....

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Creepy experience

Post by believer » Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:49 pm

Wow, that is a creepy story.  You could have been on an episode of "Ghost Hunters."  Did you ever do any research on that property - who lived and died there?

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Post by taraprincess » Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:17 pm

wow thanks for sharing that story... very creepy....i agree with believer u could of been on an episode of ghosthunters... that would of been an interesting episode... much love and huggies :smt007

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Re: Creepy experience

Post by Asila00 » Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:00 am

believer wrote:Wow, that is a creepy story.  You could have been on an episode of "Ghost Hunters."  Did you ever do any research on that property - who lived and died there?

Actually, TAPS did contact me to do an investigation.  One of my neighbors contacted them when I let them hear the EVP> They were a month out in getting there because they are so back logged. So, needless to say I didnt stick around long enough!

But as for the first question "did anything happen prior to this?"  The only thing I can think of, is two days brfore everything began, I had gone to my landlords house. He has a town museum in his home. With civil war artifacts, oriental, body parts, skulls, old divinition items etc....I was really creeped out and as was leaving we were talking about it being haunted. As I  stepped out the door I said " I dont know whats here, but it better not follow me home!"

2 days later all crap broke loose. So I go back to him and tell him everything happening and he said he was joking about his place being haunted, he had heard bumps but never anything like I had described.

The property was built in the 70's and was actually rented out to the funeral home to house the hearses. No bodies, just the heasres! It has 4 garages.

But thats all I know. I was there two years with no problems...this was very sudden.

Any insight would be appreciated  :)

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Post by Asila00 » Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:16 am

I should probably add,  In the year leading up to this, my daughter lost 9 friends tragically. For various reasons. We live in a small town town where everyone knows everyone and there was a black cloud over the teenage kids at her high school.

3 died in a house fire
1 Anyurisum
1 undiagnosed blood disorder
1 accidentially inhaling toxins in garage
1 suicide by overdose
1 car accident
1 motorcycle accident

All just kids, 16-18 years old within about a 15 mile radius of where we lived.

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Post by Asila00 » Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:26 am

Ok...adding something else....

One night after this begin. a couple days into it, my daughter and I were scared so we slept in the same bed again.

We woke at the same time and she starts telling me about a dream she had about one of the boys which had died in the fire. One she was close to.

I had never met the kid, BUT HAD THE SAME DREAM!  Almost exactly and even descibed what the kid looked like! It was a simple dream as was hers. just a small varience. I saw her looking up talking to this kid who was higher than her. she was across from him but below him a couple of feet. They were talking and laughing. I could not hear the words but could see he was really happy to see her. The only thing that I heard was this boys name, repeating, over and over.

In her dream she was sitting on a sofa and he was sitting just below her on the floor. He was telling her how happy he was to see her again and they were "catching up". Just lightheart conversation.

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Post by Asila00 » Fri Feb 01, 2008 11:48 am

Where are you Nyte????   I want your insight here....

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Post by believer » Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:28 pm

What part of the world/country did you live?  I hope to never visit that place!   :smt011   Also, did you ever take any pictures of spirits that you could share or do you have the tape of the EVP that you could somehow put on the board?  It would be one of those where you want to hear and then again YOU DON'T.

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Post by Asila00 » Sat Feb 02, 2008 12:20 am

I dont have any pics but I do have the recorder. I have no clue how to download it though.   But Its FREAKY and LOUD! If someone can tell me how to download it i will try...

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Post by suzisco » Sat Feb 02, 2008 1:51 pm

hmm sounds quite a terrifying story and gave me the chills.  I am not an expert on the paranormal but you perhaps need to have someone who is come along and calm your haunting.  When i am in a situation when a spirit is scaring me i bless it and ask it to leave me.

I say something along the lines of

"whoever you are may god bless you and let you go in peace and light.  Please leave this place and do no harm"  If they are still there I repeat it and then i don't feel anything afterwards so i know they have gone.  I also keep a piece of rose quartz near to me and when i feel very frightened i keep it in my hand and it makes me feel better. (my grandma taught me this when i was very young)

Hope that helps a little


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Post by believer » Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:26 pm

I asked a computer whiz and this is what he told me to tell you to do if possible.  You would have to have a sound card in your pc with a line in connector (like a headphone port).  Then take the tape recorder and take a cable, put it in the line out and connect to the line in on the computer.  Then go to windows, go to start, click on programs, click on accessories, click on Entertainment, click on sound recorder.  You then would hit play on the tape player and click record on the computer window and it will download to your pc.  It then will create a dot . Wav file.  Then you can email it or attach it the the website/board.  

Believe me that I am not that computer literate and asked many questions to write this the best I could.  It could be interesting.


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Post by Asila00 » Sat Feb 02, 2008 3:43 pm

WHEW!   That sounds complicated. I'm pretty illiterate when it comes to technology myself.  I'm on my do I know if I don't already have a sound card? is it purchased seperately?

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