Finding The Truth

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L Lynxx
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:11 am

Finding The Truth

Post by L Lynxx » Fri Feb 08, 2008 7:30 pm

What is truth? Where do you find it? Can you comprehend
or understand it once you find it?

The Truth... An enigma, or mystery, that has puzzled mankind since time
has been measured.

Objectively, the truth is the focus of endless debate and controversy. The
diverging opinions of what the truth is has been the basis of countless
religious factions and beliefs, the foundation and motivation of 'Holy War'
and even sectarianism in the scientific communities. It seems to be a facet
of human nature that others tend to insist that you adopt their concepts of
what the truth is, rather than research and find your own answers.

The Truth... Bits and pieces of it are all around us, if it is our intent

to find them and see them. Finding the truth involves the classic
euphemism, "...not seeing the forest, for the trees.". It is said that in
a multitude of counselors there is wisdom. The truth is seldom found through
one viewpoint, just as the entire forest cannot be seen completely, at one
time, through one set of eyes. Different viewpoints give an accurate account,
or 'Big Picture', of the forest beyond the trees.

The truth of any matter lies in assimilating, or absorbing, all information
available about the subject, even if the information seems contradictory
and regardless of the source. Then a judgment must be made based upon the
information that is available.

I am a believer in science, in the context where it is proven accurate.
However, a portion of science is based on theory. Theory that is based on
what is presumed to be known. Secular science does not allow for what
cannot be understood or not defined in terms of logic (i.e.- If it can't be
seen, touched, smelled, tasted, heard or otherwise detectable, it doesn't
exist). Science forms theories by a process called EXTRAPOLATION.

To extrapolate means to use what has been established by logic to be
all of the factual data related to a specific subject, and then trying to
determine the unknown factors, or 'fill in the blanks' of the unknown
portions, to arrive at an educated guess or 'most probable theory'.
As new knowledge emerges and new discoveries are being made about ourselves,
our world and the Universe, once highly respected and accepted scientific
theories have been shown to be invalid. This is where an important concept
and term called PARADOX becomes an issue.

Paradox means seeming to contradict, yet proven to be true. This concept
is validated by the science of Aerodynamics, that extrapolates by
established principles that a Bumblebee can't fly. Yet, the Bumblebee
does fly...

The point that I am trying to make is that nature, life and the essence of
the Universe can't be fully understood or defined by logic alone. Some
things are beyond our comprehension and can't be accurately extrapolated by
science. Sometimes the truth is written in our hearts without a shred of
proof. That's where having faith in the unknown is necessary for us to find
peace and fulfillment in our lives. Leaving the cares of the unknown in the
Hands of That which guides and governs the unknown

lighting strikes twice
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Post by lighting strikes twice » Sat Feb 09, 2008 2:43 pm

Great name and a great words to boot  :) Thanks!

L Lynxx
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:11 am


Post by L Lynxx » Sat Feb 09, 2008 4:54 pm

Thank you for your reply,  Zodiac: Aries !

L Lynxx
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:11 am


Post by L Lynxx » Sat Feb 09, 2008 5:02 pm

Lightning Strikes Twice:

I was still half asleep when I sent you my prior reply. Please strike it. (I'm embarassed.  I got your name right this time though(LOL) )
Thank you for your comment and have a great weekend!,,,

Posts: 25
Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2008 2:30 am
Location: Norwalk, CT


Post by Mer06854 » Sun Mar 16, 2008 3:15 am

The best thing to know is that we know nothing, nothing is certain, not everythng has been explore, there arent answers, only theories, we know nothing and can explain nothing!

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