Mind clearing technique

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Mind clearing technique

Post by virathree33 » Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:39 am

I recently started using a technique to absolutely empty my mind so as to be as clear as possible to recieve information/explore my mind. I wanted to share it and get some feedback on what others think.

I have been trying to totally empty my mind for years because I would have rushes of impeding thoughts that totally inturrupted and ruined my meditation sessions. I recently achieved a totally quiet mind and have been enjoying the results. I thought I'd share.

I always start out by asking for protection from guides/loved ones/Archangels and surrounding myself in a white light. To relax my entire body, I imagine a white light starting at my feet and slowly going up every part of my body.

After I do this, I then do a steady breathing technique. In my mind when I breathe in I say, "Relax in." On my exhaling breath I say in my mind, "Thoughts and worry out."  It takes a few minutes but eventually impeding inturruptions stop and when my mind is clear I stop saying those words, but keep the breathing. It helps me a lot. I was wondering if anyone else has any techniques that they use and what they think of mine.

I was wondering if maybe it was some how more harmful than helpful because I don't want to push out things that I should be recieving.

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attention, attention ,attention

Post by kali » Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:14 am

Meditation and the lack of it is all about attention.. the technique you have above if it works for you is great, but i'd drop the mind speak as it will get harder and harder to get rid of as your attention is placed on the speech going on in your mind, trying to get a blank mind often gets in the way the best thing to do is just pay no attention let the thoughts rise and fall in front of you, but don't get involved let your mind babel all it likes , and just concentrate on your breathing to enable the mind to loose it's grip of your attention. it actually works a lot quicker if there is no mind speak as you then have to concentrate on geting rid of it ... I do have some excercises if your interested, let me know and I'll post them..
Blessings Kalixx

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Post by Chooky » Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:54 am

Hi Kali

I would be interested in hearing about some of those exercies


Dave K
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Mind clearing technique

Post by Dave K » Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:50 pm

Hi virathree33. I just wanted to share what I have been reading in this book "
Quiet Your Mind". The author (John Selby) explains a technique to use. He says if you
focus on one thing (say your breathing; the sensation in and out) that it is easier for
thoughts to come into your mind. If you focus on two things (say your breathing/and
something else like your belly moving up and down or your heartbeat) then it will
stop anymore thoughts coming into your mind. You can chose whatever two things you
want to focus on. I focus on the breathing sensation in my nose and my belly moving up and down.
It does seem to work for me. I would be interested in knowing if you or anyone else
has tried this and if it works for you.

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Post by virathree33 » Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:16 pm

Thanks everybody for your responses. I'll take note of your advice and let you know how it goes. And yes, Kali, I would be thrilled if you would post those.

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Post by Victoria26 » Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:43 pm

cheers for the info, This site is great. Victoria

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meditation problems

Post by srdurance » Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:37 am

I have been having trouble clearinging my mind as well. I have flooding thoughts as I am trying to relax.  I will try some of the techniques listed here and would like some of those exercises Kali was talking about posting too.

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Re: Mind clearing technique

Post by Southern_Sky » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:26 pm

virathree33 wrote: After I do this, I then do a steady breathing technique. In my mind when I breathe in I say, "Relax in." On my exhaling breath I say in my mind, "Thoughts and worry out."  It takes a few minutes but eventually impeding inturruptions stop and when my mind is clear I stop saying those words, but keep the breathing. It helps me a lot. I was wondering if anyone else has any techniques that they use and what they think of mine.
I was wondering if maybe it was some how more harmful than helpful because I don't want to push out things that I should be recieving.
I don't think it is harmful what are you doing. I believe meditation is what works for you and there are so many ways to meditate that there is a vast library base on medititation. Empty the mind is very vital before any relaxation excersice and that is my personal opinion if you don't your meditation will be sabotage by all kind of thought of the day. Deep breathing is also important, you regenerate your body by exhaling toxic from your body and it helps to relax your muscles as well.

To me visualization is a most on my mind clearing excercise. I visualize that I place all my thoughts and bad emotions on this woden box that floats on a running river and at the same time the box is attached by a rope to the bridge where I am standing. Once I fill the wooden box up, I visualize cutting the rope and let the river take the box down the river until it dissapear on the fast roaring current. I walked away from this bridge and then I start my meditation. This work for me as a way to keep outside thoughts from sabotage my meditation time :)

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Post by dreamer43 » Sat Aug 25, 2007 3:24 pm

ive been looking for a good way to try and clear my thoughts.. im bipolar so my thoughts race like crazy.... im definetly gonna try this technique.. thanks for sharing...

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i would like to learn

Post by reke » Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:27 pm

hello ppl
i really need to clear my mind coz i cannot concentrate on anything so plz tell me some teqnics to controll my mind and focus

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Post by Vlinder » Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:10 pm

I used to find it difficult to quieten my mind when meditating, until I was made aware of the fact that to try to push thoughts out causes stress. When I started letting any thoughts/images to just come and go without paying any particular attention to them it was easier, especially whilst focusing on the breath or other sensations of the body. It isn't necessary to have a completely empty mind (don't know if this is at all possible), just more space in between thoughts. If I want to sit for longer than 10 mins to meditate I mostly use visualisation and very often guided meditations (those with drum beats I find are very good for quietening the mind). I also read that book of John Selby on quietening the mind, but I'm sorry to say I couldn't take much from it.

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