Mind control and NLP

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Post by ranter » Thu May 24, 2007 7:17 pm

Hi everybody.
I am a trainer of NLP.It's a fascinating and interesting discipline.Everybody who practice it love it.Many people who don't understand it and know nothing about it criticize it.  They would wouldn't they.
I would suggest any books on the subject by Joseph O'Connor and Ian MacDermot as a wonderful introduction to NLP. I hope you enjoy the experience.

However the subject of mind control worries me.  There are only two reasons for mind control.  One is to control others and the other is the control oneself.
Nobody has a right to control anybody else and it should never be practiced.  People who want to control themselves are suggesting that they're out of control at some level and I would suggest that they go and see a good hypnotherapist who can help them to regain control of what ever aspect of their life is outside of their control.  No I didn't say a psychotherapist I said in hypnotherapist.  Psychotherapy is talk therapy. Mind problems stem from the unconscious and trying to solve them using talk therapy is like polishing your car to charger battery.  They're both absurd.

In the meantime enjoy your NLP.

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Post by zastrox » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:01 pm

Mind problems stem from the unconscious and trying to solve them using talk therapy is like polishing your car to charger battery
I just love that analogy  :smt003

I have been through various therapies in the past (i suffer from depression) and one of my therapists was an nlp practitioner. He did some nlp with me but it just seemed to wear off after 6 months or so. It just wouldn't seem to stick, in fact I was worse off than before. Maybe It was the wrong thing for me at the time I don't know. I still think it is a good form of therapy though.

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Post by ranter » Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:39 pm

Hi Zastrox,
I would like to thank you for your kind comments.
As an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer I regard NLP as a series of very useful tools to change various aspects of mind and thinking but under no circumstances do I regard it as a Therapy and I would never use it as a "Stand Alone" therapy for depression or indeed any other condition.
I use Hypnosis or if you prefer Hypnotherapy with many inbuilt modules which may include NLP strategies or a number of others in dealing with any given condition.
With regard to depression I always regress to the source of the problem and work from there. I find this very successful. I suggest that if the depression is persistant that you find a good Hypnotherapist in your area who works in this way and he or she can rapidly release most causes of depression.
Pill popping will only suppress it and talk therapy will be about as useful as talking to a friend. A friend wont charge you or tell you your time is up in the middle of a sentence
A few useful things to know about depression are as follows.
Depression comes from something running within your unconscious mind and the only way to deal with it is to access the unconscious and deal with it at source.
Your mind is governed by a series of exact laws. Once you live in harmony with those laws there is no room for depression.
Those laws are;
1. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Radiant Energy.
2. The Law of Relativity.
3. The Law of Vibration or Frequency.
4. The Law of polarity.
5. The Law of Rhythm.
6. The Law of Cause and Effect
7. The law of Gender.
Unlike any other form of life on this Planet we are given the "Power of Choice" or "Free Will".
Along with this "Power" comes certain responsibilities.
The capacity to choose does not involve freedom from the consequences of our choices.
You can choose to act in accordance with those laws or you can disregard them. You cannot in any way alter or modify them.
It is a natural Law that like causes always produce like effects.
Therefore any man or woman who learns to think and act in harmony with these laws will always live a happy, successful and abundant life.
Depression is disharmony with these laws usually governed by inappropriate thinking habits or patterns. Thoughts such as "Im not good enough" or refusal to forgive ones self or others can bind on to a state of depression. Fears and anger are a failure to see the limitless abundance that is on offer to all of us. They are disharmonious and cause depression.
Negative environments, negative "friends"(enemies) can cause disharmony in your life and cause depression. Finally and often unrecognised or denied is the negative effect of "Myasms".
Most therapists refuse to accept that "Myasms" exist. I find this amazing since they function in a similar way to viruses in a computer.
They can be removed by a therapist who works in this area.
I suggest that you change your thinking by doing positive "Afformations" relentlessly. Affirmations must be used with positive intent in the present tense. I use them all the time. They focus and concentrate my thinking. I cannot be doing Affirmations and formulating the thinking habits or processes which cause depression. They are mutually incompatible.
Once you know this Depression is a choice. Its a painful choice. It may not seem so because it has become habitual. Interrupt the pattern with your Affirmations. Do this and see it as a choice to be happy.
By doing this and getting rid of the last vestiges of the old habits or patterns of thinking you will become happy.
The same intelligent substance which enables so many people to be happy lives within you as well as them. It is consciously living substance. It has the same natural and inherent desire of every living intelligence for the increase of life. Every living thing must continually seek  for enlargement and fulfillment of its life because that is what all life strives for. Any impediments to this cause dis ease and depression.
In order to know more, do more, experience more and be more we must have more. We must have things to use because we learn and do and become only by using and experiencing things. That is the key to happiness. Depression blocks desire and momentum which cuts you off from your natural flow of experience, joy happiness and fulfillment.
It is your natural right to desire riches. It is the capacity for larger life seeking fulfillment. Every desire is the effort of an unexpressed possibility to come into action. It is power seeking to manifest which causes desires. It is life seeking fuller expression. Examine your desires and no matter what may seem to be in the way, go for it.
The Universe desires you to have everything you want to have including happiness. Nature is in harmony with your desires. Work in harmony with the Universal Laws and nature will be friendly and supportive of your plans.
Make up your mind that this is true and take action.
Work from your own uniqueness and not in competition and then you will discover true abundance and happiness.
Have fun,

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Post by barry » Thu Oct 11, 2007 6:14 am

ranter wrote:I would suggest any books on the subject by Joseph O'Connor and Ian MacDermot as a wonderful introduction to NLP.
I'd recomend reading a copy of "frogs into princes" - this book changed the whole way I view my relationship with people, then anyother bandler&grinder books.

I'd also recomend the "NLP Workbook" by Joseph O'Connor - this is the most practical and accessible book on the subject. Excellent Stuff.
ranter wrote: However the subject of mind control worries me.  There are only two reasons for mind control.  One is to control others and the other is the control oneself.
Nobody has a right to control anybody else and it should never be practiced.  People who want to control themselves are suggesting that they're out of control at some level and I would suggest that they go and see a good hypnotherapist who can help them to regain control of what ever aspect of their life is outside of their control.  No I didn't say a psychotherapist I said in hypnotherapist.  Psychotherapy is talk therapy. Mind problems stem from the unconscious and trying to solve them using talk therapy is like polishing your car to charger battery.  They're both absurd.
I'd like to agree in princinple with what you are saying here and yet there is quite a lot of benift that can be done by "controling", or more reasistically putting it "manipulating", yourself and others.  People are not broken or out of control but we have bad habits (sub-concious behaviours) that conflict with our desires (conciously choosen goals).  To me it seems only proper that we help ourselves and others achieve goals is through influence.  Of course only "good for everyone concerned" type goals should helped with.

Of course one cannot ever stop influencing those around us so we might as well a) do it for a good cause and b) learn to do it well (or at least stop doing it badly).


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Post by littlebird03 » Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:09 pm

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Darran Brown and NLP

Post by ranter » Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:31 am

Darran Brown is a Stage Magiciam of considerable talent.
Like all stage magicians he uses mis direction. When he says he is using NLP he is merely using misdirection which could loosly be said to be NLP.
What he is saying he is doing is not what he is doing and is merely misdirection and is not NLP as he says it is.
Jonathan Royale explains and if you like exposes many of Darran Browns techniques in some of his training programmes which are available very cheaply on ebay.
They are not nearly as mysterious as they look but then that is good showmanship.
Darran Browns tricks are old tried and tested illusions or magic tricks that have been around for a long time.
His secret is a new and fresh way of presenting them.

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Post by littlebird03 » Tue Oct 30, 2007 1:09 pm

Last edited by littlebird03 on Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ranter » Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:20 pm

Hi Kim,
You got it in one.
People who are involved in the business of tricks and illusion assume that everything is tricks and illusion. It is a sad limitation for one to place such limitations on themselves.
The Miracle Power Of Metaphysics by Robert B Stone is a wonderful book which is freely available and will enable you to explore and develop your Metaphysical and Psychic abilities.
Get it if you can and enjoy the experience.
Best wishes in your deeper explorations and personal development.

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Post by Flemm » Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:35 am

NLP as is not just for self imporvment. I have read a bit about NLP and i personaly think it is much more that a tool to improve yourself. Personaly i think NLP is best as a way to express yourself in a way that others will accept what you are saying. To use NLP you will have to understand how a person thinks, communicates and absorbe information. when truly you understand that you can easly apply NLP to any situation you want.

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Post by Hypnos72 » Mon Nov 19, 2007 4:14 pm

yeah you should definately bring some it on to the site.it would be a realy awsome thing for all of us to learn

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Post by brahma_sky » Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:37 am

The best source for information on NLP is the organization that is affiliated with Richard Bandler, at http://www.purenlp.com/

There are many, many organizations out there that claim to teach NLP, but not all of them have the full product, or if they do they've adulterated it with philosophies of their own make.

"Structure of Magic" vols 1 and 2, "Frogs Into Princes," "TranceFormations," "Change Your Mind and Keep the Change," are excellent books written at the very beginning of the movement.

Tony Robbins' "Unlimited Power" has quite a bit of NLP mixed in with his motivational ideas, and the book can serve as an excellent primer for newbies.

Hope this helps.   :smt006

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Post by brahma_sky » Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:39 am

brahma_sky wrote:The best source for information on NLP is the organization that is affiliated with Richard Bandler, at http://www.purenlp.com/

There are many, many organizations out there that claim to teach NLP, but not all of them have the full product, or if they do they've adulterated it with philosophies of their own make.

"Structure of Magic" vols 1 and 2, "Frogs Into Princes," "TranceFormations," "Change Your Mind and Keep the Change," are excellent books written at the very beginning of the movement.

Tony Robbins' "Unlimited Power" has quite a bit of NLP mixed in with his motivational ideas, and the book can serve as an excellent primer for newbies.

Hope this helps.   :smt006
I forgot to mention...many NLP gurus have posted segments of their seminars on video websites like YouTube and GoogleVideo.

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Very Good.

Post by brahma_sky » Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:20 am

brahma_sky wrote: I forgot to mention...many NLP gurus have posted segments of their seminars on video websites like YouTube and GoogleVideo.
That's a very good idea...I watch nlp videos there myself.  For those of you who are technically inclined, there are programs out there which you can use to download the videos from sites like that.


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Post by jim11 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:05 am

i want to learn this nlp technic from anthony robbins but i dont have much time. I have seen one funny movie about this anthony robbin but remember the name.

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Post by floraw » Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:11 pm

well, i am reading the nlp, a book from mr. faulkner ( i forgot his first name, sorry). it is AMAZING, guys! the theory and there are exercises for us to deal with some things, and after shift some emotions..

i am going to give an example:
something bad happened, it let me upset. i can't forget it, and everytime i remember that, i feel angry, sad, and i know it is bad to keep in touch with this situation all the time. well, i can't forget it, but i can forget HOW i feel about it.
1 -i close my eyes and remember the situation with all the details, as if it was a movie. i pay attention to everything: the images and colours of the situation, the sounds, tones of voice, how i felt, and so on.
2 - i choose a bizarre song to compose the soundtrack of this movie. it can be a very dramatic one, or instrumental, or from a comedy one, no matter.. but it does not have anything to do with the subject. for instance: i am a believer, the theme from the shrek movie
3 - now i see the movie again in my mind, but i turned on the song, it is playing loud, very lound in my mind, so that it is difficult to hear me or the other people talking in the situation. sometimes i feel like laughing in this moment, and it is ok. the most important is that i pay attention to 100% of my reactions - the ones i have and the ones that i pretend to..
4 - wait for some seconds...
5 - think about the situation again... and i realize that i don't feel so sad or angry about it anymore. why? because i added a song that was not part of the original memory. than the brain gets a bit "confused" and doesn't connect anymore the "bad" feelings and the memories.

it doesn't matter if i will forget it or not, the most important is that i decided how i feel about it, and then it is possible to make better reflections about the fact, and learn from what happened


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