psychic power

Learn meditation techniques to relax and improve your own thought processes.

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Post by SHANSHWE » Tue Feb 13, 2007 6:04 pm

I teach people to change how to perceive the 'world'at a quantum level. By doing so, it is possible to interact with the 'verses 100%. Some call it magic, I don't. It's about the manipulation of enery. I know that what ever one can do physcialy, one can do non-phsyically. Think it and it is done. it sounds so simply and for some it is but for many others it can be hard work. It involves going back to a point in time when all things were possible and then deciding which path to folow. Knowing what to do intellectually is not the same as knowing what to do instinctively.

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Post by jstrasi » Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:33 pm

Hi.. did I read that right.. did you say you teach!!

From what I have experienced.. well mostly I have a lot of experiences wherein I go through situations which I am sure I had dreamt about weeks ago.. its like dejavu.. though its happened many times, it still doesnt fail to freak me out at times. However, I can recollect having dreamt it only when its actually happening in front of me... I would like to know if there is a way to remember your what you see in the dream when you wake up and know when its going to happen or something...

by the way.. what exactly do you teach?

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Post by SHANSHWE » Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:44 am

I teach people how to interact in the 'verses 100%. This means that there is no difference between the physical and non-physical. It can be extemely hard work as well as a great deal of fun. I've been told, it's like having your head sliced open with a chain saw and having your brain stirred with a wooden spoon whilst I'm rolling about laughing. basically it is about learning about about self-awareness. This means sorting out the baggage we all pick up  from an early on in life and seeing it and most importantly,acknowledging it for what it truly is. It is not about positive thinking, it's about seeing things as they truly are and then taking total responsibility for what you think, do and say- easier said then done. You learn how to use all your senses to their full potential - this is done in a 'safe' environment before exploring specific areas of eploration. I say exploration because it is. There's whole worlds out there waiting to be explored. it can be a lot of fun as well as serious, but on the whole it's fun. The only things that stops people from is fear and self doubt.

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Post by michaela » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:31 am

On the day I turned 26 I had some kind of breakdown. It happened in a second. I was an actor, used to strutting the stage without fear, then the next second I was changed. It felt like death and in a sense it was. My facade fell off. When I remember it I even hear the thin shell of who I had been fall off and clatter to the ground.

Immediately I began to remember things. I had had no memory of my life prior to the age of 12. Now I remembered it in detail. The very first thing I remembered was that I knew I would die at the age of 26. I had been a strange child to hear others tell it, docile and compliant, not overly interested in anything but tolerant of everything. Now I remembered why.

As a young child, I would close my eyes and all sense of my body was gone. I was now in a vast space, as huge as I was tiny. I had the sense here that I was finished, that everything was perfect and I was complete. I called it home and I loved it. Eventually the feeling would end and I would be back. The material world seemed hollow and unreal to me, far less real than home. Consequently I developed few attachments. I hated it here and wanted to go home for good but, knowing that I must be here though without knowing why, I tolerated it and waited just to close my eyes again.

Back at 26, being now different, I was beginning to understand just how different I had become. I felt the presence of other beings all around me and one in particular over my left shoulder. It was a male, very tall, and though he said nothing, still I could feel him teaching me. Over time, this new sensitivity to some other realm became oppressive and at the age of 28, obeying a whim, I left where I was and went to the mountains to be alone. I rented a little house and stayed there for 8 weeks.

For the first 2 nights I couldn't sleep but lay awake cold with fear; of what I had no idea. On the 3rd night as I lay in the dark determined not to give in to the fear and sleep with the lights on, I felt the presence of many small beings around my bed. When I opened my eyes I fancied I saw them disappear through the walls. I shook it off, doubting my sanity, and lay down again. And again I could feel them. At last I decided to keep my eyes closed and ignore what I believed to be my fear-fuelled imagination. I felt something touch my forehead between my eyes and it felt like the crunch of a crisp apple. As inexplicably and suddenly as the fear had come, it was gone. I slept soundly and awoke refreshed.

In the morning I began to assemble an altar. It seemed the most natural thing to do even though it was completely at odds with my beliefs - I am deeply suspicious of religion and devotion in all its forms. Long story short, by the end of the day the altar was complete; picture of Jesus, Christian bible, candles, golden sash ... the works. I had been deeply distressed all day about this activity but unable to stop. Now I was happy. Until I began to dance. It was a wild, animal kind of dance and really quite violent in it's way. I can't tell you how long this went on but by the time it was over the room was pitch black. I lit the candles and, exhausted, fell to my knees. When I opened my eyes it was morning and I was still on my knees. And I loved my little altar.

For the next 7and a half weeks I went about my business. I had brought a typewriter with me and I was ostensibly writing a play which kept me busy. But every time I wished for something, or expected something, it seemed to eventuate. The thing is it was not at all spiritual or godly or holy or anything like that - certainly nothing to suit my altar. For one example - one of hundreds - I was at a shop buying a drink and something to eat. In front of me at the checkout were 2 of the most beautiful people I had ever seen, both of them tall and blonde and one a boy and one a girl. I briefly wished I could see them naked. Not very holy. I checked myself and put that thought out of my mind. I left the shop and went to a secluded spot to sit by a rock pool and drink and eat and write. 5 minutes later, the blondes turn up. Without giving me even a glance - I was the only other person there - they climbed into the pool and began to undress. I'll stop there before this begins to resemble another sort of story.

Over time I have gotten used to my new sensitivities. It seems to me that the psychic is always there, just below the surface. The trick is to access it without falling in.

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mind control

Post by marie clay » Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:02 am

didnt adolf hitler use mind control? its a very dangerous thing if the power is in the wrong hands...

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hm, interesting

Post by babakf » Sun Jun 24, 2007 6:15 am

just wonder, why instead of changing our mind process, we keep what we have and flourish it, with meditation tecniques.

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Post by Ethan » Sun Jun 24, 2007 8:03 pm

lilac wrote:Is it true that if think about something really hard, it can manifest into reality?How do u ensure that it actually manifests?
Yes a thought form can manifest if the conscious an unconscious mind work in unison, but you cannot always be certain if it manifest on the phyiscal depends on want the thought form is.

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Post by deva » Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:20 pm

Thanks for sharing your story, Michaela. But isn't it an awesome responsibility too, when what one thinks of or wishes for, manifests?

Shanshwe, do you believe in the concept of alternate realities?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

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