I cant meditate

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I cant meditate

Post by Asoos » Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:41 am

Im a very spiritual person, I used to relax, meditate and know how to heal my self ...
from Oct 2007 something changed all of this, I think I become very weak to handle anything any more, a sad past, un happy present and unknown future for the first time in my life make me shout down for any chance to help my self, I tried to go back to mediate but I cant once I start I sleep and once I decide to start I find me a reason not to continue ..
I really dont know what is going on with me, Im not usually a weak person but I cant explain what stage I reach in my life now where I cant decide what to do or be strong to go back to life positive and happy even if there is some sorrows around.

please any one can help me to heal my self and get out from this gap.

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:05 am

Please read the thread on breathing I posted (use search then Prof. Akers) start here before anything else.
Get your breathing sorted out first!

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Post by chefferren » Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:35 pm

I'm not an expert but I would guess that you've reached a block in your subconscious that is preventing you from going further.  You are resisting something.  And the more you resist the harder it will be to get back on track.  Don't judge yourself for not meditating or feel badly or guilty about it - that only makes it worse.  Wherever you are right now is where you are supposed to be and it's okay.  Sometimes when things seem bad they are actually good because it means something is shifting and moving forward even if it's uncomfortable at the time.   Just bringing attention to what is going on when you don't meditate or do healthy things for yourself will help dissolve the resistance.  You don't have to intellectually figure out what the resistance is, just be okay with whatever is going on at the moment.

I've gone through many many ruts with my meditation and lifestyle.  It's all part of the journey. :smt002

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Post by tourbi » Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:47 pm

Go ahead and sit, take the time.  If you sleep, you are still getting something you need.
If you find other things to do, be gentle with yourself and just sit, find a pretty flower, something wonderful, go outside and sit down and sit the time you want to meditate and appreciate the plant, the mountain, the nature around you.
It will return to you.  
Give yourself the space that you use for meditating to just be, whatever it is for that time.
Be gentle with yourself and yet give to yourself the time for appreciating.

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Re: I cant meditate

Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:09 pm

Asoos wrote:Im a very spiritual person, I used to relax, meditate and know how to heal my self ...
from Oct 2007 something changed all of this, I think I become very weak to handle anything any more, a sad past, un happy present and unknown future for the first time in my life make me shout down for any chance to help my self, I tried to go back to mediate but I cant once I start I sleep and once I decide to start I find me a reason not to continue ..
I really dont know what is going on with me, Im not usually a weak person but I cant explain what stage I reach in my life now where I cant decide what to do or be strong to go back to life positive and happy even if there is some sorrows around.

please any one can help me to heal my self and get out from this gap.

Try something simple. Take the time for at least one hour or longer to be with nature. If possible do some gardening. Get your hands dirty. Be surrounded by greenery and birds. You need to begin feeling nature again...

Good luck.


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Post by Youdah » Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:46 pm

When I am very confused or upset mentally so that I can't meditate, I've found some things to help quiet the mind.  It is difficult to come to the quiet and calm place so that you can even begin!  Procrastination is just one of the symptoms of the disquiet.  As already suggested, concentrate on your breathing.  Think only of this.  Soon, you will find that your mind is wandering to something else.  Just notice this, and compassionately take your mind back to your breathing.  This is all that you need to do!  Just quieting the mind and the emotions will have a good effect.

Another way is to find a mantra that has meaning for you.l  Chant this mantra and concentrate on the words.  Again, your mind will begin to wander.  Gently put your thoughts back to the mantra.

Another way that I have found to do when I am so distraught that I cannot even sit still!  I will do a walking meditation.  That is, I will go outside and walk and make my mind pay attention to the smells, the sounds, the trees that I see, and so on.  Of course, the mind will wander.  Gently again and again, bring it back to experiencing nature and the things you see on your walk.

Yes, many use meditation to help themselves heal.  But, consider that meditation is also a tool to help calm the mind.  When the mind is calm, the body becomes calm, and this in itself is healing.

There must be reasons for your distress, even if you do not recognize the root cause, you recognize the disquiet of the mind and emotions.  If you would like to share, or would be accepting of someone to help you more, please post more.  There are many skillful healers here on Mystic Board.  Each has a different philosophy and way of helping, so you may need to choose several until you find one that can help you specifically.  But, most of all, do not go away silently and suffer!  :)  I wish you well.  I am sending a virtual hug to you.

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Post by dpackup » Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:11 am

I am just starting to try meditation and have a really hard time with it also. But I am new to it. I am doing the breathing and everything else I have been told to do but I start focusing on my breathing and then it gets all out of wack and I lose my concentration and that's the end of it.

Anyone have any ideas?

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Post by kybunker » Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:51 pm

I think alot of people tend to think that when you meditate you have to be somewhere quiet and calming,
My meditations are very different, I scrub the tub,
I find that when I'm doing something I feel is cleansing, I tend to trance out as I'm doing it,
When I am done Not only is the house clean, but so am I,
Chakras are cleansed and realigned when in the process of doing something routiune,
I've never been able to sit and relax for more than 15 mins a day,

I've also found that if you like to use the computer alot,,, each key you press, visualize the act of pressing the keys to take you deeper and deeper into yourself,
A sense of letting go of the blocks.

Everyone meditates differently, If you feel comfortable sitting for 20-60 mins doing nothing but being in your ownself, then great, but alot of us just can't do that

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Why do you meditate?

Post by HealingMindN » Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:03 pm

The original purpose of meditation is healing.  Utilising the breathe, you do spiritual cleansing for healing through connection with the higher self which leads to internal alchemy.

So, my question to you has to be:  Why do you meditate?

What sort of meditation are you doing?  How did you get into it?  What do you believe about meditation?  How would you describe it?  How do you feel about it?  How does it serve you in your life?

I think it was Ghandi who said, "Prayers are for asking questions - Meditation is for listening to the answers."  What questions do you ask?  What answers are revealed to you.

In my prayers, I ask for healing connections between myself, my loved ones, the entire planet, and every soul in every reality.  Then I thank God for those connections because I know they exist.  Specifically, I ask for the path to my greatest success.  Then when I meditate Kuji Kiri, I allow my thoughts to flow freely, then I see my path as clear as day.

Of course, as an adjunct I make sure that I'm getting all my essential nutrients.  For example, We all need the proper intake of magnesium, lack of which has been implicated in depression in a number of clinical studies.  The intense stress of depression and sadness also depletes B vitamins, all important for maintaining higher consciousness, so you should also look into that.

You should also look into proper exercise.  The purpose of martial arts is to build chi in the outer extremities.  During chi kung we take that chi and focus it along the extraordinary vessels using the mind.  Then we take that focused chi and use it in the martial arts:  A Wonderful Cycle.

So the question remains:  How are you cycling your internal energy?  When it stagnates, you suffer mentally and physically from emotions rooted in fear.  When it flows freely, you are positive and healthy.  

To further help you, here is a song of MELAH, an elemental of God who helps people to Share the Flame:

"I tap into the infinite,

"the hidden dimension, the ultimate source of strength and light,

"and imagine sharing that joy with all those around me.

"Darkness recedes

"as I see candles burning across the universe signifying the spread of joy and light.

"I ask for the strength and certainty to go out into the world to share goodness

"and create greater opportunies for Light, Love, and Compassion."

What passion do you celebrate with the world and how do you share it with the world around you?  

We have all suffered darkness in our lives.  By circulating darkness in this world, the great circuit of returns that darkness, multiplied.  

By circulating Light, Love, and Compassion into this world, the great circuit of life returns it to you, manifold.

I wish for you, Healing Thoughts.

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Post by Barbaras Ahajustsde » Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:33 pm

This is exactly why you shouldn't stop meditation.  Your soul is crying out to be healed.   Don't give up.  You can do this by "zoning out" by working in the yard by yourself, doing slight stretching exercises to soft slow music, or guided meditations that are available on the internet.

You are in need of a healing.  Find what path works for you and then put the effort into working through them.  Remember, be it hypnosis or meditation, its a segment of time where you allow yourself to forget where you are at and only see things from within.  You need to heal and slugging this out, little by little will benefit you greatly!


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Post by Emelita » Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:09 pm

I can't maditate too and never could. because when I try to feel the phase of meditation I fell asleep at the same time. Can anyone advise some technique how to avoid this?

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