seeing lights when meditating

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seeing lights when meditating

Post by dhav » Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:28 pm

when i meditate i see a violet fluidlike light mostly .many times it is accompanied by green.out of the corner of my eye i see a blue pearl-like light appearing and vanishing and lately it seems to have grown in size when i see it.can anyone know what these lights mean to me?

by curiosity also do you see these lights when meditating.what color do you see? :smt005

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when i meditate i see a violet fluidlike light mostly .many

Post by ksri10 » Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:00 am

Is it TRATAKA type of meditation that you adopt and you see light? On hearing from you I will share my experience of seeing light/flame.

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Post by dhav » Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:28 am

What is Tatraka meditation?i practise only the simple type of meditation sitting in a comfortable position and closing my eyes i also don't need to intend to do meditation to see the lights.whenever i close my eyes and start thinking they come by themselves.or they are also there when i wake up in morning.

infact yesterday i was just staring in the dark before sleeping i could see the purple and gold lights with eyes was amazing as it was the first time i saw it with open eyes. :smt005

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Post by dhav » Wed Dec 26, 2007 12:37 am

i have been using the mantra 'Om Dum Durgaye Namaha' also for some 3 months now.
i will be gladly awaiting for your sharing of your experience about light and flame.

lights of love,

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Post by RebeccaReiki » Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:29 pm

:smt006 I also see purplish colors with others mixed in sometimes that remind me of a lava lamp when I meditate.  These started after I was first attuned to Reiki I.  I don't know what they are either.  I have also noticed the last few times that my teeth start to vibrate and my heart starts to race a few minutes into my meditation and then calmness.  My face starts to feel numb and I can hear this loud ringing like a crystal bowl sound only in my left ear.  Any answers would be so helpful!  Thanks bunch.! :smt006

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Post by RebeccaReiki » Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:40 am

I have looked up on the internet this "TRATAKA type of meditation" that you spoke of.  I do not believe in coincidence...and I am being completely honest here, I did not know before reading this post what Trataka was until I looked it up and it said on Wikipedia
Trataka (in Sanskrit to look, or to gaze) is the practice of staring at some external object.
The second stage is staring at a candle flame. The practice is the same up until the eyes begin to water, after which the eyes are closed, and the yogi tries to concentrate on the after image, and hold it for as long as possible. At first, it will be a real after-image, but later, it will exist only in the mind's eye, and the exercise in concentration comes from trying to maintain it there for a long period of time.

Trataka is supposedly the technique which sadhakas use to develop psychic powers. Trataka on the Sun or one's own mirror image is considered to be extremely powerful, but without a guru's assistance it can be dangerous to try these.

I was doing this without knowing what it was or anything about it.  I just did it because that is what came to mind.  Do you know how or why it would be dangerous?  I was yesterday concentrating on the flame of a candle. I have been very in "tune" to everything around me lately.  I know everything happens as it may for a reason.  

What do you think?  Please also read my post that I entered earlier today above this one. :)

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Post by ec » Sun Oct 05, 2008 9:06 am

I;m afraid I don't know why it could be dangerous, I have done both without realising they were "known methods" aswell!! Also do any of you see a kind of vortex that rushes in to a centre point (black and white) gets whiter after a while... in the minds eye and in the sky (in the sky it comes with sparkles all around.... I have always wondered what this might be and if there is another "side" ???? love and light xx ec

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Post by prabakaran_cad » Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:41 pm

There are seven energy chakras in our body..

Each chakra is associated with a color

During a particular mediation if a particular chakra is activated then the associated color will be appeared..

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Post by prabakaran_cad » Tue Oct 14, 2008 2:42 pm

There are seven energy chakras in our body..

Each chakra is associated with a color

During a particular mediation if a particular chakra is activated then the associated color will be appeared..

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Post by RoseRed » Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:37 pm

I do know that the ringing in the ears is actually like a download :)
The left hand side of the face usually represents "receiving".
If you focus really hard on the ringing it can sometimes change into a kind of song ;)
I also see the lights but not as big as you guys, I call them sparklies. I will see them after I use some reiki or if I'm thinking about something and quickly look up. Sometimes I will just look somewhere for no particular reason and there it is sparklies!
They flash so quick for me that I haven't been able to distinguish a def colour but I think purple, deep blue and some pale yellow and a green one somewhere down the line.
I was once told by an auric reader that gold represents wisdom.

Funny enough I have always wanted to do the candle meditation thing - never knew it had such a fancy name! heehee

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Post by Aiden » Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:48 am

hmm...i too have had this experience, mostly purple  and white but what im really interested in is everytime i close my eyes ever since i was a little girl i saw these black and white spiralling...things. Its just like black whirling "blankets" (as my friend called them because she sees them too) and then a white one will come and join...its hella weird. Does anyone have any information on this? I didnt want to start another thread because theres not enough for me too say so im hoping this thread was okay to intervene in.
Also i was wondering about something else. I know someone who says that when she closes her eyes she sees an eyeball in the corner of her eye and when i was younger i used to see this. Is it just seeing a "reflection" of your eye or what?

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Post by Maris » Sat Nov 07, 2009 10:48 am

In my opinion, we can see different lights if we need to clean and fill any ernergy center with prana (or qi). Seeing a lights is very individual and we dont have to concentrate on that. When all centers are optimized we can feel unity with all universe and we cant describe a special light... all is beutiful and joyful :)

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Post by fisk_82 » Sat Dec 19, 2009 11:50 pm

my light always color purple, green, and orange but lastly the purple dominating... the green is in the centre and the orange perish , i never see it again.
a little bit confuse... i see these colors after practice meditation for about 6 months...
i ask my friends who already practice meditation for years and he is just wonder about that...
he said that not so many people reach this light in six months time of meditation

while do meditation itself, i never learn the right technique... just sit in the comfortable position and close my eyes... and never now the stage of meditation
i'm starting meditation to reach good health as  i know from some  health journals that meditation increase serotonin in the brain
i let my mind free from any thought

in the past about 3 months ago i saw the light always white and very bright
and now change to be more colorful and i always find that i feel deep peace everytime this light come to me

and wanna ask is the light really dangerous as someone posted here?

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