getting over bad habits.......

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getting over bad habits.......

Post by makryal » Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:44 pm

if there are some bad habits in u which u know its not good for u but still cant stop doing it......

how can we use meditation as a healing technique to get rid of those habits......?

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Meditation and bad habits

Post by unitic » Sat Apr 07, 2007 4:53 pm

First of all, bad habits can have many sources.  Sometimes they're karmic -- that is something your soul has decided to experience to increase awareness.  Sometimes they are carryovers from past lives (if you believe in reincarnation).  There are many possibilities.  The good news is -- in my opinion -- that the solution is simple and you do not have to know the cause (please note that "simple" does not always mean "easy").

The first principle to apply to bad habits is: what we resist, persists.  If you fight your bad habits and struggle with them they will fight and struggle back.  What to do?  Give them no energy.  Consider what your habit is -- let's say smoking -- instead of resisting smoking, give your energies to non-smoking.  Every day claim the truth that you are a non-smoker.  Use meditation to visualize yourself as a non-smoker, feel what it would be like to be free of smoking.  Use prayer and affirmations in your meditation to claim it.  "I am free from smoking."  "I am a non-smoker."  You'll be able to come up with affirmations more appropriate to yourself.  The rule is, consider what you like to be free of and then claim the opposite of that thing.  For instance, if you want a stop eating to excess and gaining weight, claim the opposite: "I am slim, trim, and physically fit."  You're a conscious mind will find a way to help you today.

Don't stop with meditation -- carry a card with you with your new information, say it morning and night and every time you think of it.

Good luck -- you can do it!

Richard the Unitic

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Post by Mandimedea » Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:05 am

I know this post is old, but I really liked how you described how to give the energy to the good habit and give no energy to the bad.  I was focusing on how to stop my bad habit and this made me look at it differently.

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Meditation and bad habits

Post by Maris » Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:28 pm

Could I add some words?...  Good way is to develop personal good qualities or add a some new good habits. This helps to replace baad habits easy. It takes about 3 months for making a new one. This way gives You an excellent assurance about You own possibility and power to change a things, also :) As we read before, together with positive affirmations we can make our lifes beutiful :)

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