How can you control your subconscious ?

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How can you control your subconscious ?

Post by Tat » Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:23 pm

Hello everyone!!
I would love to know if there's a way to control your subconscious mind..
If you have any tips or techniques ,please share them!!
Thank you in advance!!! :)

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Input Equals Output

Post by rleeq » Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:43 pm

It is not so much a problem of controlling the subconscious as programming it. There really i no way to control the subconscious.

The subconscious mind is an interesting bit of wetware. The subconscious mind will do whatever you tell it to. It is the subconscious mind that keeps us stuck in mundane, boring,troublesome lives or allows us to soar to the heavens.

Early in life we are told things about ourselves, life and the world around us. The people who told us these things may or may not have our best interest at heart. Friends, enemies, family, teachers, ministers and so on.

In many cases what they told us was simply wrong. The problem is that they told us those things with enough conviction and enough times that our subconscious comes to believe them and acts to make them true.

Take for instance the child who lives in a abusive household. The child is told he is worthless, that he will never amount to anything, that he is stupid, so on and so on.

The subconscious comes to believe these things. the child does poorly in school, he is always getting in fights and kicked out of school. Consequently when he grows up his life is much the same. He becomes a drunk, gets into drugs, goes to jail and there goes his life. All of this is a consequence of his subconscious mind believing what he was told as a child.

Now let's take a look at another case. A child is born into a loving family. as he grows he is cherished, loved and told many things about himself. He is told that he is smart, that he is talented, that he is god looking. As he goes through school he gets good grades, has many friends, he gets elected to his school council, becomes school president. He excels at sports, music, math. As he becomes an adult he gets good jobs, advances in his company. He marries a beautiful woman, becomes president of his company. Etc, etc. All of this is because his subconscious believes what he was told when he was a child.

These are two examples of the power of the subconscious mind. They illustrate the subconscious's ability to follow directives given to it.  It is told that the boy is smart, so the boy does well in school or it is told the boy is stupid and the boy gets straight F's all through school.

So how does all of this apply to your question? Again not control but programming. Here is the answer. To program your subconscious mind you simply have to tell it what you want. The steps are as follows.

1. Decide what it is that you want.
       a. no mean task in itself. you have to decide though. Picture it in your mind, smell it, taste it. Do whatever you have to, to know what it is.

2. Put up an idea board.
       a. An idea board is your reminder of the things you want. You want a big house, put up a picture of it. It would preferably be a detailed floor plan that you drew out. Was a Maserati? Put up a picture up. Make it the exact color, type, and make you want. You get the idea...

3. Create a mantra.
       a. his might sound a little fluffy guru but it works. Make it catchy, rhyme it, make it so you can sing it. Doesn't have to be complicated just something that you can get your mind around any time you want.

4. At night just before you roll over to go to sleep, bring up that picture of your house or car, in your mind. See yourself opening the front door of your house with the key you just got from the Realtor...see yourself going into the house, look around at your house, see the walls with exactly the pictures you want on them, see the stairs exactly where you told the builders to put them going to the second story of your house, smell that new house smell. Picture it all exactly the way you want it to be. All the time humming your little mantra in your mind. Keep it all swirling around your mind as you allow yourself to drift off to slumber-land.

Remember, it is not a case of "CONTROLLING" your subconscious, sorry you can't do that. It s a process of programming the subconscious to arrange your life so that you can have what you want.

Now... just for kicks and giggles, Mystic Board has this little program that can help in the programming process. It is called Subliminal Message Software. Check it out. Read and follow the instructions. I've tried a umber of Subliminal Message programs and it really is the best I've found.

Let me know if this helps. For some reason I am getting that the subconscious is not what you want to control but there is something else entirely.

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Post by Tat » Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:54 am

Thank you a lot for your answer!
so, you have to change your thoughts in order to programme
your subconscious...
that's interesting and it is something i am working on it recently.
Though i've noticed that the themes of my dreams
are related to what i was thinking before changing my mindset....
I guess it takes time to programme
my subconscious to my new thoughts and feelings(?)
I will also look up the forum's Subliminal Message Software.
Thank you!

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Post by rleeq » Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:03 pm

Yes the process takes time. As with anything worthwhile in this life it takes patience and you have to be persistent. But hey at age 2 you have your whole life ahead of you.

I am gad I was able to help.

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Post by fisk_82 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:34 am

@rleeq tx for your post... it reminds me of something. I want to ask... how to change the subconscious mind that not related to material things?
If the kid that you write in first example become older and she believes that she is unworthy because she was told so from the very first beginning, how does she can change that mind?
She acknowledge that the thinking not good for her but she can do nothing to change it.. Thanks

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Post by rleeq » Mon Oct 11, 2010 4:30 pm

PM me. Feelings of unworthiness get into the realm of psychology and might be better discussed privately.

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subconscious control

Post by Horacio » Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:52 am

Hi! Can 'reprogramming' the subconscious can affect the person physically? Like if he is ill or have a disease or he wants to get slim or taller?

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 05, 2011 7:57 pm

Tall and short is hardwired - we can not change our physical body to that extent.  We can change how we view it.  If we honor our height, weight, and person you will find that you are expressing taller, thinner and personal power.

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