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Pravin Kumar
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Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Jan 07, 2018 9:25 am

Perfection of What Is:

The noise between your ears is what makes you think the next so called fix will make life perfect, so what searching is about is trying to have things as perfect as you think they need to be instead of accepting the perfection of what is.

It’s very easy to get stuck in the habit of constantly needing to arrange life to be a certain way. One is only stuck when they are controlled by the noise that’s between your ears. As the road to happy destiny is trudged our conditioning slowly changes, but contentment should never be based on things needing to be changed. I've come to an understanding that life is perfect when it's accepted as it is. I am perfect in my imperfections as is life. Until this was understood, my searching for perfection remained in place. That's what the search is really all about anyway, trying to have things as perfect as we think they need to be instead of accepting the perfection of what is. It’s the noise between your ears that makes you think the next so called fix will make life perfect.

For me my searching ended when I understood my conditioning is not me. I don't try to be anything or achieve a certain state, I am what I am, this is my place of peace and the great thing about this is, it isn’t dependent on anything. Read your books, sit in meditation, go to the gym, do yoga and what not, but none of these things will stop the searching, that is until it's realized what's here right now is what one is searching for. I'm not labeling any of these things as good or bad, but if there’s searching labels will be applied. It doesn't have to be this way, but it will take a mind that is very settled to be aware of this. Just how does the mind settle; by sitting and developing the discipline to allow the acceptance of things as they are. When this occurs, the searching stops because one realizes they already have what they've always been searching for.

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