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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:05 am

Holding onto Labels:

Hold onto any label that your Conditioned Mind makes you think is needed, but if the results of these labels aren't beneficial in all areas of life, maybe the labels that are being held onto need to be let go of...

What label are you holding onto? I know for me 8/8/58 was the day of my first label. From that day forward a label was being applied establishing who I was, and with this established label being held onto as an end to a means, I wound up in an alcohol and drug rehab, twice. This applied label wasn't producing results that were much of benefit to my life. Then one day it was revealed that this label was false, it was the cause of all my problems, and it was all just a made up story. Once this story was exposed and let go of, the false label fell away...

A second label naturally arises which is much different than the first. When the first label was exposed for what it truly was, what I was left with was my true self; the self who didn't need a label attached to it for existence to be. This is where true inner peace was revealed. This second label needs no title or attachment to it. It's not who I am, it’s just a direction to allow life to be as at is; unless one enjoys the label more than peace, then the label becomes one’s life...

There are vast differences in these two labels, the first one is manufactured by thought, the second isn't manufactured by anything, it’s a product of life. These labels produce much different results and as long as the direction one is heading allows for there to be alignment with life instead of trying to manufacture it, life will naturally be lived in the label-less state of being happy, joyous, and free...


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