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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Aug 18, 2018 5:51 am

Attachment: A Storied Lie

To the level of understanding of how you alone create the attached stories you think are needed, to that extent is how these created attached stories becomes the lie you live by.

Whatever it is that’s attached to that's outside yourself becomes an attached story, and unfortunately it also becomes the lie that one lives by. Life needs no attached story to exist, but because you have never been taught otherwise you do. Our attached stories are at the core of everything reached for and what's reached for actually reinforces the attached story. This is why dependency is dependency regardless of what it is. A program, therapy, another book, meditation, retreats, your favorite team, politics, and so on are no different than attaching a story that alcohol, drugs, food or something else is needed. They are all an attachment the Conditioned Mind uses to make you believe they're needed, but it just isn't true; there would be existence even if none of the attached stories were created. If there isn't some awareness of this which will create some space, your entire life can be lived as a storied lie. Because of the lack of awareness of this I created thousands of attached stories that didn’t enhance my life one bit.

Today because there's some space between my thoughts, the attached stories are not nearly as dominant as previously. They still arise because of the conditioning in place, but they have much less power because of the awareness of them. It's imperative to understand how the attached stories only cause bondage and they matter only in the respect to the harm they cause. It seems the less awareness there is of the harm they cause the more they’re are blindly accepted. This is all just part of the conditioning, but attachment is attachment no matter what. This isn't as complicated as it may seem, know your attached stories and you will come to know truth, but understand if you don't they will dominate your life which will than be lived as a storied lie you alone create.


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