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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Aug 19, 2018 9:40 am ... pe=3&ifg=1 ... pe=3&ifg=1

Combating Depression by Repeated Awakening

This article discusses the possibility that correct identification (awakening) has the potential to combat depression, by this taking place when one is not depressed and then using the first sign of a new bout of depression as a wake up call … see below.

To show that this is not just ‘pie in the sky’ here is an email exchange I had with someone who suffers from depression:

Dear Colin--how have you been? Well, I hope.
Do you think identifying with Awareness is effective in treating depression? Seems so to me . Warmly, John

Dear John, Very well thanks. I would have thought that correct identification would completely overcome depression. But I do not have any personal experience of this although it has completely obliterated my tendency to worry about the future ... as Ramesh Balsakar says (in the title of one of his books) 'who cares'? The only rider I would add is that it might be more difficult for someone who is depressed to realize that they are Pure Awareness, for they also might say 'who cares?' but with a different meaning. However, once the depression lifts (for I believe these come and go) the opportunity is equally there, and once an awakening has taken place then, if nurtured by repeated investigation, the ongoing signs of returning depression could be used as a sign that misidentification is occurring and spur reawakening ... by investigation, or (when more established) by the simple realization that there is awareness of depression returning and deeper than the depression one is that Awareness! Love, Colin

Dear Colin
Thanks for your very perceptive email. I do have some depression and your comments seem precisely accurate. It does seem that, at certain depths of depression, awareness appears to be less apparent--even not available. One seems subsumed in the story of being a depressive.
There is an almost desperate effort to “get back to “Awareness in order to relieve the discomfort of the depression. Yes, there is definitely a red flag here to try to “remember “the Paradise Lost. Perhaps there is too much effort in this regard when the depression seems deeper. I shall try the suggestion in the last line of your email. Many thanks for your help. Warmly, John

Dear John, To continue the discussion I feel that you need to catch the first symptom that depression is returning and then undertake vigorous investigation into this experience, see attached, before any following of the depressive thought or story occurs. During this one needs to consciously identify with Awareness by completing the investigation into the properties of This and seeing the outcome of what is discovered. Then just witness any thoughts that follow this first symptom as clouds scudding across the sky of Awareness. This entails not following these thoughts or telling yourself a story about being depressed or a depressive. For as soon as we objectively label ourselves in any way misidentification has occurred, as (at the deepest level) we are never an object but the Conscious Subjective Presence in which all objects arise, abide are spied and subside.

I suspect that if one does not 'nip it in the bud' then remembering or trying to get back to Awareness will be futile whilst one is depressed. However, nil desperandum for once the depression lifts the investigation can be carried out successfully and then held in reserve for dealing with the first symptom of the next bout. Love, Colin

If this procedure is assiduously carried out then the frequency of returning bouts will decrease for these are fed by their own ‘success’ and if they are nipped in the bud then this cycle is interrupted. The more they are ‘starved’ the less potent, and frequent, they will be. Also, if between these bouts one identifies with, and as, Pure Awareness then one will tend to feel so good that this will lessen the chances of them re-occurring. One other thing is that one always is Pure Awareness so even during one of these bouts, if one has been unsuccessful at nipping it in the bud, it is still the case whether one can feel it or not and whatever levels of discomfort there are … So there is no need to search for it, achieve it or ‘get’ it for awareness is always present … even if it is awareness of depression!

Here is the continuation of our email correspondence after I had sent John all of the above:

Dear Colin
Many thanks again for your advice. There is definitely a bodily feeling upon the beginning of depression. Thus there are telltale signs which can warn us to apply some of the inquiries you have written about. It would be so helpful is there was a way to offer effective approaches for those in the deeper levels of depression. I wonder if there have been any studies done on this.
I have a friend who is a scientist at the National Institute of a Mental Health specializing
in depression. Would you mind if I forward your emails to him? Warmly, John

Dear John, No problem, although I suspect he might find the whole approach somewhat 'off the wall'. He would need to read Beyond The Separate Self and understand this first. Let me know how you get on with carrying out investigation as soon as the bodily feelings start. Even if this proves to be impossible I suspect that the more you can identify with, and as, Pure Awareness whilst you are not depressed the less often the bouts will be. Love, Colin

This last point is alluded to in the first email where John says “Do you think identifying with Awareness is effective in treating depression? Seems so to me.” For John has been carrying this out for some time and it has obviously been helping …
To wrap this up here is the end of our email discussion:

Dear Colin--Thank you for this article. It has helped me rethink my practice related to depression. It is good to have a process that one knows has been effective and, therefore, can be again. This provides hope. I am not at all convinced that some kind of guided meditation audio might not be helpful for even those in deeper levels of depression. Warmly, John

Dear John, A few further points which I hope may prove helpful. I don't think classical meditation, where one concentrates on a thing (mantra, symbol, deity, breath etc...) is going to be useful. This is because it leaves the mind with too much leeway, unless the concentration is very strong, which I would doubt is the case when one is depressed. Also the mind may not see the point of this, which makes engagement with the practice more difficult.
Whereas, the investigation which, I recommend, is a step by step practice which requires the mind to actually do, and see, each stage and then move on. This makes it more likely that the mind will be able to carry this out, especially if it has done many times before and gained the benefits of this. For then it will know the point of doing this and the previous engagement with this practice will have set a certain framework which is associated with this and into which the mind will tend to settle as the process is carried out.

Even if you are unable to do this when the first symptom of depression reoccurs, you can see that the more one becomes grounded (when one is not depressed) in this 'investigation of experience', which reveals that at the deepest level one is Pure Awareness, then the more likely it is that one will be able to utilize this to prevent depression setting in. You could even make a recording of this so that you could play it back if your mind is unable to enter the practice when the first symptom is noticed...

Another practice which you could try is yoga-nidra a guided relaxation which is amazingly powerful if carried out regularly. It is also a great 'pick me up' if one is ever feeling tired and wonderful to do in the middle of the day. I have been doing this 'religiously' every day (if it is at all possible) for 30 years and can attest to its ability to alter one's mind state for the better. It does not matter how agitated, annoyed, distressed etc., I am when I lie down to do this, 25 mins later I am 'born anew' feeling refreshed and calm.

This especially gets more powerful as the mind gets used to doing it to the stage now that my body relaxes completely as soon as I hear the tape. Also, even if one falls asleep, or the mind seems to wander (during the practice) one still gets the benefits as it is performed subliminally … especially when one is used to, and comfortable, with it. Once again you would need to get established in this practice when not depressed before it would help...
Love, Colin


Combating Depression by Repeated Awakening

I was asked about combating depression,
By accurate self-identification,
As ‘Pure Awareness’ no need for repression,
Or worrying about this manifestation.

When ‘awake’ there’s no-one separate to care,
So cultivating this is the key,
Which lightens all of the burdens we bear,
As their illusory nature we see.

The trick is to resume investigation,
As soon as one notes the depression recur,
So with Awareness there’s re-identification,
Thus joy and peace, to which it must defer.

However, initially this can be hard,
So I recommend carrying out the full investigation,
Thrice a day, which will the problem retard,
As ‘awake’ becomes the natural inclination.

This will break its stranglehold,
As the mind becomes reconditioned,
And on it one is no longer ‘sold’,
Causing it to become ‘decommissioned’.

My correspondent had an ‘awakening’,
Which banished his negative mental ‘fug’,
Astonished he said it was like taking,
An amazing new wonder drug!

For self-realization leads to overcoming,
All mental suffering and angst,
Life as ‘Pure Awareness’ is stunning,
So for that we can but give thanks.

An article from "The Happiness That Needs Nothing' and the poem based on this. For more see comments on the photos.

Colin Drake.

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