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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:18 am

Constant Problem Solving:

Through the way we become conditioned, we see life as if there are constant problems to solve because we need life to be a certain way, and because of this we are constantly creating problems to solve...

The issue with having to constantly solve problems to have life a certain way is it's not real, even if life is exactly how you want it, the mind begins creating a new problem almost immediately. Life is continuous, it's broken up by time by a mind that's in a constant state of agitation. If this wasn't true, you would see life as complete and it wouldn't constantly need to create a problem so you have something to do. You don’t see this because the mind has been conditioned to problem solve instead of be okay with what is so your mind is only doing what it's been conditioned to do. How can it not?

The Conditioned Mind creates problems all the time. From traffic to changing a light bulb, all this manipulating is strictly done so the mind has something to do; it tells you that solving your created problems will make life perfect. Let's say everyday has eight problem that need solving, that would mean I solved roughly 175,000 problems in my life, all for one reason and that’s to constantly have life the way I think it should be. Nobody purposely creates problem just to have something to do, but if you didn’t constantly create problems the only thing that would really change is you wouldn’t have to constantly solve the problems that you alone create...


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