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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:28 am

Cooperating Energy:

Although everything is consciousness, when your energy is misaligned because of “I” infused desires, it puts you not only in conflict with yourself, but it also takes you out of cooperation with the entire Universe...

We begin our existence in this form in total cooperation with Universal energy. In the beginning stages we are basically in total cooperation with it; there isn't really much to prevent this. We live mostly to fulfill our instinctual needs, not much thought going on. As we get older we start the process of becoming conditioned by whatever influences we are exposed to. In other words we start to form our story and this story is what takes us out of cooperation with Universal energy. This is why there are many references in the bible to become like little children, because as a child without the Conditioned Mind being deeply engrained, your energy remains in cooperation with the Universe.

Nowhere is it written that when you make a story to become something you remain in cooperation with the Universe. Matter of fact anything that is put before your cooperation changes your energy so it becomes misguided. This is how the Law of Attraction works, the change in energy puts you at a lower vibration and this is what you attract. Success is only a measurement of the standards that society endorses, not the Universe. There can be much success by worldly standards, but it doesn't mean you’re a success by the standards of love. True success is determined by your energy being in cooperation with the Universe.

"Become like little children” not become a doctor, lawyer, a professional athlete, a writer or anything else, but if you have the heart of a little child you can become anything that you please because you will be cooperating with the Universe. This cooperation is your oneness and it's what makes you complete regardless of anything else that you do. You will attract the things of the energy you live by and although you may fool some people by being successful according to worldly standards, the Universe will not nor can not be fooled as you only receive what your energy is in cooperation with...


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