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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Apr 16, 2019 10:49 am

Inner Conflict:

All conflict arises from within your inner questions. Without discipline the mind that’s full of questions won’t have any answers provided so you will have to look externally and constantly blame others...

All conflicts are ego based because they come from the Conditioned Mind. If you’re in conflict with what’s written here, that arises from within you, the words don’t cause it. It doesn't matter if you agree with this or not, just understand if there’s conflict that it comes from within you, not from what’s written. Oh how we love to blame others for our own self created conflicts, but the only reason this is so is because of the lack of understanding of our own mind.

Nothing causes conflict unless it’s allowed. If you can change something by all means change it, but if it’s being changed just because you don’t like it, it needs to be looked at why there’s a conflict to begin with because even if the thing is changed, you will just move on to the next thing that will cause you to become agitated and then in conflict once again.

Everything that I have come to understand over the last eleven years has arisen from within myself. It has been through the practice of discipline that real answers have arisen directly from my own inner questions. I can't have anyone else's answers because the one who questions is the one who has the answers. I do not have your answers because I do not have your questions. Everyone has their own questions to answer. Truth is the same for all beings, but how we come to its understanding is from the questions within ourselves. When one sits in stillness, revealed are answers to our questions, this is when conflict with yourself and with the world will be no more...

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