How to make first impression fantastic??????? just take a quick look

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How to make first impression fantastic??????? just take a quick look

Post by harshthakkar3 » Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:04 pm

How to Make a Fantastic
First Impression
You never have to worry again about how you're going to
come  across, because when you apply these psychological
secrets, you'll be able to make the very best first impression,
every time. Whether in personal or professional situations,
these secrets will give you the winning edge over your
competition. Remember that these techniques and Chapter 1,
Get Anyone to Like You . . . Every Time, work in
complementary fashion; review both in order to have all of your
psychological weapons in line so you can carefully devise your
The number-one tactic for generating a favourable f irst
impression is the easiest to do: Smile! Smiling accomplishes
four powerful things: It conveys confidence, happiness, and
enthusiasm, and most important, it shows acceptance. People
who smile are perceived as confident  because when we are
nervous or unsure about ourselves or our surroundings we
tend not to smile. Smiling , of course, conveys happiness  and
we are drawn to happy people: We simply view them more
favourably. Enthusiasm is essential to making a good
impression because it's contagious. Your smile shows that you
are pleased to be where you are and to meet this person and
he in turn becomes more interested in meeting  you. Fin ally,
smiling conveys acceptance  and lets the other person know
that you unconditionally accept who he or she is. Have you
ever wondered why dogs are so lovable? Because they greet
us with complete acceptance. If you have a tail, then wag it. If
you don't, then smile. Of course there's more to ensuring a
good first impression, so let's continue.
Regarding first impressions, there is something called the
primacy e ffect: the process whereby our f irst impression of
another person causes us to interpret his or her subsequent
behaviour in a manner consistent with the first impression. In
English, this means that our first impression of someone is so
crucial  because everything we see and hear afterward  gets
filtered throug h our initial opinion. In effect you create an
image of the person right when you meet him and you see his
subsequent behaviours through this image. So if his first im-
pression of you is favourable then he will tend to be kinder in
his future evaluations of you.

The importance of primacy is so significant that even the
order of information that we receive about somebody alters
our impression of him. Take a look at these two lists of words.
A.  Cold person, industrious, critical, practical, and determined
B.  Warm person, industrious, critical, practical, and determined
In this study by Harold Kelley (1950), students who read the
description of an upcoming guest lecturer on list A had a
harsher perception of him than those who read from list B. As
you can see, the words are identical,  except for the first one.
Once we read the first word all of the other qualities are
filtered through our initial perception of  this person: that he is
either warm or cold.
Make that initial moment the very best and the rest of your
conversation will be filtered through it, thereby creating a
highly f avourable impression. Again, that is why smiling is so
important. You can do it right away and it says so much about
you—and all positive.
Another factor that can dramatically influence how we are
initially perceived is that of accessibility and priming. Simply, it's
been clearly demonstrated that the ease  with which we can
recall certain thoughts and ideas colours our perception.
In a study showing just this (Higgins, Rholes, and Jones,
1977), those who had memorized the words reckless,
conceited, aloof, and  st ubborn   later formed negative
impressions of a fictitious person. They viewed him as
arrogant and as a person who needlessly took dangerous
chances. However, people who first memorized the words
adventurous, self-confident, independent, and  persistent
later formed positive impressions. Again, this is because
these words and th eir corresponding  ideas—what they
represent—were in the front of their minds. And this coloured
their perception of a person whom  they were "introduced" to
for the very first time. Even though these words had nothing
to do with the person, these qualities were "easily accessible"
in the people's minds and they hence unconsciously ascribed
those traits to somebody whom the y then met.
So if you want to make a favourable impression on
someone,  it would benefit you if that person were to be
recently exposed to positive words. If you're a job applicant
your resume should be peppered with positive adjectives
(e.g., assertive, energetic, decisive, passionate, resourceful).
Instead of  just saying who you are and what you are capable
of, use strong, specific, and  positive  language to conve y
precisely your talents and capabilities. Then when the inter-
viewer meets you, shortly after reading through your resume,
these traits are already "primed" for association with you. (For
another interesting application of  t he power of language see
Ch apter 26,  The Best Way to Break Bad News.)

Power Point
One of the biggest mistakes criminal defence attorneys make is to put
their client on the stand when the details of the crime are still "fresh"
and easily accessible in the minds of jurors. The better tactic is to put
a witness or expert on the stand who uses positive and trusting  lan-
guage immediately prior to putting their client on the stand.
In personal as well as business situations you also want to lay
the unconscious groundwork before you're introduced. Having
a sales associate or your assistant tell your prospect about a
recent vacation or a story that u ses positive, uplifting
language can be quite effective prior to your introduction.
For instance, she might incorporate phrases such as,
"beautiful view of this majestic scene . . . f elt completely at
peace and such a sense of calm . . . and security." This puts
these themes directly in th e mind of your prospect.
Personal situations offer more of a challenge, as
in tro ducing a third party isn't always practical. One way to
circumvent this is to introduce these words directly yourself in
the beginning of the conversation. Even though you don't get
the benefit of the primacy effect, you'll recall from Chapter 1,
Get Anyone to Like You . . . Every Time, the powerful
inf luencing fact or of association. These words will "rub off
onto you and will be unconsciously associated with you.
Power Point
Who says you can't get a second chance at a first impression? If you
did something incredibly inappropriate or stupid, do not try to defend
your behaviour. There's only one thing that will work: the phrase,"I feel
so embarrassed." Why? Because this one phrase accomplishes three
very important things. First, it shows that you know what you did was
unacceptable—which means that you're unlikely to do it again. Sec-
ond, it shows that you're human and people actually like us more when
we acknowledge something stupid and embarrassing and then take re-
sponsibility for it.Third, it shows complete honesty—and who doesn't
want to deal with an honest person?

Strategy Review
Sm ile! Smiling accomplishes four powerful things: It
conveys confidence, happiness, and enthusiasm, and most
important, it shows acceptance.
Engage the primacy eff ect and make that initial moment
(and the first five minutes or so) t he very best and the rest of
your conversation will be filtered through it, thereby
creat ing a highly favourable impression.
The psychological phenomenon of accessibility and
priming can dramatically influence how we are initially
perceived. Lay the unconscious groundwork prior to your

Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:24 pm
Location: Sydney

Post by citiboi_219 » Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:17 pm

Another point is eye contact. A lot of shy guys will try and catch your glance and never look at you again. So don't be shy and say look!

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