
Learn meditation techniques to relax and improve your own thought processes.

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Post by erratiqirl83 » Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:40 pm

I want to learn to meditate, I want to relax and I want to do NLP and I want a lot of other things, but there seems to be a resistance inside me that prevents me from ever getting the things I want. Like I want NLP and I read a ton of books about it, see Richard Bandler on tape, listen to another bunch of people on tape and even see a therapist. But I never actually practice the NLP, like the visualisations and all that, the rewind the picture inside your head, the spinning and moving further away. I feel as if I cannot do it, I feel as if I cannot see any picture and I cannot manipulate something I cannot see. I want so badly to use NLP and meditation and a lot of other ideas, but it is as if when I have to actually sit down and do it, by myself, I just cant. Now I know thinking this way insures failure, but I'm having a hard time and I just want to really benefit from something for a change, I mean, I believe NLP could really help me but if I cant do the things they say would help, well, than I'll never benefit will I ? And it's not like somebody else is going to do it for me. That's what people keep telling me you know, "You have to do it yourself, we can only support you and offer you our help, but in the end, you are the one who wants to change and making that change is something we cannot do for you." So, what if I feel as if I am not capable of doing it either  ?

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Post by Gem » Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:39 pm

Hi :)
one step at a time........ baby steps and slowly you will make progress like the water drops that wear away at stone, you will get there, just don't worry about starting, or where, or how or when, just one tiny little step at a time .... thats all it takes  {{{{huggss}}}}

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Post by joelee » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:53 am

I am not all that familiar with NLP, but have used a variety of meditation techniques. My experience has shown me that it is best to accept whatever you are capable of doing at this time as okay and then accept whatever beneficial results you get, even if they seem minimal. I am not a very keen visualizer. I am not primarily a visual person to begin with. So I don't worry about clear bright detailed images. I rely more on my inner sense of tranquility to tell me it is working. And if my brain prefers to conjur up words or sounds instead of pictures, I accept that. I don't see it as settling for less, but as doing what works for me. Don't be so adamant about doing it right or  try to prove NLP will work. Adapt the meditation to your needs and progress from where you are at each day. Otherwise,
you can get caught up in another rigid "ism." Just my impressions based on personal experience. You sewem to be resisting NLP because you see it has a difficult process. Adjust gardually or find another path. Don't be a slave to your method. It is meant to serve you.

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Post by lavirgo » Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:49 pm

maybe its just not right for you and poss look at other ways.  could be that your not as relaxed as you should be or not in the right state of mind,  like other things on your mind etc.  

i used to have resistance with meditation, some i would always fall asleep, i remember doing class sessions and being woken up at the end most times, hehe,  i thought  i was just tired but it kept on happening, i kept falling asleep lol.  

also maybe its fear of letting go???  another resistance tactic i had.  sumtimes when i meditated i'd start to feel scared so would try to control my meditation,  if that makes any sense.  for instance i was relaxing and meditating and this giant kept popping into my mind,  and walking towards me, well i would try to make him disappear,  eventually  i stopped meditating for a while because of it,  when i did get back to it and the giant appeared again, i just went with the flow.

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Post by erratiqirl83 » Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:31 pm

Tanx for all you kind replies.
I Think Lavirgo is right about not being relaxed enough, because I rarely seem to relax and when I try it only relaxes my mind which causes me to feel the tenseness in my body and I get too uncomfortable, perhaps also fear because I have no idea what will happen. I can't imagine something horrible happening but still I sense fear.

I have decided to pursue other means now, I am looking at antroposofic healthcare and hope to find more connectivity there.

Thanx again for all your insights.


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Post by ohcowgirl » Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:31 am

I too find myself resisting the meditation...It's amazing the things that come to mind when you tell yourself to settle down and meditate...

I have found though that if I count my breaths mentally..."one, two, three four, four, three, two one...etc..." it seems to help. Of course when I started meditating, I wanted to do hours of it...but found 5 minutes was difficult. Someone said one step at a time...start small and work up to more time. You'll be surprised how quickly you'll find yourself moving in to the meditation and how clearly you'll be able to think afterwards.

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