
Learn meditation techniques to relax and improve your own thought processes.

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Post by summerstorm » Wed Dec 20, 2006 1:41 am

Originally written by Misty-Eve in a word to the wise newsletter

Anytime we dwell on something we DON’T WANT with a lot of emotional passion or anxiety, we are actually mis-creating.  Mis-creating because we are sending out magnetic vibrations that will attract more of the same into our lives.  

To help someone who’s in distress about any situation the trick is to turn the conversation away from what is wrong and begin discussing what they’d rather see instead.

Our emotional guidance system can help us to realize when we’re thinking and creating what we WANT as opposed to thinking about and mis-creating what we DON’T WANT.  There are really only two kinds of emotions; one feels good and the other kind feels bad.  Our guidance system is there to offer a good feeling when our thoughts and our words are in harmony with our greater intentions.  Likewise it offers a bad feeling when our thoughts are NOT in harmony with our greater intentions.

Our job, therefore, is to trust this guidance system, and stop mis-creating by focusing on what we’d rather have instead.

One way to stop mis-creating is by continually reaching for a better thought.

Sooth your feelings by saying things like…

I’m not alone.  I have loving friends and fellow travelers of The Way who will send me their energy and help me to be strong enough to work through this problem.
There MUST be a solution to this dilemma and I’m going to find out what my options are so I can make a decision about what I want.
Everything happens for a reason and there’s got to be something good that will come out of all this.

Sometimes it’s as simple as making the decision about what it is you DO want.  How can the Universe help you if you haven’t decided what you want brought into your future?

“It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind, that determines which way we will go.”
~ Jim Rohn

So make a decision about what you want, and then play with that idea, turning it over and over, turning it ‘round and around, looking at it from all directions.  Can you see it clearly yet?  Do you believe it’s possible?  Can you focus totally on what you WANT until you conjure it into your experience?

It’s worth thinking about…

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