Quieting the Mind

Learn meditation techniques to relax and improve your own thought processes.

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Quieting the Mind

Post by pinkslumber » Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:00 pm

I am very new to the idea of meditation and am starting out slowly.  I have been setting aside time to relax and do deep breathing and that part is going ok, but I find that my mind just races with thoughts and doesn't "run out" of things to think.  It's hard to hold on to a visualiation for more than a minute or so.  Is this part of the process of learning to meditate?

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Racing mind and meditation

Post by rick_saxton » Wed Aug 01, 2007 5:58 pm

Actually, you have already taken the first step in meditaion.  You know that your mind is racing.  Most people's minds are racing all the time, but they don't know it.  

They best way to handle it is to be mindful of your thoughts and emotions, but add energy to them by trying to stop them or by thinking on purpose.  Just watch your thoughts.  Be aware of yourself listening to your thoughts but not commenting on them. Thich nhat han (spelling?) has written many books about mindfulness.  You can get them at your public library.

Another thing I have found helpful is progressive relaxation.  Just start relaxing your feet, legs and all they way to your face and head.  Then relax your brain.  I don't know if the brain actually relaxes, but it feels like it.  Then there is a tingling feeling all over your body and your thoughts are not racing.

I hope this helps,


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I am very new to the idea of meditation and am starting out

Post by ksri10 » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:41 am

HI Pinkslumber
You had written "  It's hard to hold on to a visualiation for more than a minute or so.  Is this part of the process of learning to meditate?"
Yes. During the initial parts or lessons in meditation, its difficult to hold on and concenrate for more than a few seconds. Its constant practice that allows you to hold longer, rather your visualiations will continue to hold longer. Never lose heart.

By the way, have you heard of the saying ."MIND IS A WONDERFUL THING TO WATCH"??.
Mind is like a mischievous child. Keep watching it, and it will slow down and quieten.
Have you ever tried watching your mind?? When thoughts come rushing into your mind, let them come, let them flow. Don't ever fight to keep them at bay. Let them come and flood. Just relax and belly breathe. Dont let your thoughts smother you. Just keep watching them as if you are an outside spectator. Try not to get involved in your racing thoughts. Getting not involved in your thoughts can only be achieved by constant awareness of the working of your mind. Initially it is not easy trying not to get involved with your thoughts. but with constant practice your sure will succeed. Never get disheartened if success evades you for a long time. because ultimately YOU WILL WIN!!.

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Post by Seguralta » Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:47 am

One thing you can do to make the thoughts desapear is to concentrate on
your breathing.
pay attention to how your body is responding and visualize how it is working
e.g. imagine the oxygen entering your lungs

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