Dark Inside

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Pravin Kumar
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Dark Inside

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Sep 04, 2005 3:59 pm

Your Dark Side
Why It is So Difficult to Live at Maximum Power...and How You Can Turn Your Inner Darkness to Your Advantage.

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you."
—Jesus Christ, the Gospel of St. Thomas

Now I am going to talk about something that is the last thing that you would want to talk about. Your dark side (notice I didn't say I would talk about mine:)

The darkness we have within us, what psychologist Carl Jung calls, "our shadow" is something that can be looked at as evil or bad. After all, that is what darkness is right?

That notion of dark being equal to evil makes it difficult to gain power from the darkness within. If you do, then social ideas about right and wrong, good and bad can restrain your passions and deepest inspirations.

The purpose of my writing today, is to ask you this question: What is it that you might have locked away inside of you that you would not like it to see the light of day? These are the very things, that properly cared for and nurtured, could be the source of some of your greatest power.

"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."
Carl Jung

In my case, I recently uncovered by looking inside that I have a businessman and financier locked in my inner depths. Even though I a personally am a success coach, and have helped many people to dramatically increase their success in business and finance, I myself struggle as a business person. At first, i thought of myself as an artist. As the years went on, I started to realize that something was wrong with my own personal attitudes about money and business.

In trying to unlock my own financial powers, such as I have done for numerous clients over many years, I went down into my own inner depths and discovered that I have the belief that I actually hate the money system. I think the things that happen in the world because of money are horrible. I think a world that runs on money is not a place that I want to live. The kind of life that I manifest from those unconscious beliefs does not match my life and financial goals that I have consciously.

I discovered those beliefs, and many others are surrounding the business man and financier that I have locked up deep in my inner darkness. He manifests as partners that I struggle with, or business situations that turn against me.

I need him! Yet I keep him restricted and imprisoned.

Do you get the idea? I really valued the healing process of digging out my inner businessman and financier, and freeing him from the prison that I have put him in jailed by my own beliefs. Yet it is the last thing that I would think that a "success coach" would share with his associates, such as you who are reading this article!!

What I do with my clients works, and I want it to work for you. So I felt that to write this article, I had to be the example, in the hopes to inspire you to do what you will not do, to go inside and put light in your darkness. To gain power for yourself, to live a better life.

It may well be that these hidden areas within you, need to be healed. It may be that they need to be expressed. It can be difficult and dangerous work.

The High Speed Results Life Transformation e-book that you can order and download on my website, is built around the idea that you are a whole person, and that there is a transcendental goodness in your spiritual being, that is able to transform the power of the things that make you unhappy, about yourself our about the world, into happiness, and all that your heart desires.

The premise of the e-book is that you need all your energies, to manifest a life that you usually only dream about, and live it fully. You need the energy that you may have locked up or that makes you feel bad secretly. I have developed several powerful techniques for transforming what makes you unhappy, into what makes you happy.

So much of what I have to offer you, by reading the e-book and doing the exercises, is about allowing every part of you to be expressed. The techniques in the e-book download that you will read and enjoy make you feel good because you get to express all of you. And that is where the power comes from that you need to have all your dreams come true.

It is a lot to ask for, to have all your dreams come true. There is an art and a science to making it happen, you need all the help you can get, and you need all of your power to do it. You can do it. And as you do it, I want you to have lots of results to inspire you along the way, and I want you journey to total satisfaction in all areas of your life to be a fast one.

You can take your time once you get to the best life that you can imagine for yourself.

Pravin Kumar :smt020 :smt006 :)

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Im reading this today..

Post by Deborah » Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:17 pm

As I read this many things are coming to my mind...
darkness things i wish to hide/ the other side when im in a bad mood/ the showdow feelings i get in the night / past

I as a early childhood professional have helped many people make a classroom more sucessful..in all age ranges from birth - middle school ages. I have went to individuals and observed the techniques they have used and shown them other techiniques to try. I have set up siminars to train teachers ..yes those who have a 4 year degree train them to be teachers ..imagine ..
I do this for others and each time I submit my resume i get crap offers..cuz i do not have a 4 year degree ... im a bussy body i cant stand sitting still and ..the thought im being questioned about a darn degree drives me nuts ... I feel I am "NOT GOOD ENOUGH" for anyone or anything. Inside I feel like im melting away ... there is something I am to be doing but WHAT ..feels like nobody wants me to be anywhere .. I feel stuck here in hell!
SO when all else fails I log here looking for something to inspire me ..and usually something pravin says or writes sums something up...
I read this and its sort of hit that spot and opened something up inside me ... I want more ... not more money ... I want peace ..there is no place to go buy it there is no place to go pick it up..its within ..just like happiness... when all the world is dark around how can one reach out of the dark pit and find these things and bring to the life ...

feeling helpless

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The Perfect Post

Post by Catwoman148 » Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:13 pm

My dearest Pravin,

Your words on this post lead me into the same knowledge that came to me about nine years ago. This knowledge of my dark side through the teachings of Jung, made me heal and integrate permenantly from the disorder I used to have called Dissociative Identity Disorder caused from Satanic Ritual Abuse, and Sexual Abuse when I was sold by my mother as a child for sex.

I was always angry, always unforgiving, until I went deep inside to understand these other parts of myself through meditation, prayer, journaling, counseling, and discovery of who I really am, and what do I believe in and why.

I found infant alters (fragmented parts of myself), child alters at many ages, teenager alters, male alters (I am a female), the journey to healing taught me a lot. The one alter that taught me the most was my satanic alter. I had learned that these alters are only there for protection. I thought how could this alter be protecting me?

I dug deeper. I fought openly with this alter to keep her from coming out, and taking over without my concious control. The fight stopped when I was able to forgive my dark side. When I found out what really made this alter become satanic, and participate with them at a much younger age in her teens, I had to forgive the people that perpetrated these crimes on me also. If I didn't forgive them, I could never forgive myself.

So, by going deep within, and with prayer, and meditation, I found myself and I found God. If God could love me, certainly I could, and I had to be humbled and forgive. By my own acts of anger at the perpetrators, I was hurting myself. The dark side of everyone is there. Is anyone really brave enough to look at their own demonic thoughts? Or does your religous belief's not allow evil thoughts, thus keeping you from coming to the full grace of God and healing?

I would also like to hear about other people's dark sides that have been explored like Pravin so bravely put out there first. I am the third. Let this be a place of healing, and a place to talk openly about these things, so people that come here can enter the Great Creator's full state of grace.

I also have to say, that when confroted with more evil acts against me, I have fallen back into unforgiveness, but it doesn't last long. Just remember each time we go back to that it is a shorter amount of time that we stay there. Practice makes perfect, so forgive yourself for the non achievement of this exploration of your dark side also. Love where you are at, and know that it is what a person is ready for. Emotional healing does not happen over night. Not the permenant type. With that I will go.....

Love, Pamela

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:14 am

Dear Pamela, Debbie and Linda and also the others of the group.

I am reading a book by the Great Rajneesh (Osho to his Followers) and have ready only 15 pages and have been moved considerably. He has expressed the desire to be totally silent. To drive out all thoughts, all negatives thoughts as our enegy is wasted in dealing with it. He says to tell these thoughts while meditating: "Go away and please do not disturb me and the thoughts do go away after a while leaving you in a peaceful and very transquill situation where your whole energy is concentrated on silence and hence only in one direction and it is then you get those vibrations and thoughts that HE sends them to you. I shall write some important lines tomorrow and I hope you all will be greatly benefitted.

When you go totally silent you are sure to listen to HIS messages clearly besides feeling the beauty of this world and the whole universe. Everyone's feelings are bound to be different but very blissful and enjoyable.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :smt006 :) :smt003

Pravin Kumar
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Dark Inside

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:35 pm

Dear Pamela,

I have been reading a book on "The Path of Meditation" and have been so much inspired by it that I practised yesterday night and today morning and this is what I saw while meditating.

You with your husband are standing outside while your home was being burnst to ashes. It was Dark inside , extremely dark before the fire broke out. Then as I meditated further it started raining heavily (There are so many storms in USA that this has now become common). Anyway after the rains doused the fires I saw the whole house burnst to ashes.

Then I tried sending the light and I first sent you light and your Husband and then I get your daughter and son too. I shed so much light that gradually as I again saw your house it was brought back to normalcy with new furnitures and latest gadgets and a completely new look and found you all so happy inside.

I have already posted some chapters from this book above and do read it and follow it and I think the evil forces will subside. I shall ask Guia to interpret this visualisation by me in Alpha Level. Pamela you are something special. Way back I was chatting with Linda and asked her how did she rate you as a human being. And she said she could not rate you as you were much much higher than our imagination. I replied the same when she asked me the same question. You are an angel on this earth come to set right the evil forces and make them see the light of the day. They are only trying to put fear in your mind. Anyway you are the best judge as you are facing the situation and I await your comments with interest on this.

Pravin Kumar. :smt006 :) :smt003

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My Dearest Pravin, I am in tears over gratefulness to you

Post by Catwoman148 » Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:05 am

My dearest Pravin,

I had not had time to be here for so long, and I was looking through the posts, and I just found this one. Your words led me to tears, and my husband and I have to come to India to meet you in person when this is over. You have come to mean so much to us.

I do want to us the money that I know is coming into our lives to send Deborah over there, so she has no worries. I have wanted to go to India for so so long.

One time, long ago, I loved my guru so very much. It was Swami Muktananda. I found God through him, and his teachings. It never left me because it was so profound. You brought back those wonderful places inside that brought me total peace. You have brought back what I lost through so much confusion.

One man from India wrote me before our arson fire about my guru Muktananda, and he sent me some buchu leaves, and went through a fire ceremony for me. He told me that my Guru was innocent of the sexual abuse charges against him, but I don't know. I had another friend who was a physicist for the government that loved Muktananda too, and I lived with him for about a year after my abduction from that guy in Norway. He too said that he was innocent. I trust you intuition and judgement after the vision you shared. I do understand the meaning I think, and I will go into that. But first I must ask you. Do you believe my Guru Swami Muktananda was falsely charged? I left everything to follow God, and his teachings. Then, I found out that he was not celibate? I really need to know what you see, and you being in India know more about what really takes place. It would help me make peace inside one way or another. I still loved my Guru with every breath that I took once. And, the American people did not understand the relationship that a disciple could have with their Guru like that. When I would meditate, I was left almost breathless because of my love for him and God. Please help.

Now, for the incredible post, that has me crying again.

"Dear Pamela,

I have been reading a book on "The Path of Meditation" and have been so much inspired by it that I practised yesterday night and today morning and this is what I saw while meditating.

"You with your husband are standing outside while your home was being burnst to ashes. It was Dark inside , extremely dark before the fire broke out. Then as I meditated further it started raining heavily (There are so many storms in USA that this has now become common). Anyway after the rains doused the fires I saw the whole house burnst to ashes."

We have had many predictions from others, like Elizabeth Jensen, my father, etc. that have seen our house that was illegally condemned by Butte County Officials be burned to the ground.

The house is getting fixed up as we speak, and there are conversations that took place that got back to us through the Wes Web as we call it that Gary Brown, the code enforcement officer was going to hire Tom Glaum to burn our house down for him. Gary Brown is in the cult and pornography ring for sure, and he knows we know about all of his crimes. Gary Brown hired a man we know that is in protective custody that burned three houses down for him in the past. Gary Brown also almost killed another man we know about six months ago, when he took the car he was driving, and hit the man on his bicycle on purpose, and fled the scene on purpose, and left him for dead.

His plans for Tom Glaum to do the job backfired when Tom's daughter was abducted from the pedophile and pornography ring, and we located his daughter within three days, and we found her just out of the State, and he could get no help from this County or any Sheriff to help him. The same individual's connect to our case with our daughter being abducted from Children's Services. A man named Alan Lavender in particular. When he picked up his daughter from the home they had her at, Alan Lavender was there. Alan Lavender is the step-father of the girl Krystine Fredrick. We were going to adopt Krystine Fredrick, and Krystine helped do the crimes against us in the end, and helped get my daughter abducted.

Because we went public about the Superfund Sites that have been killing people with their poison's too, and Wes' house is located within the problem area that we spoke about, we were told through the Wes web also, that Official's were going to burn all of the houses down that had anything to do being located near the superfund site on purpose, and possibly kill people again.

One woman we know didn't pay her 40% to the County went she was selling drugs. Many times this drug selling activity is forced upon the individual because they know too much, and then when they don't give them the 40%, they are arrestted or their house is burned down. This woman was nine months pregnant, and had two small children. Official's had someone come, and board up their front door etc. of a second story apartment, and set it on fire with them in it. She had to jump from a second story window which killed her unborn baby, and injured all of them. Nothing was done. When she became someone that I spoke about to some Official's on line, she is now homeless with four children, and her husband, and no one knows where they are because they were going to jail by Butte County Officials.

In the visions that individual's had, we were told that we would have the house all fixed up, and when we were gone somewhere, it would be burned to the ground. One individual said that the fire would start at night, and it would be made to look like it started from our shed by some accident, and it would spread to the house, and burn to the ground. What you saw may be the same thing they all saw. I just hope we don't loose our animal's or our lives. The things I could care less about.

"Then I tried sending the light and I first sent you light and your Husband and then I get your daughter and son too. I shed so much light that gradually as I again saw your house it was brought back to normalcy with new furnitures and latest gadgets and a completely new look and found you all so happy inside. "

You may have changed the vision, and we will have a new look to our house when it is done. But, I think this may be a different house that we have all of the latest gadgets, and all of us happy inside. I had a vision of us in a different house, and we were happy. I don't know where it was, but it was not in Oroville. Maybe after the County burns our house down, we will get relocated. I don't know. I have been kept in the dark about all of this. I can't get any pictures on my own much about this.

"I have already posted some chapters from this book above and do read it and follow it and I think the evil forces will subside. "

I will start reading the Chapters Pravin. Thank you for posting them. I do have some music to meditate by now, which helps me a lot.

"I shall ask Guia to interpret this visualisation by me in Alpha Level. "

Thank you for asking Guia to help interpret this visualisation. Please let me know what is said.

I am going to write dear bluebutterfly, who I really have not had time to write. She is going through some darkness that I once went through, and I know it is past time to write this dear soul. I hope that she will forgive me for being so late in writing her.

"Pamela you are something special. Way back I was chatting with Linda and asked her how did she rate you as a human being. And she said she could not rate you as you were much much higher than our imagination. I replied the same when she asked me the same question. You are an angel on this earth come to set right the evil forces and make them see the light of the day."

This is what made me cry. I have no words....... I rate you and all the people here that have touched me here the same. This group has been the healing of my heart, and people with love. Real Love. Real Prayers. Real people of God. None of you have ever thrown us away, or banned us from their site, or judged us badly. Only love and healing. I will never forget. Never.

" They are only trying to put fear in your mind."

I realize this now in ways that I could never dream possible of ever fighting. But, now I believe I have tools, and I am not helpless any longer to the lower tactics that are used. Thank you everyone for bringing me out from the pit of darkness into the light.

"Anyway you are the best judge as you are facing the situation and I await your comments with interest on this.

Pravin Kumar. "

Thank you so much Pravin for your words to me. I think of your words as Gold. They always bring me closer to the truth, and to the light of God. I have to say the same for Floridalightworker, Deborah, Birdie, Aelis, bluebutterfly, and others. Thank you.

Love, Pamela

Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:20 am

Dear Pamela,

This is the copy of the reply given by Guia (aelis004) and similar replies have been given by others too. Just see the Dream Analysis Section and I think Rose has also given somewhat similar reply.

Fire in its destructive violence purifies and ashes fetilize. From the rainwater comes new life and darkness is defeated by its own violence that makes it collapse in the end. Like the phoenix find a new birth from its ashes, so those who thought they had defeated you only set the ground for your rising.
It reminds me of the Book of Job, time and unflickering faith will win over evil that shall self-destruct. Your family will be reunited and you shall be rewarded for your constancy.

The Restoration of Job's Prosperity
10 ¶ And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.
11 Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the LORD had brought upon him: every man also gave him a piece of money, and every one an earring of gold.
12 So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses.
13 He had also seven sons and three daughters.
14 And he called the name of the first, Jemi'ma; and the name of the second, Kezi'a; and the name of the third, Keren–hap'puch.
15 And in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job: and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren.
16 After this lived Job a hundred and forty years, and saw his sons, and his sons' sons, even four generations.
17 So Job died, being old and full of days.

(Book of Job, Ch. 42)

Take care Pamela - I shall be sending you and your family Love and Light for your highest good for as long as it is needed.

Love and Light,

Usui Reiki and Seichim master :smt020 :smt006 :) :smt003

Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:23 am

Dear Pamela,

This is the copy of the reply given by Guia (aelis004) and similar replies have been given by others too. Just see the Dream Analysis Section and I think Rose has also given somewhat similar reply.

Fire in its destructive violence purifies and ashes fetilize. From the rainwater comes new life and darkness is defeated by its own violence that makes it collapse in the end. Like the phoenix find a new birth from its ashes, so those who thought they had defeated you only set the ground for your rising.
It reminds me of the Book of Job, time and unflickering faith will win over evil that shall self-destruct. Your family will be reunited and you shall be rewarded for your constancy.

The Restoration of Job's Prosperity
10 ¶ And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.
11 Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the LORD had brought upon him: every man also gave him a piece of money, and every one an earring of gold.
12 So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses.
13 He had also seven sons and three daughters.
14 And he called the name of the first, Jemi'ma; and the name of the second, Kezi'a; and the name of the third, Keren–hap'puch.
15 And in all the land were no women found so fair as the daughters of Job: and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren.
16 After this lived Job a hundred and forty years, and saw his sons, and his sons' sons, even four generations.
17 So Job died, being old and full of days.

(Book of Job, Ch. 42)

Take care Pamela - I shall be sending you and your family Love and Light for your highest good for as long as it is needed.

Love and Light,

Usui Reiki and Seichim master :smt020 :smt006 :) :smt003

Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:00 pm

Dear Pamela and Wes,

I cannot comment upon Swami Muktananda but if his teachings and meditation techniques give you relief than you have to believe regardless of what you may have heard. You have not seen anything unusual with your own eyes then you have to believe him. I cannot critisize him as I do not know him but I have heard of Swami Yoganand who was really great.

Again if his teachings and meditation techniques or anything else inspires you tremendously then no problem. Only 3 weeks back I had a discussion with my Guru and this is what was discussed amongst so many other things. If your faith in your Guru is total and your Guru tells you to jump from the top of the Mountain you will never be hurt. If he asks you to walk on water you will be able to do so. But if the same Guru who had little faith in his disciple were to jump from top of the Mount he will be seriously injured and may even die and if he were to attempt to walk on the water he will fail miserably if his faith in his disciple or in himself is lacking.

One girl of 26 (This happened some 10 years ago) whose husband took me to their house to show the hands of all of them had total faith in me just on hearsay from her husband that I am a Palmist. I never claim to be a great Palmist. But her faith in me was total and when she opened the door she simply slept on the floor and worshipped like so many do sincerly to a very honoured person. (People in many parts of India still believe Palmist, Astrologers etc. are Pandits who are highly knowledgeable). By this very act of hers she drew considerable power from my body and my soul was raised to the highest level and I reached HIM. I prayed to HIM . Oh God please solve this girl's problem. This girl (married) had menses problem though only 50% and I pointed this out to her and told her until and unless she treated it and got allright she would not be able to bear a child. God Bless her soul she took my advise so much that within 3 years she became pregnant and I made another prediction of the boy which came out to be so true that they called for me when I was in their city (Imphal in Manipur) . This time when I went to her house she was full 9 months pregnant and due in 15 days time.

In this condition (her stomach protruding out ) she simply fell flat on my foot and as if worshipped me 4 times. I was immediately raised to Heaven and asked HIM : Oh God please give this girl whatever she wants i.e. boy or girl. HE granted me this wish and I asked the girl what do you want a baby boy or a baby girl. She said she wanted a male child. I told her she will definitely get it as I was speaking HIS words. She defintely got a male child and I was so sure about it that not for a moment I doubted it.

I asked my Guru why did this happen i.e. the girl kneeling down and worshipping me like God pulled so much of power out of me. Then my Guru explained. By your good deeds you have so much Protons in your body and this is what is pulled away by those who seek your blessings provided their Faith is complete and total in you.

Therefore Pamela I say if you get that sort of Faith in Muktananda and even if people call what you said, just forget it. Your Faith in HIM inspires you then go for it. What harm can come to you?

So the most ordinary person's total faith can do wonders and by the way how much you inspire all of us? We never cease to talk about you: Linda, Debbie, Aelis 004 (Guia) and admire your Guts and Courage and I am sure HE is definitely giving you full support otherwise such petty criminals scaring you with such silly petty acts. Great Criminals do not warn, they just act and act Deadly. Was John F. Kennedy warned about the impending Death? You can see so many other examples where such people are involved.

Attacking you with 5 fat women was the silliest thing they could have done and they have shown what they are made off. There is another beautiful e mail I have received in another Group with beautiful photographs saying where God wants me. It shows so many people who were saved in that World Trade Centre disaster as God wanted them to be elsewhere at that very particular moment although they all worked there or were about to reach there but something happened and could not reach there. GOD wants you where you are and when HIS work is over or when HE decides HE will shift you elsewhere. I do not know how to send this slide. I shall ask Linda how to do so and send it to you through her.

A true Sanyasin or Guru is a person whose soul is MAHAAN and hence we call HIM MAHA ( N ) ATMA. HE is a person for whom girl or a boy, man or woman are all alike like children of God and HE has love for them all and could do anything for them provided they have total FAITH IN HIM. It is therefore I see that many a times an ordinary person is so highly regarded and gets HIS blessings easily than those who are very influential and rich and high and mighty. What has money and status got to do with HIS love which cannot be bought but can be got through simple act of TOTAL FAITH IN HIM.


I was lucky my Guru took me to HIM in July 1995 and now HIS Samadhi lies in Aurangabad and true to HIS Nature there is very little crowd as HE HIMSELF DID NOT LIKE A CROWD DESPITE HIS MIRACULOUS POWER. HE healed HIS Devotees, Solved problems of each and every person who could make it to HIM. Gave food to all prepared by HIMSELF, MARRIED POOR GIRLS TO GOOD BOYS AND GAVE DOWRY HIMSELF AND THE MARRIAGE WAS ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL. It was HIS view that all those who would visit HIM should get their problems solved totally. That is the reason no crowd.

It is HE who is writing all this to you through me and HE sends HIS Blessings to you. HE always believed in LOVE AND TOTAL LOVE TO ALL. HE PREACHED THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE. Once when I asked HIM what should we ask GOD IF GOD WERE TO GRANT OUR ONE WISH SO THAT OUR LIFE BECOMES SUCCESSFUL. HE SAID ASK FOR HIS LOVE AND NOTHING ELSE. THAT IS EVERYTHING IN LIFE.

A child is born with the love of their parents. Brothers and Sisters can remain together with love and respect for each other. Love for your neighbours make them your best friends, Guardian and we in India believe Neighbours are much more better than our own relatives as in a crisis they are always near at hand. So Love is the greatest demand of every Human Being but Money, Hatred, Greed and so many other things have dimmed this Love which a person needs last when he is above to leave this world. Every person at that time realises the value of True Love.

God Bless You All.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :smt006 :) :smt003

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