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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Jan 13, 2018 5:26 am

Making Room:

As far as the mind is concerned, if the old isn't cleared out there won't be room for anything new to replace it, but it won't happened until it's seen there's a need to replace the old.

From the time one begins their life in this form, the mind is constantly processing and storing information. The incessant mind never stops this storing process and constantly draws on its familiarity, but this leaves very little room for anything new to become known. One's instilled foundation needs something close to a miracle to dislodge it, but when the mind does settle, it creates room and the world as it is known ceases to exist.

Think of it this way, when a room is to be redesigned in a house, the first thing that needs to be done is to clear it out so the new furniture can fit in where it's wanted. If one has to work around the old furniture it would make placing the new furniture much more difficult, it wouldn't fit properly and it probably wouldn't match either. Matching the new with the old takes a skill that most people don't naturally possess. This usually has to be taught., this is where the process of sitting helps to clear out the mind (the room). If this isn't done, the mind, as it is with the room, will remain cluttered with the old. Although the new may be put in, it will not add any enhancement to the design of the room. After all, this is what we are doing, trying to enhance life. No one changes anything just to change it, it’s changed because a philosophy or a belief isn’t working any more, so clear out the old and make room for a redesigning that will allow in the new.

Michael Cupo
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