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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:31 am

The Ocean Of Consciousness

All is Holiness,
Steeped in Divinity,
Absolute Wholeness,
At One, in Unity,
Beyond Duality.

The Evidence:
Any moment of direct experience consists of ‘thoughts’ (mind activity) ‘sensations’ (everything detected by the body and its sense organs) and the Awareness of these. Therefore in our own experience Awareness is always present as without this there would (and cannot) be any experience. This obviously true for all sentient beings who could not respond, or react, to any change in their external conditions (or stimulus) without being aware of these. In fact Awareness saturates the whole of manifestation, from electrons changing their behaviour when (aware of) being observed , cells responding to (aware of) changing environments, white corpuscles attacking viruses they detect (are aware of) in the blood, moulds moving towards (when aware of) foods placed near them and so on... Therefore Awareness is omnipresent throughout the whole physical world.

In our experience every thing , which to us is just a mixture of thoughts and sensations (we can see it, hear it, feel it, smell it, taste it, know what it is called etc…), comes and goes in Awareness. Before any thought/sensation Awareness is present, while it is here there is Awareness of it, and then after it has gone Awareness is still here … ready, as it were, for the next one to come along. So for us Awareness is the constant, conscious, perceiving presence it which this flow of objects comes and goes; and is thus omnipresent.

This Awareness is Consciousness at rest, whilst all things are motions arising, abiding and subsiding in this; for Einstein has showed that all matter is cosmic energy (E=MC2) which is ever vibrating and thus in motion. In fact all nuclear energy is created by the destruction of matter (by converting it into energy) caused by the nuclear fusion or fission. Now all motion arises in (and from) stillness, exists in a field of stillness, and finally returns to stillness. Therefore Consciousness is an omnipresent field pervading all space.


The Ocean Of Consciousness

The Pure, Radiant, Pristine,

Pure - for no thing can taint, or affect, It in any way. For all ‘things’ come and go in It leaving It unaffected. You can check this out in your own direct experience by noticing how thoughts and sensations come and go in awareness leaving it unaffected, in the same way that clouds fleet across the sky leaving it unchanged.
Radiant - for it provides the ‘illumination’ by which there is awareness of any ‘thing’. For all perceptions only occur relative to nothingness, sounds relative to silence, forms relative to space, thoughts relative to no-thought etc., and Awareness itself is the perceiver, whilst the radiance of Awareness gives the ‘light’ by which the perception may take place. Awareness is like a ‘back-lit’ screen (which provides the illumination) on which the mind ‘sees’ thoughts (including mental-images), sensations, feelings etc. and chooses those which it wishes to focus upon and ‘process’.
Pristine - for nothing can degrade or spoil it.

Still, Silent, Serene,

Still - for Awareness is Consciousness at rest and therefore still.
Silent - for Awareness is Consciousness at rest and therefore silent, as sound is vibration and thus in motion.
Serene - for It is still and silent.

Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent,

Omnipresent - for all things arise in, and from it. Awareness saturates the universe and matter is comprised of cosmic energy, movements in this field of Awareness; and all motion arises in and from stillness.
Omniscient - for all things are seen by, and relative to, this Aware Stillness in which they abide.
Omnipotent - for all things subside back into This when they run out of energy leaving This unaffected. Therefore no ‘thing’ has, or can have, any power over it.

Ocean of Consciousness,

This field of Awareness can also be described as the Ocean of Consciousness, of which Awareness (Consciousness at rest) is the ‘essence’ containing all fleeting manifestations which are movements in this. Like waves of, or spray above, the ocean which arise in it and return to it but are never separate from it
Which is The Source in which all things arise,
The Ground Of Being in which they abide,

The Source, Ground of Being, Seer and Final Resting Place of all things - for all motion arises in (and from) stillness, abides in a field of stillness, can be seen relative to that stillness, and returns to stillness when its energy is expended.

The Seer by which they are ‘spied’,

For everything detected by conscious entities and their sense organs automatically appear in Awareness.

The Knower by which all are cognized,

For everything detected by conscious entities and their sense organs is processed by their ‘mind’ (and thus ‘known’,) the outcome of which automatically appear in Awareness.

The Enjoyer by which all are prized,

For everything detected by conscious entities and their sense organs is processed by their ‘mind’ and the enjoyment which results automatically appear in Awareness.

Back into which they all subside,
When out of momentum, the ‘end of the ride’.

For all things are cosmic energy which will eventually be expended and return to stillness, Consciousness at rest.

The Pure, Radiant, Pristine,
Still, Silent, Serene,
Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent,
Ocean of Consciousness,
Which is The Source in which all things arise,
The Ground Of Being in which they abide,
The Seer by which they are ‘spied’,
The Knower by which they’re cognised,
The Enjoyer by which they are prized,
Back into which they all subside.
When out of momentum ‘the end of the ride’.


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