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Pravin Kumar
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Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:22 pm

The Magnificence of Others:

Magnificence is measured by how one helps others to see their own magnificence. Even if you possess the whole world your own magnificence won't shine through until you touch someone to see the magnificence in themselves.

To me there's only one reason for existence and it's why share my experience, it's to possibly assist others in recognizing their own magnificence. There's nothing more to it, there's no other reason to share except for this. If one isn't assisting others in establishing their own magnificence then you'll be stuck in trying to establish your own magnificence; if you look around you will see there are plenty of people already doing this and the results is why the world is the way it is. It matters little what anyone achieves in life for themselves, but those who are truly spiritually led assist others to discover their own magnificence. This is what all the great teachers did and do, they assist others in reaching the potential of their own magnificence. But assistance can't be done if there's one iota of selfishness involved. You can only give what is within yourself.

A person may achieve great worldly success and there's nothing wrong with this, but if others aren't being touched so they can see their own magnificence what good is it. You may have great wealth and notoriety, but if there isn't at least one person who has seen their own magnificence because of being tied into what you do, life will remain only as a shadow of your own self. To me it seems as though life dictates if one lives in the shadow of worldly magnificence or if one discovers their own innate magnificence, but either way it means nothing until there's assistance in helping someone in the shadow of their own magnificence to see the light of who they truly are. Sit and visualize this and it will come to pass and what will come to pass has nothing to do with your magnificence, but it does have everything to do with the magnificence of someone else...Namaste

Michael Cupo

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