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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:48 pm

Stirred Up Mind:

Discipline to see that the mind is always stirred up has to be established if one is to ever experience peace. Mind agitations will arise, how to quiet them is what has to be developed.

Until one establishes discipline that allows the mind to slow down, what’s used to keep it stirred up determines what one's state of being will be. There are many things used to keep the mind stirred up and it’s one's conditioning that determines this. Whether the stirred up mind manifest as sex, drugs, alcohol, food, false pride, trying to control life and others, talking about others in a slanderous way, or whatever is being used to keep the mind stirred up, it will not stop until the agitation is satisfied. Even then it doesn't remain satisfied for long so it basically will always be stirred up and agitated until discipline is learned. Simple, but very difficult.

When these mind agitations arise, if the necessary discipline has been developed, the mind will slow and one's instinctual
reactions will be based in love. If not one's reactions will probably be of a self serving variety and manifest in some form that's probably not conducive to one's well being. It's best to develop discipline that allows the mind to slow down so one isn't controlled by its agitations. If discipline isn't developed, the arisen agitation will constantly keep the mind stirred up as the agitation has to be satisfied; something will be reached for. Most of us are conditioned to have a stirred up mind and are controlled by our agitations, that's why its so important to develop discipline, to me it's the only thing that slows the mind. Learn to have a mind that quiets somewhat because the choice is to have one that is always stirred up and agitated. As long as the mind is stirred up it will control you as if you were a puppet on a string, this is one's choice, but without discipline there really isn't one.

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