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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Aug 18, 2018 5:58 am

True Peace:

The peace that most seek is always contingent on something from the outside, if this or that happens then there will be peace, but true peace is from within and doesn't need anything to be.

Thinking about being at peace isn't the same as allowing peace to arise just because that's what's there. This seems to be difficult to grasp and it's because one can't think their way to true peace. Stories can be made up that makes it seem as though there is peace, but it never last. The peace most seek is contingent on something, if this or that happens then there will be peace, but this is another lie of the Conditioned Mind, and there are many. All kinds of examples can be used, if I win the Super Bowl pool, job promotions, snow day off from school, children getting A's in school, new car, you can add your own peace provider to the list. The point is, this list is endless and whatever it is that one attains I guarantee you the peace it brings for that moment will not last.

The peace I mentioned in the beginning of the article which arises because it's what's there, is not contingent on anything, therefore it is true peace; it’s the peace that passes all understanding. I experience this peace for most of the day, I don't make it happen, but I am aware of my thinking which is a direct hinderance to true peace and this is because you can't think your way to peace. You can only think your way to a surface peace which is contingent on something from outside yourself. The key to true peace is not needing right now different. I know this is difficult especially when things don't go your way, but the alternative is to want things different and keep searching for a peace that will probably remain elusive until life in your current form ends.


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