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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:49 am

A Perceived Lie:

A life based in truth is a life lived in the stillness of the moment. This is not the stillness of doing nothing, it’s the stillness of allowing life to be as it is instead of how it’s perceived to be.

Can one truly say what is real and what isn't? Don't let your perceived lies decide this for you. Go beyond the thought realm into the stillness of moment. For most, perception is what the base of life's foundation is and this is what is being used as a guide. There is very little or no truth in perception, it’s just an interpretation of what’s occurring. If we’re not guided by truth then we will be guided by Conditioned Mind lies disguised as what is perceived as truth.

Using the half full, half empty glass of water example, when it is known and not perceived that there is just liquid in the glass, it is at this precise moment that you will be in touch with truth as opposed to a made up interpretation of what is, which is what’s being perceived. When this is understood, the thought realm starts to lose its grip over you and you’ll start to experience life as it truly is; from the base of a perception-less truth. After all this is the only truth there is, not the mind made perceived truth that is constantly making you need things as you think they should be. You perceive things the way you want them and you call it truth, but if it was truth everyone would see what you see in the same way. The moon is the moon, no one can truly call it anything else. Well they can, but that would just be a perceived lie.

Learn to be in the stillness of the moment and stop being lied to by your own mind. A perception-less mind is a mind that is free from bondage. A mind that needs to perceive things to make life what it thinks it should be is a mind that is living a lie created by itself. Live life as it is given instead of the way you perceive it should be lived. Life as it is given is the only life that you truly have. It is only in truth and not in a perceived lie that life can be lived as the gift that it truly is.


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