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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri Nov 23, 2018 6:12 am

A Grateful Heart:

Happy Thanksgiving, not only for today, but for each and everyday because life itself is our greatest gift and one day it will not be so...

Being grateful for life occurs naturally when there's an understanding of how to live from a heart of love; although love is natural it's not automatic so cultivating love results in gratitude...

Gratitude naturally arises from a loving heart, but it’s not automatic. It isn't produced by attaching to anything from the materiel realm. If gratitude was from the material realm it would coincide with one's possessions and that would make a person of wealth more grateful than one who didn't much. The true measure of wealth has nothing to do with possessions, true wealth arises from a loving heart, that's what measures wealth. You can only be grateful when you are content with life as it is, not with the way you wish it was or how you want or expect it.

Wanting is never from our true self, it's from the small self that thinks what's wanted is needed to be complete. Whenever you want, it means you think life needs to be in some other way, this creates suffering. Gratitude doesn't mean everything will be as wanted, but life must be accepted as it is if you are to be at peace and have a grateful heart; investigate this for yourself. Gratitude will not shield you from life problems, it will allow you to not create them. Be grateful for your life as it is and you will find your loving heart, and when life is lived from a loving heart there will be harmony with yourself and with all beings. When this occurs you can't help but to have an attitude that's full of gratitude for life as it is, not because of what you possess, but because of the natural love that arises from your own heart...


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 24, 2018 1:28 am

It can be really difficult to think of things you are grateful for when everything in your life seems to be going wrong. Countless studies show that finding a bit of thankfulness ea​ch day can actually increase our happiness level and decreases depression. By developing an Attitude of Gratitude, we can feel more fulfilled and joyful each day. An Attitude of Gratitude is a regular ​habit to express appreciation for all different parts of life, no matter how small.
Credits: Joyce Meyer

One popular method for developing the attitude of gratitude is to create a gratitude journal, and each morning before getting out of bed list FIVE things currently in your life for which you are grateful.

Then every day from then on, list FIVE more.

The only rule appears to be that you must never list the same item twice.

As the above quote says, for some people it can be really difficult to think of things for which they are grateful for, when everything in their life seems to be going wrong.

If you are one of these people, then read the following article for an alternative approach.

https://www.fastcompany.com/3037922/i-h ... ed-instead

Brian :smt111

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