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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:18 am

Willingness Possibilities:

There are so many possibilities in life when there's no label applied to what's happening in front of you. The Universe provides these possibilities when there’s a willingness that allows harmony with life by not labeling what arises...

Willingness is a beneficial asset because without it nothing arises or at least nothing that's beneficial. Willingness leads to possibilities never experienced before, but when the mind is in control the gateway to these possibilities are closed. Whatever arises in life can be seen as it is with a willingness only if a label isn’t applied. In this way each moment can be experienced as the Universe opens up more and more possibilities. Even if some conditioned behavior arises, without the judgment of an applied label, it allows you to remain willing with the possibility to go beyond the label to experience something fresh and new.

Newness doesn't always have to be a deep and profound moment, it can be the simple act of not labeling what's in front of you and just experiencing that and moving on. Once something is labeled the willingness to remain open ceases and so do all the possibilities along with it. To experience all the possibilities that life has to offer is to not allow a label to be a part of what is being done right now. If it is labeled obviously it remains as something old not something new because it’s from a habitual mind pattern that's in place; it's old because an old label is being applied. Without applying a label the willingness to remain open and the possibilities that are provided by the Universe are beyond anything an old limited labeled mindset can conjure up...

For detailed palm reading and spiritual guidance Consult at: pravinjsoni97@hotmail.com

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