Must I

Know more about Runes, how to read them and interpret their true meanings.

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Must I

Post by t1zzee » Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:09 am

I have always been a rock hound and when the thought of making my own set of runes entered my mind I got all excited.  I spent hours sifting through and selecting various stones for my collection.  After choosing which stones to use I marked each one with the symbols listed in the guide I was following.  At that point I read about the rituals performed to empower the runes.  I got a little freaked out by it.  Enough that I set aside the project for a couple of months now.  I realize that many of these such rituals are no longer performed  but I  am now stuck wondering what my next step should be.  Can anyone offer me some guidance?

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Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:33 am

This is how I would go about empowering Rune Stones.  As you have chosen stones as your medium it is easier.  As I have posted in a topic about cleansing runes before I will only make this short.

Find a small stream where you will not be disturbed or surprised.  If you can not bring yourself to strip down choose a garment that you do your rituals in such as a robe.  Pray to which ever god or goddess you follow, some would say that Odin would be a good one to pray to.  Ask him to protect you and for guidence in what you are about to embark on.  Surround yourself in white light, and cleanse yourself (If choose the clothed option make sure you have bathed before coming to your place of empowerment.)  Once this is done let each rune stone have the streams water flow over it cleansing it of any unwanted energy and set them aside to dry on a rock in the sun.  While they are drying I find it helps to chant over them empowering words, make them up as you go they could be a poem you wrote yourself or energy words.  It will work better if you have made up the chant yourself.  Pray to Odin for his guidence, and circle your hands above them enthusing them with your own energies.  Traditionally the number nine in Norse belief is a powerful number as it is three times three.
After you have finished thank the gods and all the elements you have used in this ritual and place them in your pouch.
Sleep with them under you pillow and carry them in your pocket or handbag to put more of your energy into them.  Write down any dreams you have during this period as sleeping with your runes will give you powerful dreams.

Hope that helps, oh and it also helps to know and understand each rune before you make your runes.


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Post by Budhabee » Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:00 pm

Hi Tizzee,
Wow.  I am brand new to runes.  I don't know a thing about them.  One thing I will tell you for sure.....I don't know you but I sure am proud of you.  Gosh, imagine starting from scratch like that.  Selecting all your own stones and marking them yourself.  I just got home from the bookstore with a set of runes I had bought.  I also bought a big book by a lady named Diana L. Paxson. called "Taking up the Runes."  I have yet to open it.  I sure do wish you luck.  What Moongoddess says sounds pretty calm and beautiful.  I would have never thought about sleeping with them under my pillow.  Maybe we can start by doing that.
(Thanks Moonbeam)
Blessings to you both

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Keeping them close to you

Post by craftyfox » Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:49 am

I'm glad to hear the part about sleeping with them under the pillow.  I bought my rune stones six years ago in a kit.  The book that came with the stones just explained what they mean and how to do several different spread.  I don't know why I did it but I slept with them under my pillow and carried them with me everywhere for several months.  I had to keep them hidden because I live in a community and work at a job that frowns on divination.  I didn't do the ritual exactly like Moongoddess but I do say a prayer to the Supreme Being before every reading.  It seems simple but it worked for me.  I also have to admit that I am not a ritual-based person of any kind.  I'm not sure whether it's because I don't have the discipline to follow through or because I just like keeping everything simple.  Probably a bit of both.  :smt002

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Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:46 pm

I am not really ritualistic, well not now any way I don't have the time for it running after a very energetic toddler and feeding a very hungry baby.  The K.I.S.S. method works well for me, simple means you will remember it for the next time.  I only did what came to me at the time, maybe the Muses were there egging me

I sleep with mine under my pillow every night and try to keep them on my person if I can.  It give them your energy and makes them more part of you.  Brain is sleepy and turning on dribble mode sorry if none of the above makes sense.  My only time these days on here is at night.


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Been there, done that!

Post by craftyfox » Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:31 pm

I fully understand the drool, one-armed typing thing! I had two boys almost two years apart! I thought one of us wasn't going to survive it <lol>! &nbsp;We all made it fine and my youngest boy just started college last year! &nbsp;Enjoy every minute because it goes by so fast!!!!! If I didn't have my seven-year old daughter, I would be going crazy right now. &nbsp;I'm not ready yet for an empty nest (although there are days!)

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Post by MoonGoddess » Mon Aug 20, 2007 11:44 am

You have made me laugh, it has been a while. &nbsp;It does take a lot out of you being a mother and some days you wonder why you ever wanted to be one, then you see something that they do that makes you laugh and you know why. &nbsp;Hopefully I have enough energy tomorrow to get back into this forum and post some more tired.


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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:39 am

I never slept with them under the pillow, being a light sleeper, but I slept with them under the futon, so they were still close by.

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Post by MoonGoddess » Mon Oct 08, 2007 8:09 am

EarlofLeicester wrote:I never slept with them under the pillow, being a light sleeper, but I slept with them under the futon, so they were still close by.
It helps mine being in a pouch rather then a solid wooden but lumpy for under the pillow. &nbsp;As long as they are near you it shouldn't really matter where they are when you sleep.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:29 am

Ahh, yes, a soft cuddly pouch does wonders for sleep times, not the big wooden rune box. &nbsp;Should have thought of that, LOL.

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Post by Gem » Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:12 am

Have you ever thought of putting them under the bed? Thats what I do a lot with larger crystals and larger more valuable or more fragile runes,

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:48 pm

LOL, I don't have a bed. &nbsp;Sleep on the futon, I do, so I sometimes would keep the runes there. &nbsp;Well, before my mom tossed them out, but that's another story...

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