origin of runes

Know more about Runes, how to read them and interpret their true meanings.

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uranus tarot
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origin of runes

Post by uranus tarot » Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:22 am

:smt004 i would like to know where did the runes originate from, the criptio0n on them and the meanings also

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Post by MoonGoddess » Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:08 am

Okay I will start off with the origins and you will have to look through the rest of the post in this forum plus in the Runes Dictionary for the meanings.

The origin of runes do not come from one single source but quite a few.  The Elder Futhark is not an alphabet as such, as its staves do not start with ABC but F, U, Th, A, R, and K there fore calling it a Futhark.  The first 24 runes are called the Elder Futhark is because these are the first runes recorded in History where all other runes have come from.  The Runic letters come from the North Italic script.  The system the Etruscans used.

The Etruscan culture was very influential, and their magic was the root of later European magic.  Unfortunately the Roman Militarism swept through destroying it.  Artistically the Etruscans influence can be seen wides swept through Europe in Celtic and Germanic metalwork of the first millennium BCE.  The link between the Etruscan alphbet and the runes is known from 26 bronze helmets, dug up in 1812 at Negau in the Austrian Empire, and dating from the fourth century BCE.  The helmet had runic inscriptions on them.  Germanic words, including an invocation of the war-god Harigast (Harigasti teiva) in Etruscan script.  In Tyrol around this time seers began to use these letters for divination, possibly following Etruscan practice.  Some of the earliest runic divination-sticks were found at Kitzbuhel (: on its side above the u).  This does not proof or disprove the origins of runes but many characters that became runestaves already existed elsewhere.
Pictographic symbols representing trees, tools and natural phenomena have been preserved in rock carvings and a few surviving wooden objects.  Between 1300 - 800 BCE Late Bronze early Iron Age a large number of pictographic rock carvings, known as Hallristningar (Sorry don't have the script to put in the double dots above the a) where made in Scandinavia.  A lot of stuff has been ignored due to being indicipherable.  
It is certain that some of these symbols where used in divination before the creation of the Futhark.  Runes as such came into being when some of these symbols were identified with corresponding letters of the Etruscan alphabet.  This act of creative insight is symbolised in the Norse Legend of Odin.  It seems that the runes as we know them were obtained through a precise ritual.  His ordeal is recorded in Havamal (stanzas 138 and 139)

I know that I hung on the windswept tree,
For nine days and nine nights
I was pierced with a spear, and given to Odin
Myself given to myself
On that tree, which no man knows
From roots it arises
They helped me neither with bread
Nor with drinking horn
I took the runes
Screaming, I took them
Then I fell back from that place.

Odin is the God of Magic, Poetry, Divination and Inspiration.

I would not recommend creating your own ordeal as most shamans experience massive trauma to get there.
(Most of this information was in Nigel Pennicks book Rune Magic)


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origin of rune

Post by udit_r » Sat Oct 06, 2007 3:35 am

Thanx for the detailed description on the origins of runes I appreciate your kind gesture, there is one more query could you please suggest what pack of runes are best for beginners/amateurs.

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Re: origin of rune

Post by MoonGoddess » Sat Oct 06, 2007 12:33 pm

udit_r wrote:Thanx for the detailed description on the origins of runes I appreciate your kind gesture, there is one more query could you please suggest what pack of runes are best for beginners/amateurs.
It sounds to me that you are asking what Rune Cards you should buy, I am not really familiar with Rune cards although I do Own a set which were given to me buy a teacher.  They are the Aquarian Rune Cards, the ones I have a pretty warn from lots of use but still have a fair discriptive picture on each card.  I mainly use these when I do Runic Chakra readings, as they give me a better image as to what to look for.  Other then that I have a set of Wooden Runes which the Runes have be burnt into them.  They give me a better feeling then cards do.  If I want a card reading I get out my Tarot Cards.  Hope this helped you.


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origin of runes

Post by udit_r » Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:09 am

Thanks, i appreciate your response but i think i could do with some more information on it  as i am located in India and i guess it would be a bit difficult to get more information on it.any way thanks for the information once again.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:01 am

If you have the opportunity, I would suggest using actual runes made of wood instead of those made of paper (a rune deck), like Moon Goddess suggests.  I have used wood, pewter and terra cotta, and have found the wood to be the most reliable and easy to "read".

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Post by udit_r » Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:54 am

I have reading the runes , i would like to know which deck is the best for  getting accurate interpretations

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:32 am

I don't have any experience with rune card decks.  I assume you mean card decks.  Historically runes were used on wood, stone, metal or bone (although for humane reasons, I discourage the use of bones).  Paper decks were never used.  Also, modern concepts like rune dice and rune pendulums are also not historically accurate.  If one wants to believe that the spirit of the runes of Germania guides the ability to obtain accurate interpretation, then you want runes made of wood, stone or metal.  Not a deck of paper cards. Just my opinion, of course, but I use historical precedent to make this statement.

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Re: runes

Post by MoonGoddess » Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:08 pm

udit_r wrote:I have reading the runes , i would like to know which deck is the best for  getting accurate interpretations
Accuracy and runes go hand in hand, it does not matter which deck you choose to use or which set of rune stones.  The only thing that can make them in accuarate are how they are interpretated, so human error.  As both myself and Earl have said we do not have much experience in using cards and prefer our individual sets of runes.
Each person is different so what works for me might not work for you,  I would say that runes or rune cards are similar to Tarot or any other tool you use.  Which ever stands out to you is the one you should choose.  They will find you rather then you find them, if you understand what I mean by that.  So do not worry which one gets the best accuracy interpretatoins, and just feel use your senses.  You will know when the time comes to choose either pack or set.


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Post by EarlofLeicester » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:54 pm

A good point by MoonGoddess (she is one smart lady!)  Sometimes we need to concern ourselves less with which medium or how can I remember all these runes and just start doing.  I never really taught myself to memorize the runes.  Rather, I just used them and in an osmosis sort of way, the runes taught me.  While studioes are, of course, a good thing, they are not a prerequsite.  Get some runes, get a source of meanings, and, well, get to it :)  You won't be disappointed.

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rune spreads

Post by udit_r » Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:35 am

Are there rune spreads like the star spread the diamond spread and the ellipse spread in the tarot in order to do a reading.

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Re: rune spreads

Post by MoonGoddess » Fri Oct 12, 2007 8:22 am

udit_r wrote:Are there rune spreads like the star spread the diamond spread and the ellipse spread in the tarot in order to do a reading.
There are these are the ones I work with when I give readings.

After you have finished shuffling around in your rune pouch cleansing the runes with the energy off your right hand.  I then think about the layout I have chosen and as I place my left hand into the bag I think upon the question or the person I am doing the reading about or for.  Just remember you must have permission to do a reading for a person.

One rune layout
For a yes or no question I do a one rune lay out, this reading will tell you the answer you seek.  If the rune is upright or one of the runes that cannot be reverse the answer is yes, dependent on which rune you pull it will tell you how to go about what you wish to do.  If the rune is reversed then the answer is no.

Five rune layout
Known as the Cross layout, has five rune places in the shape of the cross.  The first rune goes in the Past position (the left hand side of the cross), this tells you a bit of history which lead up to the querrent asking the question.  
The second position is called the Present, its place is in the middle of the cross, it tells you what is going on in the now and what influences.  
The third rune is the future rune, its place is on the right hand side of the cross, and tells you what might happen (Caution here, as the future is not laid down in concrete and is dependent on what you do today, it is only what might happen, not what is going to happen).
The fourth rune is the called the hinder rune, its position is at the bottom of the cross and it tells you what will basically hinder your progress through the period of the rune reading.
The fifth and final rune is called the Help rune and its place is at the top of the cross, it tells you what you should emulate to get through this period successfully.
Usually this reading has a period of three months in the past and three months in the future.

The twelve months of the year
This is laid out according to the month you are either in or the next month to come.  In a clockwise way place the runes in the positions of a clock like fashion.  In the number one position place January's rune and so on until you get to the number twelve in December.  This is a basic overview of the year to come, as I said starting from the month you are in or the month to come (I normally start with the month to come as the person will pretty much know what to expect in the month they are in) eg this month being October I would start with November in the 11 0'clock position.

I think that should get you started their are so many ways of reading runes that there would not be enough room in this post to put them all...lol  Please practice on yourself or friends that do not mind you checking your references for meanings until you have all the meanings down pact.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Fri Oct 12, 2007 9:43 am

When I do a runecast, I generally use the 3 rune layout:

Three rune layout
The three rune layout is similar to the five rune layout described by MoonGoddess above, in that it has a past, present, and future rune.  There are no fourth and fifth runes in this layout, so it is a horizontal cross only, lol.  But it does get to the crux of the matter, namely what led to the issue being queried, where we're at now, and what potentially can come in the future.  (Please read MG's disclaimer about how divination is only an indicator, not a guarantee).  I like the 3 rune layout because it is basic and, moreover, is historically verifiable.  So much of runelore and other Pre-Christian beliefs were lost with the adoption of Christianity in Europe, and tantalizingly little remains.  The 3 rune layout is described in the ancient text Germania.

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Post by udit_r » Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:27 pm

thank you for the spreads i am thoroughly hounoured for the great cooperation and your genuine time that you took off from your tight routine to pass on the information on the runes spreads thanks once again i will get started with them right now.

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runes spreads

Post by udit_r » Fri Oct 12, 2007 12:29 pm


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