Rune reading for today....its so right on!

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Rune reading for today....its so right on!

Post by LyndaLBD » Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:07 pm

Fehu - reversed (Markstave)

Stagnation/infertility/loss/failure - better to give up the project

Jera - Marksave - sudden set backs, may be a bad time for starting some new venture

Dagaz -Markstave - day, dawning of the new day/when dark leads into light, when the sun is at its zenity or twilight. Indicates the end of a cycle and the beginning of the next.  The change can be explosive.  coming of full circle/transformation - may stand for hopelessness, Expect a dramatic transformation when receiving Dagaz.  May be an attitude or circumstance- could bring aobut a giant u turn.  Whether internal or external, the transition will be radical and force one into a new way of living or seeing one's life.  Complete trust is at issue here.Although complex and powerful in its nature by its association, with the radical exchange of forces, Dagaz is positive and often introduces a time of success and prosperity.  It has no reversed position and is usually a sigh of great strength and increased growth.

If found in a negative reading, the fire of Dagaz may dissolve the negative aspects, especially when found amongst delay runes.  One will be able to overcome the obstacles and move towards victory.  In response to a problematic situation, Dagaz amongst negative runes may be trying to point out that one has the ability to turn the situation around.

Gebo - Reverse (cannot be reversed) the meaning can be understood from the other runes that fall with it

Nauthiz - need/necessitymay place restrictiuons on past and future- you may be on the wrong track - negative, failure is enevitable, to postpone any current plans for it is likely that one will be setting off the wrong course of action.  Continuing forward a this time will likely lead to failure/despair/possibly disaster.

- Personally, I'm feeling negative today and whatever projects I am encountering today, would be a disaster.  So this reading may be saying I need to change my attitude today.  I feel in my heart, that would be difficult because of where this negative  emotion is coming from.  I will work on this, I don't want it to ruin my day.

Thank you for this board.

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rune reading

Post by tarottart » Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:24 am

Thank you for your reading, you put it together so well, I am only learning runes and like another poster on the forum having trouble putting the whole reading together as an outcome. Hope I've even explained it properly.  But loved your reading. :)

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