How to read Runes?

Know more about Runes, how to read them and interpret their true meanings.

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How to read Runes?

Post by swetha » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:10 am


The first step in learning to read the runes must be to get to know the runes themselves.  This doesn't necessarily mean memorising interpretations out of a book, although the literal meanings of the rune names should be memorised as a starting point.  Instead, take one rune each day, starting with Fehu and ending with oþila, and meditate on it.  There are several exercises you can do daily to aid in this: word association with the rune names, visualisation, physical connection with the rune, etc.

Always keep a record of your rune readings in a journal.  Although it's not quite as easy to draw a nine-rune cast as it is to record a tarot spread, do try and make the effort.  Record which runes landed face up and face down, what you think each one meant in the context of the reading, and what your general impressions were.  Even if a reading makes no sense to you when you do it, its meaning might become clearer later on, and this will encourage you to pay closer attention to your instincts (even if you are sure you're wrong!).  


Since there are no reliable historical descriptions of runic divination, virtually any method one chooses can be considered valid.  However, certain characteristics of the runes make them better suited to some methods than others.  For example, most runes are carved onto small bits of wood, clay or stone.  These are better designed to be picked up and scattered, rather than being laid out in a specific pattern like the Tarot.  This is verified by descriptions of runic divination in Norse literature, all of which refer to them being 'thrown', 'cast' or 'scattered'.

Some books give upright and reversed meanings for the runes (like Tarot cards).  This is obviously impractical if one is casting the runes, since many will land sideways or at odd angles.  Also, one would think that if this had been the intention of the original creators of the fuþark, they wouldn't have designed so many runes to look the same upright as inverted.  In addition to these practical considerations, there is also the fact that the Norse don't appear to have seen their world in such black and white. Polarising the meanings of the runes in this way, even if those opposites aren't phrased in terms of 'positive' and 'negative', tends limit the range of possible interpretations and ignores the complex and subtle relationships between the different runes in a cast.  

The most important thing, however, is that you feel comfortable with the method you choose.  If you feel the need for a more structured reading than a simple cast provides, devise a pattern for your casting cloth that has some meaning for you to give the reading a more tangible context.  If you find nine or twelve runes to be a bit overwhelming, use three or four.  If you want to just grab a handful and cast them, go right ahead.  The runes themselves should tell you how they want to be read.  Different sizes, shapes and materials lend themselves to different methods, and through meditation and experimentation you should be able to choose a technique that best suits both the runes' 'personality' and your own.  Just make sure your method is consistent.
Most people eventually end up devising their own method of reading, but here are a few to get you started in the meantime:


As you might imagine, this method is designed to provide a quick, concise answer to a specific question.  It can also be used daily as a subject for meditation, or as a general overview of the day before you go to bed.  Think of a specific question,  pull a rune from the pouch and look at it.  The answer may be an obvious yes or no, or the rune might provide a more conditional response.  If the rune you picked seems to make no sense at all as a response to your question, ask another question or try again later.  

2. THE NORNS (or the Three Rune Method)  

This method is helpful in getting an overall fix on a given situation, and providing some idea about a future outcome.  How much information you get out of it will depend on how much time you spend analysing the reading and how well you understand the runes.  Pull one rune and lay it down face up.  This rune represents the first Norn - those events in the past which affect the current situation.  Pull another rune and lay it next to the first.  This is the second Norn - the present situation, which frequently to a choice that needs to be made.  Pull a third and lay it down.  This is the third Norn, and the most difficult rune to interpret.  In some cases it might represent the person's inevitable fate.  In others, it might simply be the end result if the current situation remains unchanged, or even just one of several results.  You must rely on your instincts to decide which is the case.  


This is the method described by Tacitus in 'Germania'.  The method itself is really another variation of the Three-Rune Quickie, with a few ritual details to lend it authenticity.  If you really want to do it right, go out and find a fruit-bearing tree and use the wood to carve your runes fresh each time.  Lay out a white cloth on the floor.  Take all of the runes in your hands and scatter them.  Invoking the aid of Odin, and without looking at the runes, pick three at random.  You may look at them as a group, without considering them in any particular order, or you can pick them one at a time, using the 'Norns' method described above to interpret them.  


This method will give a detailed overview of a person's situation, providing insight into where they are in terms of their spiritual path, clarifying the options and possible outcomes available to them.  Nine is a somewhat arbitrary number - you may use any number that feels comfortable to you.  Nine is commonly used as its multiples were magically significant numbers to the also it is a large enough number to provide a detailed reading, but not so large that it over-complicates things.  It is also easy for most people to hold nine runes in their hands.  

Pick nine runes from the pouch.  Hold them between your hands for a moment, and focus on your question (if you have one).  Then scatter the runes on the table, floor, or cloth if you have one.  Read the runes which land face up first.  These will relate to the current situation and the circumstances, which led to it.  How the runes are read is largely subjective, but in general, runes lying in the centre are the most immediately relevant, while those lying around the edges are less important, or represent more general influences.  Runes that are close together or even touching often compliment each other, or may even represent a single thing, while runes which fall on opposite sides of the pattern frequently represent opposing influences.  Occasionally, a rune will land completely off the cloth or fall off the table.  Some people consider such runes to be particularly significant, while others ignore them completely.

Once you have looked at the runes which landed face up (and remembered which ones they are), turn over the rest without moving them from their positions.  These represent outside or future influences, and will point to possible outcomes.  It is up to you to decide what the various positions and patterns in a reading mean, but once you have come up with a few general rules, try to stick with them. However, rune readings by their nature are fluid, subjective things so try not to impose too much order on your readings by inventing set meanings for every triangle, square and tetrahedron.  Runes are like people - you never know how they will get along together until you introduce them.  Just look at the patterns and relationships that appear in each reading and see what interpretations make sense to you.

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Free Rune reading website

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:26 pm

There is an old website that gives you Rune readings, Tarot and I Ching too.
All for free!

It is fun to learn the meanings of Runes while finding out answers to your questions.

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Runes favorite

Post by Shawnodese » Mon Jul 25, 2005 5:41 pm

I just adore Runes... I have been reading and collecting Runes for over 22 years now. (We've become quite close! lol)... I'd be happy to talk more about Runes with anyone who is interested. They are quite wonderous lil things and have really turned my life around and given me guidance throughout. Even after 22 years... they still teach me new things every day.


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Post by swetha » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:39 pm

hi there,
i dont know much about runes, but have heard that they r very accurate?
y dont u enlighten us?

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More about Runes

Post by Shawnodese » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:04 pm

Hi Swetha!

Yes, Runes are VERY accurate. I haven't had a Rune let me down yet! Now I can say there were times I did not want to ADMIT the Runes were right, but once I got out of my own way I could clearly see they were simply doing their job and guiding me over a rough patch I didn't want to deal with.

Runes are very unique in that they can be used in many ways and I will go into the ways shortly. First its important for those seeking a Rune reading or those interested in learning how to best use them... that you understand the uniqueness of Runes. The Runes were used to portend the journey of a Warrior through battle so they had to be extremely accurate. In todays world we are all Warriors and our journeys and battles that the Runes speak to us about are personal ones. You see unlike the tarot... the Runes do not speak to you of people or places or things around you. The Runes get real up close and personal with you and they delve right into the heart and soul of who you are and where you need help along the way.

Personally, I feel you have to be in a pretty strong place to be able to take some of what the Runes will convey and use it constructively. I have found over the years that proper Rune readings can be very deep and may require two or three readings of the same reading given to get its full meaning.

In addition, Runes have a very special quality that many folks miss out on... they are (again, assuming the reader is well versed) non-denominational... and what I mean by that is that the Runes are very spiritual and speak to the depths of our inner self in a very personal and spiritual way. BUT, each person feels that in a very different way depending on their faith or religion (if any). Being a very diverse person myself, I feel this is an excellent quality for a divination media to have. It makes the Runes accessible to all, unlike some other forms of divination.

As for the ways you can use Runes.... there are many. I seek their wise counsel each day by asking the Runes "what is is I need to know today" and then picking one Rune to guide me through my day. They can also be used to ask yes or no questions. Many folks will make two Runes and place them in a special pouch... one will represent "yes" the other "no" and of course depending on which you pick ... you will have your answer. Then of course there is one of my favorites... the three Rune spread where you have a Rune for the Past, one for the Present and one for the Future... there are several other spreads (some mentioned in this folder) that you can do including a "lifetime" spread which is only done once in a lifetime and maps out your life and your journey. I recommend folks do that one somewhere in the 30's... it seems to be the most useful time to pull that reading (in my experiences with readings).

Certainly there are traditional and more non-traditional ways or reading the Runes and as a reader you would need to decide which path you would want to take. I began learning about Runes through Ralph Blum's books and then let the Runes speak for themselves moving forward. They are quite clever little things and if you let them they can guide you through life and make your experiences in life very rich and rewarding.

A bit long winded here... but I just LOVE talking about Runes... I have around 35 sets of them at this point and I affectionately call them "My babies".

swetha wrote:hi there,
i dont know much about runes, but have heard that they r very accurate?
y dont u enlighten us?

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Post by swetha » Wed Jul 27, 2005 1:37 pm

hello Shawnodese,
do u read for people?

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Post by Shawnodese » Wed Jul 27, 2005 2:55 pm

Hi Swetha!

Yes I do read for folks quite frequently. Although I do charge a nominal fee and I am not sure that is permitted here. I will at times auction off readings when I am not busy with regulars that I read for. I am also proficient in many other forms of divination including Tarot, pendulums, talking boards, crystals & more. I will on occassion for special clients work with jewelry or trinket as well as channeling and Past Life Regression. I am also a Reiki Master/Teacher... so you can see I keep quite busy (with a full time job too! lol). I also teach Divination, Reiki and PLR. What I like to call my "teaching gift" is Reiki. Reiki classes are the one thing I do for free (both on and offline)... although some choose to give gifts for the class which is not necessary but humbly accepted.

Thanks for asking! If you are interested feel free to contact me.

swetha wrote:hello Shawnodese,
do u read for people?

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Post by swetha » Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:12 pm

for starters, u cud tell people about runes and their effectiveness i guess. i am sure u will meet other people here interested in Runes too.

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Post by Shawnodese » Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:25 pm

thanks ... yes I am sure I will find others of interest here as well. Its a very interesting Forum overall and there are many folders I can get involved in... although Runes are my first love.

I'll have to try to find more time to visit all the folders and add more info to this Rune folder as well

have a great day!
swetha wrote:for starters, u cud tell people about runes and their effectiveness i guess. i am sure u will meet other people here interested in Runes too.

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Wanting to know more about Runes!!

Post by fireladywolf4u » Tue Aug 02, 2005 6:23 pm

I have a set of runes that was got for me as a gift and I have not used them although I want to but I feel I need better knowlege of them before using them I also have tarot cards too as well and I get into candle magic and stones I have been told I have several ablities I know I am pre-cog. My runes are made of oak wood and I really like them. I just want better knowlege of them before I get to using them more. What is the best way to better know them? Should I go from the sheets I have and study them one by one and know them better that way with also meditating on them as well?? Or what do you think I should do? I am at a loss here on how to go about this but I know I want to and that I am ready to do this!! But with help and assistiance in knowing how to do it is what I would like, as I go about doing so. As for my tarot cards I have played with them some and I am still trying to get a grip with them and read them well I am still rusty so to say where my cards are conserned. I have done some with the candles as well. Do I need a casting cloth for my runes? If so What does it have to be made of? How big does it need to be? I have not messed with my cards or my candels or stones and or my runes in a while but I know that the time is now and that I need and want to get back to daily doses of them all but want a better grip before doing so. Could you please help me here? Please and Thank You. Also could you and would you do a rune reading for me please as I have never had one done and I am currious as to what one would have in store for me?
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Re: Wanting to know more about Runes!!

Post by Shawnodese » Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:52 pm

Greetings fireladywolf4u!

The best way to get to know the Runes is to start spending time with one Rune a day. Read what your lil book tells you about it... meditate with it and carry it around all day. Get to know that lil Rune VERY well... let it speak to you. It will not always say the same thing either. Not only is it important to see it and read it.. you also have to be able to FEEL it. I have always said each Rune has a pulse and a beat all its own. You just have to key into it to hear it and feel it. When you pull one Rune a day don't just read the info on it meditate for 5 minutes then put it in your pocket and walk around with it all day... be sure that you are re-reading about it all day long whenever you have a chance... then when you meditate the Rune will speak to you all about its qualities. I use to write down what the book had to say and carry the Rune and words with me all day and anytime I had a chance I would read or meditate on it... and feel the cuts in the Rune (I had stone at the time). Let the Rune expand its meaning to you each time you meditate.. it has so much to tell you if you take the time to listen.

I have done this with each Rune several times... and I have also bought many books on Runes and read a great deal about them over the years. There are many schools of though on them and soon you will find a Rune Master that you can follow.

As for Divination of any kind... its just a matter of mastering the object and learning all its secrets. Your intuition will do the rest for you if you listen to it. For instance... lets say you have an animal deck... we all know the major and minor arcana have special meanings.. BUT so too do the animals in your deck. Each animal has a special meaning to send to the person you are reading. Therefore it makes sense you would read up on animals and get to know them and their special messages. Things as simple as color have a great impact on a reading. You may only see a cat in a picture ... but if its a black cat it can have a totally different meaning than a white one. You must learn to see, feel and hear your cards ... draw out the meaning from the cards. There is so much more in them than the meanings printed in those lil books they come with. That is the MARK of a truly good reader... they are able to draw out from the media (as well as the person they are reading..through energy) the information that is important to the person they are reading.

As for a Rune reading.. I would be happy to send you one. I'll need to wait till I am home later tonight to do so as I am at work and would need a more peaceful environment to read from. So if you don't mind waiting till later tonight... I would be honored to read for you.



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Post by tomas » Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:56 pm

Hi fireladywolf4u,

You might want to check out the links I posted in a reply to a post about making runes. The link to it is below. Loads of rune info there, especially the first link, to Sunnyview.



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Thank You So Much this helps me a lot!!

Post by fireladywolf4u » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:37 am

I am new to all this stuff wanting to learn so much more so starting out I have been rather rusty but it comes in and I just do not always make sense of it sometimes so I am now working on this to better get a grip and a gasp on it thank you so much and hope to hear from you again soon I will start this soon now that I know how to go about it. But about the cloth do I need on and if so what kind and how big does it need to be??
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More ?'s on the runes!!

Post by fireladywolf4u » Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:42 am

Hello there Shawn I would love to have you do a rune reading for me I hope that you do not charge me for it as I can not afford that ....but also what is it that you need to know from me what I want to ask the runes to tell me or what??? You let me know or do you just want to see what they have to say to me on thier own?? I know that I have several ablities as I have been told that but I would like to know what they all are and if what I had told you about me and what got me into all this earlier is true as far as I know and sense it any way??? I have been on most of the evening so if you are on here and would like to do that for me (the reading) you can get me on yahoo if you wish to any way. I am here and will be here for a while it is now almost 2 am here where I am at in Ohio. I am a night owl lol. I belive that is all I wanted to say at this time. May you have joy and love in your life and light on your path so that you dreams may always come true.

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Re: Thank You So Much this helps me a lot!!

Post by tomas » Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:54 pm

fireladywolf4u wrote: But about the cloth do I need on and if so what kind and how big does it need to be??

A cloth will give you a 'boundry' for your layout and also keep your runes from dirt and dust. I use a small white one most of the time, actually just a piece of thin ivory colored flannel that fits easily in a pocket. There have been times when I've had my runes with me but not my cloth so I used my handkerchief. LOL A clean handkerchief.




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