A glimspe into a Druid ritual, omens and prayers.

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A glimspe into a Druid ritual, omens and prayers.

Post by Darkfire » Sun Jun 24, 2007 7:07 am

Without going through what the ADF  core ritual form is I will give you parts of what wrote as part of the ritual team:

Opening Prayer:

We come together this night to celebrate the rite of Midsummer, to honor the Kindred and to see the world through the prism of life shining with all perspectives.

Prayer of Sacrifice:

In a world without black and white
Without the limits of day and night,
we stand with one voice and one thought,
We ask for guidance, council and vision.

In our present time of war and change still we stand as one,
One vision, the vision to know, to be blessed with the sight,
We ask for sight, and the restraint to know what to use.

We offer you our service our dedication and our passion to know. A guild of seers will be formed if the omens are favorable for it.

we seek to combine our magic with yours and ask to see the world through the prism of life shining with all perspectives.

We ask this of you now Allseer, you hold the prism of life already.

Would you bestow your blessings upon us? Would you bestow that light on those who wish it?

I drew runes later and here is what I got:


Hail. Tempering, testing, trials. Controlled crisis. While I may not have been with CLG during all of this, I do know of it somewhat, and yah it was bad but those were the tests and these are the gifts.

A challenge or frustration. Psychological blocks to thought or activity, including grievances. Standstill, or a time to turn inward and wait for what is to come, or to seek clarity. Well yes, we are seeking clarity. We are working to break through those blocks, this is more of a 'duh' rune then a insight rune, at least in my mind.

In this case Othala, could be oath, but more importantly group order or propserity. Spiritual heritage and fundamental values. Aid in spiritual journies. The gods answered the call and they are willing to aid us.

I was weary of the omen Halagaz. Halagaz and Isa are bad bad runes and pulled one after the other was a scary thing. Othala smoothed the road and showed the end to all that struggle, that ice, those boundaries and that destruction. The reward for all of us is the aid in our journey. We truly have been gifted.

Grove: Groves are groups of ADF members who meet regularly and celebrate rituals together at least 8 times a year. The heart of ADF, groves provide places of community, worship, and learning.

CLG: cedarlight grove, a hearth, or family, or grove, or coven, it is a grove I am just trying to use words to explain.

ADF: Ár nDraíocht Féin is a Druid Fellowship, an international fellowship devoted to creating a public tradition of Neopagan Druidry.  Not perfect just where I am now.

Kindred: In ADF cosmology there are three Ancestors (like disir), Shining Ones (gods and guides) and Nature Spirits (alfar is one)

--- thoughts, insights, other omens on my omen....feedback....


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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sun Jun 24, 2007 3:35 pm

Well, the future cast is encouraging at least.  The past and present draws make a lot of sense in the current world context.

An interesting rite blending Druidry and Germanic devotions.    This is usually the point I rant about the past, blah blah, but you clearly seem to understand what comes from where so I probably won't do that here :)  Anyway, I've never wanted to give the impression that the runes were only for Asatru an the like kin, only that it is important to understand their roots to better understand their use.  Your sincerity comes through loud and clear in your rites, and the 12% Celtic heritage I possess definitely approves :)

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Post by Darkfire » Sun Jun 24, 2007 11:17 pm

EarlofLeicester wrote:Well, the future cast is encouraging at least.  The past and present draws make a lot of sense in the current world context.

An interesting rite blending Druidry and Germanic devotions.    This is usually the point I rant about the past, blah blah, but you clearly seem to understand what comes from where so I probably won't do that here :)  Anyway, I've never wanted to give the impression that the runes were only for Asatru an the like kin, only that it is important to understand their roots to better understand their use.  Your sincerity comes through loud and clear in your rites, and the 12% Celtic heritage I possess definitely approves :)
ADF Norse is like Norse Light. ADF is a new org. the 80's or so. I am a new ADF member just a year. Asatru for a long time, Wiccan for 6 or so years gave that up wasn't for me. It was the people in Asatru that keep me turning away or being turned away. After all according to some I am but a ;half breed; not ;pure blood; or that I will never be Asatru because I have hailed other gods.  The two cores that ADF pulls their cosmology from is Norse and Celtic. They are really PAN-IE spreading over the Vedics and Slavics as well.  The people in ADF are very different from the Asatru I have met and there are very few pure norse groves out there but as we were discussing today, it's only the language, we can all learn new languages. Oh I never mean to offend or trivialize . Just offering a glimpse of my life to the new friends and wonderful people here. I came home did a blot to Odin for a friend dealing the fact she thinks Hermes claimed her but Odin is standing there, well if you look cross cultures as Hermes is Mercury and then Odin...it is a stretch but the construct is there....I do my own thing and am inserting more and more of my language in the grove which I belong.

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Post by MoonGoddess » Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:18 am

I myself do not stick traditionally to just Norse teachings but mix in what I have learnt from other cultures as well.  I guess if I was born totally Norse and not Australian which is a mixture of everything then I would follow more closely to Norse traditions.  I mostly mix Norse and Celtic traditions as I believe that is where my heritage lays.  I do not belong to a grove I am a solitary as I have never fitted in any where, and don't seemed to be able to shut my mouth when others are being bullied or myself.  So I stumble along my lonely path and if I can teach others then I have been successful...lol.  I do admit though that the times that I have participated in ritual magic or meditation with other it has been more powerful.

To me if you look across most cultures you will find that the gods and Goddess have the same duties so it would make sense to me that they are one in the same but known by different names and images by others.

Any who that is an insight on how I do stuff, not much tradition in it but a lot of emotion and feeling...lol

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