Please Help. Did the hand chakra exercise, hands are now very hot, what did I do?

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Please Help. Did the hand chakra exercise, hands are now very hot, what did I do?

Post by gothicdragon63 » Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:00 pm

Ok here's the run down. I went and did the hand chakra exercise and the feeling between my hands was very tangible, thought wow not bad.

This was within the last half hour, my hands are now very hot and putting cool things on them isn't cooling them down. What happened, what have I done, how do I get them cool again?

PLEASE help, it is bordering on the uncomfotable side.  :smt107

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Post by Gem » Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:51 pm

That is actually a very good reaction :) nothing wrong except you have really stimulated the blood flow and your palm chakras.

What I would recommend is to visualise (imagine) the energy going back into your hands, up your arms and then down through all of your chakras and as it does let it flow where it wants to, this might be to a problem area, a stiff back or a sore tooth, wherever that extra energy wants to go let it. It will wander through and fizz up everything. Then gradually visualise it all going back down through your body and your legs and out through the soles of your feet chakras into the earth to be used again. You may feel quite energised or very drowsy, its hard to figure out which because I don't know anything of your current conditions and situation. But that should help. Then if you can take a shower and let the water run down over your body and down the plughole, this will earth and ground you back into reality. If you can't take a shower a cold running tap over your palms and hands and lower arms and ideally your feet too, or take off shoes and socks and paddle or walk on ground, not concrete or carpet but real ground, the Earth lol. And drinks lots of water too :)

Next time we need to take it slower.  Will pm you and make sure you are ok :)

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Post by gothicdragon63 » Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:42 pm

Oh Gem you are a gem :-). Thank you, I was close to freaking out a bit there. Thank you also for your PM.

I have decided to post my reply here on the off chance someone else does what I did. No use learning something if you can't pass it on to someone else, imo :-)

It was certainly an experience. I always have warm hands, even in the coldest of weather but they were almost too hot to handle. When I read your post I did what you suggested, the feeling was really incredible. I felt heat going up both my arms and radiate over my shoulders and then I felt a lot of heat in my pelvic area. I followed the rest of your instructions and went outside and I felt the heat running down my legs and into my feat, it actually lingered there, on the tops, a bit before I couldn't feel it anymore. After that I went and had a shower. To say I feel alive and invigorated at the moment would be almost an understatement, considering it is 2.32am here in Aus, and I was just about to close computer down and go to bed, too much reading making me tired lol. The other thing I have noticed is that the constant pain I have in my shoulders isn't there nor is the aching in my lower back, I really do feel ALIVE rather than drained and weighted down. As I said, it trully was an experience and sitting here now a very enjoyable one :-).

I would like to ask, if that is alright, do animals feel this energy? I ask this because almost as soon as I hit the submit button Sheiki, my cat, came over mewling and rubbing at my legs, I gave her a quick pat and she went away again. After I did all that you suggested and was going to the shower she woke from the chair and meowed at me, it almost was like she was trying to talk to me (hope this doesn't sound crazy lol), and when I spoke to her she lay back down and went back to sleep, while I was in the shower. There is a picture of Shieki in the general forum, I think, under "here kitty kitty". I have always had the feeling that I am hers and not the other way around.

Hope I haven't rambled too much. ((THANK YOU)) for your guidence I really appreciate it :-)

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Post by Gem » Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:45 pm

What a fantastic reply!  You are obviously a very energetic and talented lady, perhaps you don't realise it fully yet though lol. We will have to try some more and work on your control I think?

Animals..... yes they do feel the energy, and cats especially seem to be intune...... I used to spend a lot of my time working with ill treated and sick animals, in rehab, caring for them, and taking them in off the street, so I have used many forms of different energy healing on many different animals to help them get better. Obviously the most well known is reiki, then there are others such as Seichim and Shiatsu, Qi Gong and TTouch and other therapies.

With animals, lets take our pets first here, if they are unwell the first thing we should always do is off to the vet to have them checked out. Once we have a diagnosis then we can start to help in our own way. Be it crystals, herbs or energy therapy :)

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Post by gothicdragon63 » Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:01 pm

Thank you I have been feeling "not myself" lately if that makes any sense, maybe that is why, I need to start refining things? Control? Yes definately :-D. After all is said and done it was an amazing experience, once I knew what was going on and things settled down again lol.

I wonder then if I have had this energy for pretty much all my life. I have a great repor with animals and they seem to just come to me for pats and cuddles, gladly given I might add :-). A lot of older animals, looking back on it, are the ones that come to me and younger ones just hang around to play. My girlfriends dog bypassed her tonight, when we went home from her shop, and came straight to me, she almost gave me a bear hug (really snuggled into me), she is still very young, 6 or 7 months but going through her first season. Mmmm am I reading too much into this, is a bit confusing lol.

I always will take my girl to the vet if she is sick, mind you she hasn't been in the 6 years we have been together *touches wood and gives a pat* :-).

Oh and I figured why the heat stayed in my foot before dispersing. I have the startings of tinea, which I shall get oinment for later on today, and since releasing my foot hasn't been at all itchy. (Not a nice subject I know but just so you know the whole of what happened tonight)

Thanks again

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Post by Gem » Sun Jun 10, 2007 3:27 pm

That is so interesting about your foot, you self treated yourself with the energy!  You have to carry this on and experiment and explore more.  You might like to read my blog about energy :)

And maybe we should have a thread about animals...

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hand chakras

Post by scorpiobkd » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:30 am

I went through some strange things when I first noticed my hand chakras.
It began with an itching, then a burning, then the feeling that certain symbols were on the palm of my hand. Due to religious references, it freaked me a little.
At some point I began to feel that the left was a receiver of energy and the right was a sender. I have heard this can vary, but either way I would not wish it back.
I have noticed that certain crystals will amplify the energies.
I like rutalated quartz. If you put one in each hand you can bounce energy between them.
I also like the crystal they call “natural pyramids”. I am not sure of the actual name, but they amplify your energy.
When these chakras woke up, I spent some time wondering if I was nuts, and had a lot of fun experimenting on picking up the energies around me with the receiving one.
I strongly suggest checking out the eastern tattvas.
To me they are the language the other side speaks with. They probably have many meanings. The receiving hand can also give a lot of info with tarot.
This started for me about 2 years ago, and I still have not figured it out.
It a beautiful and scary ride though.
I suggest checking into the terms ureaus and kundallini. If you are not already dealing with that, they are probably next.

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animals and energy

Post by scorpiobkd » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:43 am

I have been around animals after my chakras started to act up, and I have felt that birds speak from the throat area, and big cats speak with the area right above the solar plexus. I have no clue what that really means, but I feel energy vibrations in different areas with some creatures.
Has anyone experimented with this? I am wondering if any of you have found a way to read this.
This started after I experimented with Wild Earth vibrational animal essence.
It does something, but I don't know what.


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Post by Gem » Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:00 am

Animals have a totally different chakra system to us, some have more some have less most four legged have at least one more main chakra the Braachial chakra that governs their movement and coordintation, strength and instincts.

The 'natural pyramind' that enhances reiki is Apophyllite, it has a unique crystalline matrix of 4 sides unlike most that have 6.

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Post by gothicdragon63 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:00 pm

Sorry I haven't been on since last Saturday, I kinda got ordered to go away for a few days by my best friend. She certainly knows when I need a break :)  It has been great, relaxing and laughing and not having to worry about the day to day tediousness lol. I am feeling exceptionally energised and ready for my son to come home this Saturday and to get stuck back into my studies.

Now back to the topic.
Gem wrote:That is so interesting about your foot, you self treated yourself with the energy!  You have to carry this on and experiment and explore more.  You might like to read my blog about energy :)

And maybe we should have a thread about animals...
:) I was talking to my friend about this and decided to show her what I meant about my hands heating up, so did the Charkra test again (not as vigourously as the first time though :smt003) and then put my hands over hers. She exclaimed she could feel the heat coming off them and a little later she mentioned that her neck wasn't aching like it had been. I shall definately read your blog about energy and a thread about animals sounds very interesting. Will have a look around and see what I can come up with.
scorpiobkd wrote:I strongly suggest checking out the eastern tattvas. I suggest checking into the terms ureaus and kundallini.
Thanks scorpibkd, I shall check it out.

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