Is it safe to have always all the chakras open.

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Is it safe to have always all the chakras open.

Post by Wildcard » Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:42 am

Hi I want to know if it is safe to always have all of your Chakras open like the 3rd eye? :smt017

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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:12 am

yes and it is reccomended.

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Post by Gem » Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:57 am

Thats an interesting point of view Dragonknight? Many would say the exact opposite. and say keep them partially closed so that the input of information is slowed at night, or in a crowded place etc.

Wildcard, ask a thousand people and get a thousand different answers.... what do you feel?

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Post by dhav » Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:08 pm

yea Wildcard each one his experience and ideas as Gem said.Do what u feel good for you.i think DragonKnight meant for his case he can handle his energies points effectively as he is strong enough to keep his chakraas open.For a beginner it would be diificult.It's suggested that you close them after having worked with them you you are starting these things right now.Later if u see you can handle it in puclic you can.It will be a gradual process for anyone.

dhav ;-)

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Post by Wildcard » Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:22 am

Ok thanks but how do I keep them partially closed so that the input of information is slowed at night, or in a crowded place etc.


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Post by TuomasT » Thu Mar 06, 2008 4:44 pm

Here's how I experience and understand this subject:

In an ideal situation all the chakras are open and awake 24/7. It's the natural immortal state of being. The more active your chakras are more alive, energetic and awake you are. This is why I understand that some say that they should be partially closed at times. If you want to be unnoticed in a crowded place, it's better to hide some of your light. If your chakras are very open/awake you radiate a lot of light. Others will notice this and become attracted to you.  About sleeping: If your energy level is very high it's naturally difficult to sleep. Some people seems to be saying that sleep is not necessary when you are enlightened enough. But as far as you're not as enlightened your body really needs some rest and it's obviously wise thing to slow your energy down a bit when you're starting to sleep. At the same time it should be noted that as your energy levels rises you need less sleep.

How to keep chakras partially closed? You energize your chakras with your mind by placing thought into them. Less you place your thought into a chakra less energized it becomes. Chi-kung practitioners say that chi goes where the mind goes.

About the 3rd eye: I would advice to keep the 4th (pituitary) eye with the heart (thymus) center activated all the time instead, it will naturally activate the 3rd eye as a side effect.

It should be understood that your state of being affects those around you and this is why you should actually radiate love and life as a free gift to all, all the time. In case you care about happiness, health and well-being of other living things. Keeping the pituitary and thymus activated you will radiate love, light and life. It's the old "if your eye is healthy your body is full of light" thing that Jesus spoke about.

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Post by bybybybyon » Sat Nov 15, 2008 9:45 pm

Only when you know you've mastered ur opening and closing of chakras at soft will; or else, this is actually not recommended. There are some exercises to close the chakra that is really important

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Post by Wildcard » Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:45 am

Please can you tell me what are the exercises to close the chakras?

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Chakra energy work....

Post by Rev_Vesta » Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:12 pm

Interesting topic............

inregards to Chakras being opened/closed a bit of misuse of words   Chakras should be balanced....realigned.........there are different issues related to different levels within each Chakra..... Advanced Chakra work discusses the work of Peter Binder.....Three major Energetic systems........
Temporal, Existential and Foundational Systems.....

Temporal system only uses 5 Chakras from Solaris, Heart, Throat, Inner Eye Crown Chakras.......
The Dreaming Attention Center,
Past, Present , future Chakras,
Sense Objects Chakras-nose, eyes, ears, mouth.....




Right Companion- The Solar Level One Right Companion generates a basic need for sex as a form of self-expression, and derives satisfaction and grounding from sexual activity.. If blocked it can lead to sexual repression, or frigidity and consequent feelings of anger and disconnectedness. If over-developed or unbalanced by a blockage of the left companion it can lead to sexual obsession............

The Heart Chakra..... if blocked can lead to hurting oneself on an emotional level, closing yourself to loving others........
                               if too stimulated can lead oneself to giving too much of self, recieving too much info through heart, recieving others hurts, truamas as own hurts, traumas.....and can be quite overwhelming.......

The third eye- if blocked can close yourself off to psychic abilties... if too stimulated can make things happen to open to Spirit, psychic vibanrations etc    overwhelming, tiring, draining.......

being grounded does not mean you are closed off, it means you are balanced........

Read beginners Guide to Chakras by David Pond... or Doreen Virtues Chakra clearing...........

There are also many other Chakra books available ........for meditations to work with your Chakras........CD's are also available  by Doreen Virtue, Artemis, Toni Salerno, Simonette Vaja........and many others........

Something to start with............

"sit quietly or lie, close eyes.......breathe slowly inhale, exhale................feel each part of your body begin to relax............
then begin by seeing your Root Chakra. see the colour.... see the ball deepen the colour, see it turning bright red.........

Sacral Chakra- Bright Orange

Solar Plexus- Yellow

Heart- Green

Throat- blue

Third Eye- Violet

Crown- White

Once all Chakras are bright in colour.........visualize all Chakras become balanced  do not close off the Chakras completely.......
bring them down to their balanced state.... collect all the xtra energy and bring it through your hands to a ball between your hands.........hold it, transmute it to a purple colour........then bring it above your heads and flick it into the Universe  "for the good of all, so mote it be!"

Then surround yourself with white and golden light.............

Hope helps.........

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How do you know ?

Post by phoenixmorgan » Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:59 pm

besides dowsing or kirlain how do you know whether they are open or closed and by how much ?

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Post by decentgal » Thu Apr 02, 2009 4:12 am

thanks for the replieS.its really helping .

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All chakras

Post by karel2121 » Sun Aug 09, 2009 5:54 pm

Gheranda samhita seys, that people cannot open all chakras in one life.
Opening a one chakra takes for many years. So is recomended, doing peacefull Ajna chakra and next time do kontemplation for a one chakra
what powers - siddhis- do you want to get. For many years.  In Gheranda samhita is recomended opening chakra Anahata .So you may extend your life and next create immortal spiritual body for  correcting deficiencies reincarnation. See eastern Alchemy in book The secret of the  golden flower, by Richard Willhelm and Carl Gustav Jung.

See you Shiva samhita, Gheranda samhita,
A.Avalon; Sat chakra narupana, Paduka panchaka, The serpent power.

What is prezented usually like opening chakras is only a cleaning for output of Kundalini - The serpent power and make it yogins they want selfdestruction in paramatman (nirvana)

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Post by blackspring » Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:29 pm

TuomasT, that was one of the best posts I have read! I actually copied and pasted it into a word file to print it out and keep those words near me.

I especially liked your words near the end: "It should be understood that your state of being affects those around you and this is why you should actually radiate love and life as a free gift to all, all the time."

I will do my best to send my free gift out into the universe. Thanks for such inspiration!

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Post by Lorina » Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:48 am

hi, my name is lorina.
this is what I do to calm down the inner stars.
sit on the floor with your back straight and the tail bone touching the floor as much as possible. the lotus position is the one to use for this.
put your hands in your lap or resting on you knees close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing.  breathe all the air out of your lungs first and then breathe in all the air your lungs can hold.  let the air out slowly through your  mouth and in through your nose sinuses permitting. concentrate on your breathing and think good thoughts bless the universe and mankind while you are at it.  soon just feel the stars close from the top of your head to your root chakra. keep mindful of your breathing and let your mind slow down after about ten repititions it should. you will feel better I promise.
in loving kindness lorina.
please be advised you close the star the way you open them. through breathing and meditating on it. it takes a while to really open and develope those stars.....  meditate and breathe it will come.

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Post by AlexandraWilliams » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:51 am

Additionally, your chakras are very smart.  They will not open all at once as they know that the energy rushing in would be overwhelming and you would not be able to handle it.  In this way, they will work to open at the necessary moments.

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